I've been so easily angered it's really bad because I don't like being this way and if there is a bag that falls or something that falls in front of me all that it's like I crush it really hard and get angry out burst so fast. It looks like from other people's point of view that I'm acting like a child or throwing a tantrum but I don't know if anybody's ever felt that way .I know I have to find some way to get it out of another positive way but it's just like I wonder if it has any if it's the symptom from covid that you're getting stressed out more but lately it's just been getting worse I feel like I really can't cope anymore
Frustrations: I've been so easily... - Anxiety and Depre...

If you don’t mind me asking, is there anything else that’s triggering you in life?
Work and the way people treat me in public. Feel like a social outcast in public every store or business i go to.
I totally relate. Some people trigger me too, mostly it’s when they over step my boundaries & I let them. So it’s finding a way to overcome that. For me I have to say my peace. What is it that they annoy you?
They're constantly kicking garbage can slamming things down and I work with my first bully and my my coworker she does the same thing and they're both supported by my manager and supervisor to do that to me because they always say great things about them when I'm in their presence. It's really hard because I suffer from PTSD and any kind of unexpected loud noise makes me jump I wear earplugs just sound them out but I can still hear the loud noises and stuff in the background. I figured they must get some kind of kick from making people struggle with PTSD every day
When it comes down to work colleagues, they don’t care. People only look out for theirselves. Do you have a HR department? They should not allow this. Do you defend yourself? At least you feel like you’ve had your say. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Stay strong & don’t let them see you’re bothered.
I'm actually talk to someone in that department they've given me some suggestions they told me I should try to hold on because I have 32 years on the job but it's been getting really hard lately that every hour seems to get stressful I've been writing down all the stuff they've been doing to me and unfortunately I have only about only a month and a half of what they've done to me cuz they've been actually doing it for past year and a half unfortunately I didn't include that time they're doing their best to break me and my boss and manager and the person under them fully support them for what they're doing to me
I sometimes get angry like that, and frustrated with myself for doing so. But anger is a healthy emotion, and it is a natural and okay response to injustice. For me, it is all about learning to express my anger in a good way, which is hard, because growing up, I was not ever allowed to be angry. But we will get angry, and that is okay. If you see a therapist, you might talk to them about healthy ways to deal with it. We need to feel our anger and not "stuff" it. I still struggle with it but we can only do our best. Please try to go easy on yourself. Sending prayers. 🤗🙏🤗
Thank you
I was/am exactly the same. The smallest things could set off my anger.
I have gotten much better at refocusing my anger and trying to take a second before I’ll say something I’ll regret.
Stippler mentioned getting angry over an injustice and that is exactly what my psychiatrist said about me and my anger. My sense of justice is very strong and when someone or something does wrong it triggers my intense anger.
Hi Metal, My therapist is trying to guide me towards art therapy. Im hoping my anger issues will get better. Problem is at work I have to hold all my anger in and my issues because I'm dealing with them bullying and harassment there and I know I've been holding in a lot my life but I have to get game some of the strength you have and refocus some of it. I don't want bad thing about it right now since I'm about to lose my psychiatrist because he's retiring and I've had him since 2010 and he just turned like 85 so I don't know where I'm going to go to and I'm kind of stressed out about that too because it'll be weird going to someone new.
It’s not easy to get it under control. I still lose it at times but trying not to at work. The key for me is not giving as many f**ks as I used to. LOL!!
Hi Metal, I've been having to hold all my emotions at work and unfortunately it comes out during my off hours I'm not sure what to do anymore because it's not good for anybody around me especially why I loved ones my siblings I'm not sure what to do anywhere though I'm so glad you could keep yours under control I know it gets hard please take care of my music buddy
Is it possible that there's a hormonal aspect to this? I know when I hit "the change" I was mad at everything. Within 2 weeks of starting estrogen therapy, it really helped me not fly into such rages... May be something to consider, not everything is "in our heads"...
Hi dark house I've actually been struggling with this issue at work for more than two years and it's gotten worse and every hour at work is a struggle with for me now because of my my first bully is one of my coworkers now and I've been working it with them for the past 31 years and he's bullied me the entire time and then the lady that works with me she wants my job and they want to put her in my job and they're doing everything to aggravate me and stress me out but I've been managing
That’s a tough spot to be in. Sending prayers your way. 🙏
Googooddollsfan, Thank you for your prayers and your support😊