Well, Hera, you have been putting irritating obstacles in Kevin's path all week, you even had him accosted by teenagers and made him the target of an aggressive driver, but Kevin shrugged it off and had a nice day at Wompatuck. You have got to be more creative to get under the skin of a man the likes of Kevin. Kevin has had a long hard life, and he has coping skills for dealing with daily BS. What more should I have done Zeus? Watch the Master at work. I know how men like Kevin think. When he tries to mix the video he recorded yesterday the expensive software he uses will fail. He will reinstall the software, but when he restarts the computer he will find that the master boot record was corrupted by the software. Kevin being a smart monkey will use the System Restore points because he doesn't want to lose all of his installed applications he's paid hundreds of dollars collecting. But the System Restore will corrupt the hard drive even more by removing the drive mount point. After battling with these problems for nine hours Kevin will concede his defeat for the day because he sees no other option, but to reformat the drive and lose everything. He will have to re-find all of his software and find the serial numbers to get any of it to work again. That is a devious plan, Zeus. Oh but silly Hera, I'm not done with messing with Kevin. Like I said before Kevin has coping skills, he is going to walk away from his computer problem and rest for the night, so he can come back tomorrow with new ideas and fresh eyes. He's going to get in bed and watch Television, well his Tv uses the internet, I'm going to crash his Internet Service Provider, yup that's right the Coup de grace to end his fruitless day, alone in the dark with nothing to relax him. And that's how it should be done here on Mount Olympus!
You're not going to get this unless you are a 1960s movie fan