Problems. Worries. Things to do. Too many and anxiety has a silver dart with your name on it.
Last Christmas my great grandsons came to see me. Don't see them that often, they live up north, but they know me well enough to know I'm not Darth Vader's representative on Earth. Specially when we play the find the candy bar game. But it was exhausting.
Once they were gone I acquired bronchitis. For two weeks I sat and slept in an armchair, it helped with the coughing. But I quite liked it. Nothing to do, nothing to worry about for two whole weeks. Everything would have to wait, everything could wait, no need to feel guilty. It was the most serene and stress free fortnight in living memory, not even a trace of that first thing in the morning low.
Anxiety disorder doesn't just happen for no reason. It happens because we think we have too many problems and can't cope. So we crash.
Maybe we underestimate ourselves. We're better at sorting problems and things to be done than we think. It's deadlines that get in the way and make us panic. So maybe slow down, is that deadline really necessary? So what if the ton of leaves the Oak tree sheds aren't cleared in January. February will do.
I think we have to learn to say No more often and mean it. We'll make a good job of it but someone will have to wait. What's the hurry?
Turning down the pressure distances us from high anxiety. It can give us more 'me time' doing things that make us happy. Remember happy?
No need to let anxiety disorder be a self inflicted injury.
Acknowledgements to Jack Vettriano.