One of my favorite books is a book called “It’s ok that your not ok”. The book is all about grief and loss, though whats unique about it is it has parts to help people through their own grief. It affirms your feelings and gives wonderful advice about things to do to support yourself during the grief process.
The book also contains an amazing section on what you can do to support people going through it. I initially found the book and read it because I wanted to help some friends through the loss of one of their friends.
In the book it talks about grief support groups. The author is a therapist who witnessed her husband drown. She went to these groups and it was validating and helped to be around people who understood.
I want to start a support group in person or on zoom for people in my area. My question is, what would a meeting look like to you? What would help? This wouldn’t be specifically about people going through grief (though I wouldn’t discourage them) but through depression and anxiety. What would an ideal meeting like this look like to you? What would help? I’ve always imagined it as almost looking like an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, but am wanting your advice on how to make it better! Or possibly a different format completely! I can’t think of anyone else more qualified to give advice on this than you guys! Please give me as much advice as you can! I want to help people, I know everyone is hurting in their own way and I want to help!
All of you are doing wonderful and I’m very happy to be part of this community! Thank you for everything!!!