I'm new here so this is my first post. I just wanted to talk about what's been bothering me lately, since I've been told that I should reach out about my anxiety.
I'm a senior entering my first year of college and it's absolutely terrifying. I've already made my decision to go to a community college, and whay to major in, yet I'm terrified I'm doing the wrong thing.
My biggest fear is that in the future, I won't be able to transfer to the university I want to go to by going to community college first. It keeps me up at night. It makes me cry and vomit. I have no reason to be stressing so much about something that isn't happening anytime soon but still.
My anxiety is eating up at me and I wish it weren't. I have my sister to reassure me and make me feel better. And that helps for a day. But then the next day the stress comes back and taunts me and it's just an endless cycle. Over and over again.
I just can't live in a world where I'm not anxious. I just want things to feel OK.