please help, I’ve been unwell for a month now and I’m on my third lot of antibiotics, all this without seeing a single doctor. All done and diagnosed over phone consultations. How do they know what’s wrong with me?. My health anxiety has gone through the roof. It was pretty much under control but now it crazy and it’s driving me mad. Don’t know what to do, spoke to the doctor and she said, well go to A&E but I don’t want to bother them unless I can help it. I’ve got up this morning very very down and feeling like rubbish, but is it the illness or the anxiety I can’t separate the two right now. I just freaking out. Thank you for reading and sorry for the long rant, just needed to put it out there
My health anxiety tells me I’m dying - Anxiety and Depre...
My health anxiety tells me I’m dying

Is there a specific condition you are worrying about or is it just a general sense that something is wrong with you. It would be reasonable to ask why the antibiotics were given. You won’t be bothering anyone if you get checked out. It’s their job to help you. That maybe the best next step. Anxiety can definitely result in many physical symptoms that makes it hard to tell what the actual source is.
hi and thank you for your reply. I am being treated for a chest infection which started back in the beginning of December, I haven’t seen a doctor it was all telephone consultations, but in May last year I was diagnosed with a blood clot In my lung as was treated with blood thinners, since having the pe I have had a bad chest one way or another so I guess that is playing on my mind. I just want to feel safe and well. I’ve become very fearful and just can’t shake the fear. I’ve always suffered from health anxiety and have had cbt and medication. It’s just blurring the lines between I’ll health and anxiety I suppose.
I’ve had a cough since September, so I booked an appointment for a Doctor to listen to my chest. Had to wait a few days pos a week, but did get the appointment. So I feel if you go on this route, they will give you a face to face appointment. Stay firm about this. And when you get the appointment, have any related concerns you have, written down on a piece of paper the size of a postcard. ( ideal) So you can check on it for what you want to get across to the Doctor. I do this and it helps me in my anxious state of being there. Good luck. 🙂
thank you for your reply, I’m actually waiting for a nurse to call me as I’m still pretty breathless and I went to 111 on line and they said they would be ringing me to discuss my concerns, hopefully I will get to see a doctor. Feel like I need to see one as surely I should be feeling better by now and I can’t get a face to face with my own gp, so decided to go down this route
well got to see an emergency doctor today at long last, had a good examination and have now be prescribed steroids and an inhaler, they have arranged a chest X-ray and sputum test, so feel like I might be getting somewhere hopefully. Thankyou all for your support it means a lot and I will keep you updated
You might benefit from checking out the youtube videos of Paige Pradko, she is a therapist that had health anxiety and OCD who helped herself and now helps others do the same.