Hi everybody I haven't shared anything in quite some time but I feel the need to vent tonight. And I'm going to vent about the same things as usual. The other day I turned 24. I don't even know how I'm 24. My life has been put on hold so long that I can't catch up. Time passes and I never change. I'm still in my childhood bedroom. I can't get a job. I have no friends. Never had a real relationship. I have no money for anything important I need. I do what I'm supposed to to earn my keep in this dysfunctional household but I feel like I am trapped. I want to learn to drive, work and take care of myself and move out of here so very bad. I want real connections. But it's been impossible to achieve anything. My anxiety has been destroying my life. I fight and it fights me back harder. I really feel like I will never be able to grow up. It makes me have this horrible empty feeling in my heart like I am left behind and forgotten. My life feels pointless and I so badly want people who care about me. Everything would feel better if I could finally get my shit together but every year I am in the same situation. It feels suffocating, isolating, and shameful. I just want to know if there's any hope.
24th birthday and depression - Anxiety and Depre...
24th birthday and depression

Yes there is hope... All you can do is hang in there don't give up try ur best every day it will get better in time ππβ€οΈ
I do think there's hope, even when it feels like there's no light at the end of the tunnel, as cheesy as it sounds. I can't say when things will get better, but just doing whatever you can little by little everyday can help you inch towards it. Happy late birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday to you. Though I know it doesn't mean much to you because of how you feel. I understand though. I was once in your place. My anxiety really impacted my teens and 20s. Never got to go to highschool or college and get those experiences that people talk about like prom or get a degree. I wondered all the time if I was just a waste of space.
But then something changed. Maybe it was because my mom found the right counselor for me. And my mom started to see I had real issues and made peace with it. Because before she felt I wasn't trying my best. And was in denial about my anxiety. And I guess another part was I got tired and angry. So I started to push myself a little more out of my comfort zone. I eventually learned to drive and got my license at 24. My mom found a system that would work for me. Driving late at night like 3am. Hardly any traffic and just around my neighborhood. Eventually I started taking the car by myself to a 24hr gym I joined. Then when I felt confident enough, I took the test and passed on my first try.
Then I found a boyfriend online and started a long distance relationship. Now we are living together.
I used to worry about the clock so much. And at times I still do. But I have to realize time is relative. You aren't anybody's time clock. Things happen when you get the right people in your corner. Like you I had no friends until I joined a fan forum. I met one person from there that happened to live in the same city as me. We been friends now for over 18yrs+. Most of the friends I made were from that online forum. I'm still friends with them till this day. It's kind of funny because these are the best relationships I've had with people. I never had that when I was in school. Sure, I guess got a long with people. But I never made an impact enough were people wouldn't forget about me. Plus I never had many connections because I was too smart for my area. But the friends I e made online. They were from different states and countries. But they truly got me. And I've met a couple of them in real life. Took some time but it was my time. So I wouldn't give up on hope. Sometimes there is a way.
Wishing you find that light at the end of that tunnel β€οΈπ« I truly mean this Happy Belated Birthday π
Happy Birthday, I'm sorry you have been having a tough time. I do believe there is always hope that things can get better, things can change for the better even when you don't see it yet. You just keep trying in anyway you can to improve the things or change the things you want in your life. I know it's just coming from me but your life isn't pointless. You matter. I do hope things get better for you in time.
I do believe that.
I feel at times like this too. I don't have friends either besides my brother but he gets busy but he does make time when he can to hang.
My social phobia and agoraphobia doesn't let me get out much or at all. But I'm hopeful, I do things here and there to improve myself the best I can. I'm just saying there's hope, honestly. Well I hope things get better soon. Just hang in there and take it day by day. I hope all the best. π
"And I'm going to vent about the same things as usual."
& That's OK.
" I don't even know how I'm 24. My life has been put on hold so long that I can't catch up."
I've been a late bloomer myself for many different reasons. (too many to list here)
^ I understand the thoughts that come with that too.
" I want to learn to drive, work and take care of myself and move out of here so very bad. "
But what I want to say is this..
If you try taking all of that and some of the other things that you wrote, and tried working on them all at once. You're probably going to feel overwhelmed.
In my opinion, it's best to work on one at a time.
Find what you think is the easiest to work on, and go from there.
What works for me is to either write things down on paper, and basically try to "brainstorm" on how to get to that goal.
& If you have nothing to brainstorm "ATM", that's perfectly fine. You may not have the answers for that day, or there's us that can possibly help. (like some of the people here in this thread already have)
Cl3v3r-G1rl, has written some really good advice of what worked for her.
Here.. I'm going through some stuff lately myself, and I can tell you that it's easy for me to get overwhelmed too.
But if you can find a way to break things down into separate categories, and then try to "brainstorm" ideas on how to get to that goal, you might find a way to figure out what works for "you". (but list everything that you want to work on, and start working on the easiest thing - you're looking for any type of positivity or momentum at the moment, and I get it)
Hopefully what I just typed up with everything I rambled on about above helped a little, but either way, we are here for you.
Happy belated Birthday π. , oh to be 24 again lol