I have decided to share more details about my situation so that perhaps this can help others too, and we can learn ways to cope from each other.
I will go from now through 12 following days of being in a very vulnerable and lonely state that I know I can't handle totally on my own. I need to feel I connect with this community - where some of you have already showed me your support. Knowing that I'm really not alone in this reduces my symptoms and calms me down until I learn better ways to cope with it.
I have crippling anxiety, panic, deep fear given my life circumstances. I'm unemployed and I don't have anyone around, except for my brother that comes to see me once a week. I have no purpose and see no future for myself. My anxiety, worries and catastrophic thoughts and loneliness are eating me alive. My doctor and therapist are on holiday while I'm in crisis, I can only contact them in an emergency. I could contact my doctor two days ago and he suggested to increase Zoloft which I did.
I'm in such anxious state that I struggle to even go to the grocery shop and eat OK.
I know I need to do things and it's not good for me to stay in bed but it's hard to do this things when you're this hopeless state.
I'd appreciate any forms of support, success stories, specific coping skills to try during this time, insight, someone to speak to during these days regularly.
I'm grateful I'm part of this community.