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this might sound bad some might block me

AXXES2 profile image
17 Replies

i feel like the u.s. should get a huge natural disaster that way mean snobby bad men and mean snobby bad woman will learn to be kind and have love and respect for everyone around them,

yes alot of true innocent loving and caring people would die as well but it would bring everyone togethor again,i mean look what happened in NYC and japans huge tsunami after a 9.0 earthquake hope everyone has a better day.

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AXXES2 profile image
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17 Replies
Sabbath1 profile image

Hate to be the one to tell you, but that doesn't and has never brought people together. Especially the "mean snobby people" . All it does is get them and others killed and if you have seen the news every few months, there is either a disaster of sorts that kills people, or just some loon with a gun. Doesn't change anything.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Sabbath1

that’s not true. People are indeed will to help when they understand the need. The problem is getting them to understand. Watching the news won’t impart understanding.

Sabbath1 profile image
Sabbath1 in reply to Blueruth

Yeah, some people will help when that kind of thing happens and it's usually always the same people who would help others no matter what was going on . And others still don't.

When 911 happened there was attacks on random Muslims .

Disasters don't make assholes go , "oh I should stop being an asshole"

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Sabbath1

it all comes down to how in person you are. Xenophobic and racist attacks are usually by strangers. Also how much of the population you believe is an asshole…. I think there is more lack of understanding than meanness. If you believe everyone is an asshole you probably aren’t going to open to anyone helping. You probably aren’t going to try and help them understand. I know that’s how I can be.

Sabbath1 profile image
Sabbath1 in reply to Blueruth

Its the way people are, not how I see them. For every 10 good people there is 10 more who are not good. Everybody reacts differently to everything, there's people who help people no matter what has happened, then there is the people who don't. The example I gave, 911 yeah there was a bunch of people who helped each other and all that, at the same time it made people attack Muslims because in their heads that was somehow doing a good thing. Another example is mass shootings, clearly that doesnt change people for the better cause everytime you turn around there is a new shooting. The whole point is, no disaster is gonna change people. The good are still the good, the bad are still the bad and the mean snobby will stay the same.

Craziest thing about all of it is, alot of the bad people who do the crazy shit actually think they are doing something good. Example, school shooters who do the shooting cause they are bullied by the kids they end up shooting. Hell even Hitler thought he was doing a good thing, and all these years later there are still nuts who think he was doing the right thing.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Sabbath1

I don’t think you are getting me. I don’t think it is the way most people are. Most people want to help. Naming some extreme examples doesn’t change my belief. You don’t see everyday kindnesses that are not newsworthy because you aren’t paying attention. You aren’t looking for it. Indeed the fact that they are so common makes them not newsworthy.

Sabbath1 profile image
Sabbath1 in reply to Blueruth

I do see your point But the point of this post was that the guy wanted a big disaster to happen to make people come together when that isn't how that works. His post is pretty much wanting people to die so it will make "mean snobby people" come together with everybody else. That doesn't work.

All you're saying is kind people are kind, just as I said. But a disaster isn't gonna change the unkind.

EndUser13 profile image

I think your post says more about you than your average American. Misfortune doesn't play favorites. Since community standards wouldn't like me saying what I really think I'll just go with "shame on you, grow up"

Hi AXXES. I'm sorry people have been mean and snobby and bad to you. I know what that feels like. Sometimes the hurt can be overwhelming. It's taking a long time to see things improve, isn't it?

Instant karma is a nice fantasy when it hurts I think.

Crochetchica profile image

Are you ok?

Hi. You’re obviously suffering tremendously right now, and I’m sorry that you’re hurting so bad. Keep trying to do whatever you can (that’s healthy/positive) to try to get yourself to a better place. Sometimes when we’re hurting so bad, our minds can create some very unusual scenarios. I’m guessing what you want right now is for the people who have hurt you to realize how bad you’re hurting-to experience all of the hurt, heartache, and pain you have and still are experiencing (also along with the world, which seems so cold and uncaring).

If there truly is Karma, and/or people truly do understand (they ‘Get it’) how they’ve hurt us or what we’ve have felt and experienced, rarely will any of us know that this has happened. For 1 thing, we’re going to try and stay away from those certain people.

You want the world (people) to be more understanding and to actually care about you/us and others. And that’s great. But the scenario you’re thinking about won’t happen. If something horrible truly does happen- and it’s nation wide- help won’t come for days, maybe weeks or? The $hit of the world can and will come. Possibly within hours. And they want, and they will take, whatever we have. It gets worse from there.

I hope you find some relief soon. I’ve been where your at and know how bad it is. It sounds lame, useless, or overwhelming, but go for a walk, go to a store just to look around, Try to find something, that if nothing else, is a distraction from being in your own head so much.

Peace to you.

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to FindingTheAnswers

very kind response.


I read this post a few hours ago, but didn't know how/if to respond. To be honest, I wanted to see how others would react first. I hate to admit it, but I selfishly thought that if I answered in a kind way, people would get onto me about doing so. I see that some have responded more in line with how I initially wanted to respond, so I'll go ahead and comment.

My first impression was "this person is in a tremendous amount of emotional pain and I get it". I believe that, unless you've been there in your mind, your response won't be from a place of total understanding.

Last month was an incredibly hard month for me because it marked one year since my trauma. I was MAD. So mad in fact, that I would fly into these rages and say some really nasty things to my husband (things that weren't aimed at him, but rather at the person who did these things). I'm not sure if that is called deflection or transference or what, but that is how I view this post. You are MAD. I get it. You need to let it out. This is what you did here (in a very constructive way), so thank you for getting it out in a healthy way! Someone once told me that if you don't get it out in a constructive way, it will come out sideways. In other words, if you don't get it out in a healthy way (via talking, writing it down, exercising, etc.), it will come out in an unhealthy (and quite possibly dangerous) way.

One final thought: has something triggered you? You don't need to answer. It's more food for thought than anything else.

Blueruth profile image

where are you living? Not invading privacy so no need to answer. Today it’s nh. Last fall it was fl. Last summer ca and or…actually every summer or and or. Co a year and two months. All those places has natural disasters and counting. If yours hasn’t yet just wait. 7 states feed on co river. Ut salt lake. In all those disasters people help each other. One on one we help. It is when you get political or on social media that it doesn’t feel that way.

The Soviet Union lost between 20 and 30 million dead during world war 2.There is a war in Europe right now and both Ukraine and Russia had massive dead during WW2.Even Germany is beating the war drums and Germans had 9 million dead during WW 2.Seems some folks are poor learner!

I mean, if by some chance the entire country is hit by a natural disaster, I'd be okay if it ends me. I'm ready. I made promises to my husband and my dogs, but this would be a work around. I feel you on this. Big time. Being an empathetic human being is painful.

Stippler profile image

I am sorry you are going through such a hard time. I don't believe a disaster would improve anything for you or for anybody else, rather the opposite. And I will guarantee, the rich snobs will not be too terribly affected either. You and I have no control over anybody or anything except for ourselves. Life is good and bad all rolled up in one. We have the choice about nothing else except for how we think of or treat others. I know you have helped people in your life, and I commend you for it. 12 Step groups can really be beneficial in that they do help you, if you genuinely want it. They cost nothing, they are everywhere, and can help you spiritually and physically if you choose to accept their help. No matter what life throws at you, you always have this choice. It could be the most important choice you can make. And it is never too late. Sending prayers. 🙏🙏🙏

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