I feel like i lve messed up big time. Tw I don't feel like being around anywhere more there is so many things that make me think that I shouldn't be around here anymore I can't bear being around people anymore it's too hard everybody where I work at it's turned against me. Not suicidal it's just like I can't turn the clock back
Failure: I feel like i lve messed up... - Anxiety and Depre...

EVERYONE screws up. Don’t be hard on yourself.

Thanks, Depranxious, trigger warning sometimes days feel like it's torture chamber to me it's just getting harder every day I'm supposed to see a new psychiatrist on the 29th can I see a therapist every Wednesday she even recognizes that my depression's has gotten even worse
Unconditional love for the self is unconditional. Or should be.

The problem is that I don't feel any self-love for myself I just have a lot of self-hatred my sister is always telling me that I have to change my thought process but every time I feel like I'm doing something trigger warning I just hit myself in the face
I don't mean to jump in here. You are worth so much more than you can see.
Your sister is correct but it does take a long time to do that
You are a wonderful caring friend and I thank you for your friendship.
Repeat after me. I am a good person ❤️
You are a wonderful person. Those people at work are so cruel!
You are not a failure. They have a problem. Remember that.
Sending you a big hug
Words of wisdom Dolphin 🖍️
Thank you for the positive words. I will try my hardest to remember that tell me you warm hug back my friend🥰🥰🥰
You are the best
You might be wondering about the 🖍️📕 DA likes to color. It relaxes him
I have a new therapist and she's told me to do the art therapy that she's taught me at work also but I've been really busy lately and I'm always on high alert because they're always they're getting worse I wear two ear plugs I'm only supposed to wear one that's what the doctor said because I told the doctor I need at least one but I've been using both because of slamming it's gotten worse and my PTSD is acting up and I've been having severe difficulties going out in public I really hate going out now the only reason why that I go out is when my sister needs ice or something or something not unreachable because she shorter than me but other than that I hate going to the store
Try to ignore the nasty ones; You have as much right as they do to be where you are; whether it is in your workplace or in the store buying ice.
People can be amazing bullies, sometimes they don't even know it, as they do it to hide their own inadequacies and make themselves feel bigger. For some reason, they may feel themselves threatened by you (maybe you are better at your work than them, or you wear clothes which mark you out as a target). People have always feared the 'Stranger', and some cannot get over the fear, so they bluster and bully you, hoping to drive you out, so they can feel better about themselves and what they see as their place in the pecking order.
And the most amazing thing about it is, that as soon as you are out of sight, they will have forgotten about you. I know this is true, as I have experienced this personally.
Don't bother trying to fit in with them, it doesn't work, be You, Loud and Proud. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
Cheers, Midori