Well, this is interesting. I don't think I have ever joined one of these groups but I figure it can't hurt. I just don't want any weirdos reading this but I figure that there are others out there who are suffering as well and maybe I can be a support or receive good advice from those who have been dealing with anxiety for a while.
My First Support Group: Well, this is... - Anxiety and Depre...
My First Support Group

Hi and Welcome cherryblossombreeze
In order to keep your post safe and in this community, it is best to "lock" your
posts. You will find the option at the bottom of the page when posting. Giving
you a choice of anyone or community only.
I'm so glad that you choose our HU Anxiety/Depression Support. I have gotten
through many years of Anxiety as well as 5 years of Agoraphobia. I always knew
I would be able to reach my goal. With a lot of work and research, medication and
therapy and now meditation, I have reached my goal and am here to pass my success
forward. We're here for each other by sharing our own personal journey with anxiety and
other mental health issues.
I wish you well as you have joined a caring and understanding group of virtual friends xx
I ditto Agora
Well said
Welcome CherryBlossomBreezeg

Thanks Craig. From the first time you came onto this site, I knew
we were on the same page. Have a good evening my friend. xx
Ya know . I try my best to , like you , to pass along my experiences. My many mistakes are invaluable in knowing of what not to do to find the relief I have acheived. We both have come through a lot.
I really like how you always expressed positivity, along with intelligent problem solving.
I believe people should pay close attention to what you have to say
Ok enough snappiness
'Well, this is interesting. I don't think I have ever joined one of these groups but I figure it can't hurt."
First and foremost welcome to this group.
This is a good and supportive community here.
"I just don't want any weirdos reading this"
As stated above, make sure that you lock your post.
Otherwise.. What you say here, will be found on the internet. (if you don't lock your post up, which can still be edited if you so choose)
If you lock your post up, then the majority of your post stays with this community.
Hi welcome aboard just wondering what you meant by saying weirdos reading your post. the post isn`t locked so just about anyone in the world could stumble on it.
Welcome to the community! This is a place of love and compassion.
I have suffered with anxiety and depression for 25 + years and been on anti depressants all that time.I am generally ok but 7 months ago I had a fall no hospital support and i finally get the MRI scan on 6th March then xray 11 march aswell as CT scan.
Finding out I have had a fractured knee and injuried my meniscus.
Fracture clinic on Tuesday then back for physio.
I have already told the orthopedic dr in Accident and emergency i dont want an operation.
Worst case senario if i refuse surgery is being left with a slight limp and probably get arthiritis.
Well cut a long story short.
My anxiety has reared its ugly head, I am worried about so many things, Money : my job as a carer.
Somebody please tell me that there is light at the end of the tunnel?
Anyone with a similar story where the outcome has been positive?
I need to know I am making the right decision.
Somebody please reply.xx
Hi Bartz, they can't make you get surgery. If somebody tries to then I would call the police. I think there are lots of knee rehab things out there you can do that could help. I really like the kneesovertoes guy on youtube. I hope you recover quickly ☮️
Hi LoveforAll41,
Thank you so much for your reply.
Who is this guy you speak of?
I have fracture clinic on Tuesday 02 April, hopefully then go back to physio.
Physio cancelled my upcoming appointment until scans and xray were completed.
I had a fractured knee and meniscus injury due to a fall.
Fracture has healed but not how it should of: aligned.
Its just the Meniscus that is taking time to heal.
NHS have only just seen me since 29 February.
I had accident 22 September last year.
I have literally done my own recovery and rehabilitation .
I feel so let down by our NHS.
Sorry for long reply.
Many thanks and look forward to your reply.
Best wishes,
If you are still employed you should be able to apply for an FMLA FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE. I don’t know where your from, but I’m from Massachusetts and I applied for one when I had my heart attack. I would check into it. It takes awhile to get approved , but worth checking into. They have leaves to apply for through your job and state medical leaves . Check in both of them. Hope it helps!! Good Luck!!
Oh and NOBODY can make you do ANYTHING you don’t want to do. 💕
Hi cherryblossom and welcome!
Thank you so much! I definitely appreciate it and am looking forward to exploring and checking things out. Do you have any recommendations on how to use this platform the most efficiently? I guess I'll figure it out with time.