I’m so sorry for all these posts. I know I post way too much. I was getting ready for bed and I started thinking about how fearful I am of being sick. Not just throwing up, but any kind of sickness. My thoughts spiraled. I started thinking about how any day I could get sick, and what that might feel like/look like (being stuck in my apartment all alone for a few days). Now I’m pretty anxious.
thoughts weighing heavy tonight - Anxiety and Depre...
thoughts weighing heavy tonight

Hi Daisy425, why are you worried about getting sick?

I hate feeling sick and being alone. I’m also so afraid of throwing up. This sounds so dumb but I’ve had stomach aches all this week. I think from stress. I was laying down today and had a full pain in my lower right abdomen and now am worried it’s appendicitis. The pain has gone away, but I think I’m just in a heightened state of anxiety
I’m sorry to hear this. I had my appendix removed. Your pain would be very unbearable if that’s the case. Do you have a heating pad you can put on your stomach? It would ease your stomach as well as help you relax.. Or a hot towel. Anxiety can really mess with your stomach. I read you’re having problems eating. Is this something new for you? Remember deep slow breathing. Can you listen to music or watch something on Tv to calm your nerves. Any distractions help me.

It’s hard to eat because I don’t want to throw up. The pain has gone away thankfully and now I’m watching a show. I’m sorry about your appendix!
Maybe try some crackers or something small. Chicken noodle soup … small amounts. I don’t have any experience with this particular fear but I do know a lot about fear in general. Realize that if you throw up you WILL be okay. I imagine this can be very frightening for you. I’m here if you need to talk.

Thank you so much I really appreciate it!
Yes it's most likely not appendix related And anxiety related . Its good that you can acknowledge the fact its anxiety
you don’t need to apologize daisy, you’ve got anxiety and this is where you can get help. it’s good to read your posts and it’s good for others to try and help and guide and support you. it’s why we are all here. I think if you accepted that you were going to worry or be anxious about getting sick then you’d welcome the anxious feelings and allow them to run their course. It’s not easy living with anxiety. there may be some coping strategies that you could work with. breathing techniques or just a hot shower. the power of distraction is great. we are always here for you.
emetophobia is the fear of throwing up ….it’s a kinda health anxiety thing but I’m sure you recognise this
hey Daisy, please don’t apologize. The group is there for sharing and I suggest you keep on sharing how you feel.. we all are there for you. Keep us posted
Omg I've started meditation that suppresses my immune system and that's all I can think about. Even though my kids have a cold right now and I've not even caught it? What is that about? Are the doctors making it up?

I am so glad you haven’t caught it!!