Hi Guys..I thought I was beginning to feel a bit better recently but things have taken a horrible turn and I'm feeling so low....My only son has been acting a bit out of character for a few weeks...he has Autism is in his 20s and has anxiety issues...but recently I noticed he wouldn't answer any of his friends that he has known since childhood on FB or his phone...he ignores them....sits at home on his computer for hours and is eating a lot and putting on weight...he is irritable and angry when driving and with me also...he usually has a caring nature and adores taking care of animals in particular....but I noticed he forgets to feed the cat and put water out for her something he never done...so I take over and do it now....I know I probably shouldn't ...but I looked at his journal because hes been acting so strange and to my horror ...he has written a headline on July 31st (His Birthday)....saying This is the day I say goodbye to the world....no point carrying on any further.....I went into a complete panic and cant sleep...I know if I ask him he will probably laugh it off then get angry because I read his journal....I'm sick with worry ....Any advice appreciated...now my anxiety is through the roof again....
Don't know how to handle this... - Anxiety and Depre...
Don't know how to handle this...

Can you get advice from a professional about this?

I thought about maybe contacting his GP ...not sure if they will discuss anything with me though...
Ask your own gp maybe?

I'm in such a panic I didn't even think of that....Thanks
Go to see a psychiatrist ASAP and ask him/her for advice. You should take this diary entry seriously and should act as quickly as possible.
I would have taken a picture of what he wrote in his journal on your phone. So you can present it to your doctor. If he is living under your roof you are responsible for him so you had a right to check his journal. You are a good parent.

That's a good idea Here I am.....I will take a photo...I panicked when I read the entry and it makes it very difficult to think...I also have Autism....he does live at home with me....I felt really guilty reading his journal but now I'm glad I did or it might have been too late....Thank u so much for your kind words...Appreciated x
I think any good mother would have been in shock after reading that. Just imagine the pain if you didn’t read it and found it after he did something to himself. You did what a mother should have done. It’s why a mothers job is so hard sometimes. You have to do things even if your kids hate you for it. They might not appreciate it now but you can rest easier knowing you did your job. A mothers first job is to protect her children even from themselves. Stay strong. I am praying for you and your son.

It certainly is a difficult job...and now I'm glad I did read the journal..it would have been unbearable finding out afterwards...we are very close....I have taken the photo and I managed to get an appointment this Friday with my sons own GP to talk about what can be done now....I took him out this afternoon to a see a film and he looked so happy today....and yet must be so sad inside...Appreciate your help and kind words...Sending love xx
Very good progress getting the photo (which was a very good suggestion from Here I Am) and getting a fast appointment. The GP should be able to take action. xxx
If it were my son I would have a good talk with him and find a crisis care he could go to to keep him safe. If he went on meds that may help.
Starrlight....He was seen by a GP a year ago and the Dr wanted him on meds and because he read the side effects list ...he totally refused to take them because of him suffering from health anxiety...we all tried to explain that if theres any side effects their usually mild...but his Autism makes him think very rigidly....x
Aspergirl47, I will offer no advice because I think you are getting plenty of really awesome support in that department. I will offer you a virtual hug across the wire (((((Aspergirl))))), and some words of encouragement, and I really do suspect it will be okay, because you love your son very much and are NOT just ignoring this and letting go un-noticed, and also offer you and ALL of your family, friends and community prayers for peace.
You know, I lied. One piece of advice is, listen very closely to your son. If something he says stirs really strong emotions in you, try not to respond AT ALL, but to just sit with it for a little bit.
Try to listen more that talk, because he WANTS to tell someone what the he77 is going on inside of him, and Why he's cut himself off from his friends and ALL of that, but he's NOT going to tell anyone unless he feels like they will listen without immediately giving him advice.
Think about this. Whatever is going on in his world, he has already given it a lot of thought, so anyone's knee-jerk advice is likely to be something he thought is weeks ago, so best just to let him keep talking his way through it, and often times people ate likely to talk their way to their OWN solutions, ***IF*** someone just takes the time to truly listen.
I was so glad to see you. It's been a little while, but then I saw what's happening in your world and my heart sunk. So, I hope the advice helps, and beyond that, yes, you are I'm my many prayers. You AND your boy, AND his friends, the whole shootin' match.
Hang in there. We've got your back.