Background, been suffering about 18 months with severe health anxiety with on and off bad episodes. I fear my heart failing, heart attack, conorary artery disease and a lot more.
21 man, I’m overweight ( I have hypothyroidism), never smoked, perfect cholesterol and not diabetic.
Had so many tests, I mean dozens of ECGs, holter monitor, stress test, bloods, heart echos and X-rays. Not one thing wrong ever. Yet all the symptoms come at me.
Arm pain (left and/or right)
Chest pain (pressure,tight,burn)
Neck pain
Back pain
Like when does it stop like I’ve tried to say to myself these tests prove I’m ok but the symptoms persist day after day with no answer from the doctors other than I’m too young for heart issues. I’m just frightened most days I break down wondering if I’ll be dead soon and all this is building to a heart attack.
Just want some help, support something from someone here to help. Thank you.