Well, I was doing great for a month or 2… Anxiety came back today. I haven’t had an attack due to my Zoloft (75mg), but I feel extremely uncomfortable and afraid. Had this “deja vu” feeling for 3 days and I felt like I was losing my mind. It slowed down this evening, but the anxiety keeps coming back in different forms. I keep questioning if things are real, even though I know they are… Just making me overthink and obsess. I keep trying to gauge my anxiety as well. I’ve been without my klonopin (.5mg) for a few weeks. I get it refilled the 29th. I wonder if that is what is causing this…? Can anyone relate to what I’m feeling?
Anxiety is Back…: Well, I was doing... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety is Back…

I was congratulating myself about how well I was doing. Which didn't mean I was over the stressful incident. I just thought I was and even was chuckling about it. But my daughter brought up the expression that she hoped I was through "stewing". Well I had been under a lot of stress, and reacted by talking a lot when she took me out to brunch. I could tell she was annoyed So I tried to explain myself to her and convince her that I was okay, a very defensive reaction. The problem I was trying to solve lasted all day Thursday. I slept all day Friday and most of Saturday and Sunday, completely exhausted mentally and physically. And I found out today the problem had not been solved after all. I still had to make more of an effort today. I don't feel I am doing a very good job of communicating either with my daughter or the people I am dealing with to solve a problem , and I am depressed now and isolated. But not isolated from my own thoughts. Hoping I will be better tomorrow.
sounds like benzo withdrawal ….how long have you been taking the klonopin?
I’ve been taking klonopin for many years. Slowly tapering. Used to be on 2mg, after a few years I stopped at .5mg. I ran out a few weeks ago and I think that’s what I’m experiencing.
definitely….i had all that going on myself….I was addicted to benzos for years …valium here in the uk .lose all sense of reality when you have to go without abruptly .you get so used to having them as a crutch as you know ….29 isn’t too long away…only 3 more sleeps 🤔…best of luck
Hi: I've used Klonopin .5 off and on for several years. Whenever I feel really anxious I take one and I make it a point not to take one every day. I was on Xanax for a really long time and I weaned myself off and I was young like you when I started to take it. I don't feel any withdrawal side effects from taking Klonopin the way I take it now. Maybe you feel extra anxious because you know you don't have anything to soothe you. Klonopin soothes me and I will take it occasionally even though the doctors don't want me to take it because I'm older. I hope you feel better soon.