I’m really struggling today with anxiety. I can’t live like this and I don’t know what to do. Every day I make the effort to help myself but it just gets worse. I’m exhausted. Thanks for listening
Struggling : I’m really struggling... - Anxiety and Depre...

I noticed that you walk you neighbours dog which helps you. If you feel able could you do this more often? You also have some physical conditions which can be exhausting if you are in pain. Are you receiving the help you need from your doctors?
Thanks. I’ve just had an MRI scan for severe arthritis and get the results on Monday 🤞. It makes me wobbly on my legs and I think I’m coming to terms with not being as independent as I used to be. How are you?
Good luck with those results, the waiting can be difficult. At least then you will know what you’re dealing with and your doctors will be able treat you accordingly. I know what you mean about being wobbly on your legs, I have that and pain too. It can be frustrating not being able to do what we used to. It’s been a sunny day here and I would love to have got out in the garden just to potter about. It really does take time to come to terms with the loss of independence. I’m trying hard to focus on the positives each day which helps to distract me. Wishing you the best of luck.
So sorry that you're having a rough day I have been there! Take one minute one more minute at a time. Do something positive for you. Do something that is going to get you motivated and get you moving. I find that sitting around and overthinking the anxiety makes it worse. Reach out to somebody who is in your toolbox or on your side that you can vent to or sharing information. There's a lot of videos out there on YouTube that can be a support to you as well. There is a book by Robert Duff f*** anxiety! It's on audible and on Amazon and it's a go-to of mine when I feel the need that I need to get a better understanding of why I'm feeling the way that I do. Have to stick together we are strong We are the only ones who know what everybody is feeling and has experienced. If you've never experienced a panic or anxiety attack you have no idea how crippling can be. We are all here for you we are cheering and fighting you on to make it through the day. Stay strong!!!!🙏❤️💪
Anxiety is a beast! You can train your brain like you'd train your body to feel less anxiety. You may want to talk to your doc about medications to help in the interim (they're bandaids, not cures). Adding meditation actually reduces overall stress and anxiety. Learning a breathing technique to use when anxiety hits will be helpful as well. There's lots online. I like the 4 square technique. Yoga and Tai Chi can both be done even w chronic health issues (I have fibromyalgia and chronic back pain). They are both body and mind meditations that also help to rid the body of excess anxiety and energy. There's lots of videos on YouTube - just look for "Yoga for back pain" or "Beginning Tai Chi" as the classes should be easy peasy. In America, we tend to overdo everything, lol! Practicing self-care is important too. I take a lot of bubble baths to soothe my back and to help w anxiety. I also find showering exhausting, so baths are about all I can handle. The Insite timer app is a meditation app w 1000's of free meditations and a journal feature, which is nice. It "rewards" you for meditating consecutive days in a row. Yoga nidra is a type of meditation that can help w sleep. Ally Boothroyd's voice is pretty soothing and she has many vids on YouTube as well. I hope you find some rest...
You might make sure your hormones, thyroid and adrenals are functioning properly because if not they can cause or contribute to anxiety/depression, also diet, quitting caffeine and alcohol can help.
The other thing that helped me with anxiety is learning what it really is and how to constructively deal with it. Knowing what is really is and how to deal with it helped me to start to no longer fear it. It's basically our body's built in warning system malfunctioning and we need to learn how to desensitize our self from it and realize that the anxious thoughts are not real. You might start with the DARE anxiety book and youtube videos, I found them very helpful. Also learning and practicing simple mindfulness meditation helps to be able to not so easily attach to your thoughts and realize they have no power over you and to also be more present in life. This is not a quick fix and takes time but it works. You might also find medication helpful, at least temporarily for you.