Hello everyone
I’ve been applying to some part time seasonal jobs, as my long distance boyfriend and I have plans to visit for a while in just a few months, so I do not want to commit to something I will have to quit soon.
I am absolutely fucking terrified. I’m kinda on a time limit to secure something so what if no one hires me? What if I fail? What if I’m a disappointment to everyone around me?
I actually have a phone interview tomorrow so I really hope that works out.
I almost thought about backing out and quitting the job search for now but that makes me feel like an absolute failure. I know that I need to force myself. I know that I will come out of this a less anxious person.
I know that it’s normal to be scared for your first job, I know you get used to it after a few days, just like starting high school. So many things have been stressing me out lately on top of this and I just feel miserable. I’m tired of feeling like this. How the hell can I cope? I feel ill typing this. I don’t know what to do with myself. The fear is almost constant and I don’t have an appetite.