last week and today were very hard for me. I’m living with my ex and he started dating someone. It’s a very complicated situation where I feel paralyzed and can’t seem to find the strength to move out. Depression seems to hold me back plus the newly breakup. Any advise on how to come out of this?
what do you do when you want to get a... - Anxiety and Depre...
what do you do when you want to get a grip instead of crying all the time?

My heart goes out to you and your situation. Yours is an extremely tough place to be. What I think you might need is some physical space apart from the situation in general, do you have any family or friends you could stay for a brief period of time so you can maybe get enough breathing room to start looking for another living situation?
To be in a space that constantly reminds you of a lost relationship seems like real torture if you’re already struggling.
I don’t think there ever should be an expectation for anyone to just “get a grip” because we all require the space an time to heal that we require. You cannot rush that. But you don’t need to suffer needlessly.
Thanks a lot for responding, I tried to stay with a friend for about a week then felt very sad and was crying before work. After work. So I came back home. I do have relatives. I appreciate your response and hope you are doing well
Muddling through the beginning of my day, trying to build my confidence to get on a zoom call later today, trying to land an official job interview. It’s pretty hard because I feel so useless, but that’s mostly the depression talking.
Hi how did your interview go?
It went well! I have the next (and probably final?) Round this coming Monday. I am confident about it but at the same time I’ve never been confident about anything professionally related in my life so I am freaking out/over thinking about it. Haha - god i am such a mess in my head 😂