so as most of you know I finally gave in and have tried some and frankly they really haven’t helped much klonopin has made me feel worse some times when I’ve taken it so it’s like playing Russian roulette but like 4 bullets in the chamber. Ativan never did anything for me. Xanax makes me feel slightly buzzed. But tonight I have to try Xanax again because I’m tired of playing roulette with the klonopin. It’s been 7 days since I last took a benzo that’s why I decided to try the cabana tonight. I just want to feel not like this it’s horrible especially when the symptoms and sensations don’t make sense and you can’t even explain them to tell people how you’re feeling besides it feel like ima faint just laying in bed
benzos: so as most of you know I... - Anxiety and Depre...

Meds…when they aren’t the right tool they usually don’t work well. For instance if I am exhausted because of stress and I take some thc/cbd it works wonders. I wake refreshed not hung over or groggy. If I voluntarily stayed up…not so much. I just feel icky. If I mess with my circadian rhythm then I gotta suck it up and do the work to realign. Thems the breaks. Maybe oversimplified…My guess is they aren’t what you need.
Btw…ain’t just me…in studies with opioids they find that people with serious chronic pain don’t get addicted. I’d self examine if benzos are what you need
yeah I don’t think they are I really don’t know what I need but doctors are tired of me being weird in the office and they’re like you need to take the benzos and antidepressants even though tried explaining how they made me feel but oh well. I wish I could fix my sleep but it’s so messed up mostly because during the day when I start feeling bad I just want to sleep
I think I posted an article about circadian rhythm recently. Maybe a podcast. It is much more complicated and affecting than they once thought. Melatonin does work but not like a sleeping pill for example. Not only what you eat but at what time effects your rhythm
My response to stress is sleep. I have to recognize and own it. Sleeping any longer than a nap isn’t good for me. It affects short term and long term health. It is better to suck it up and force a walk or yoga or maybe meditation. Still a work in progress for me but meds and tests don’t cure everything.
Hey Adam hope the Zanny helps you get some peace. Your mind and body are going through a lot of ups and downs lately. Our minds trick our bodies into following bad ques. You need to find a way to not react to it. Techniques are out there, lots of self research is what finally did it for me. I can settle down my mind and I just found 8D sounds on YouTube that quiet my mind. It's for ADHD, anxiety and panic I listen to it whenever I'm doing housework or anytime hearing is not important in the task I'm doing. Gentle hugs and your doing great keeping your mom going strong. She's back home and still doing Chemo? You guys are still in my thoughts daily.
thank you she’s decided to stop chemo and possibly try something else or just take the risk this really knocked her on her ass her stomach lining was starting to remove itself from having diarrhea all the time it really fucked her up she decided she just wants to try and heal the best she can and go from there and not do chemo
So years ago, I used to self medicate with benzos. What I found is that, looking back, it made it so much worse. Some people may need it, but personally I have always had severe anxiety disorders and after it wore off, I was worse and as time went on, much worse. I stopped for a long time & then tried it again & had a huge panic attack on it. I still don’t understand how, but any kind of narcotic in my opinion is going to damage your brain further.
Only just today, did I realize I always just needed a huge dose of self compassion and allow others to love, help, and comfort me. I have an app called I AM and I have it set to anxiety affirmations. I see the comment above & what you’re going through, I’m so sorry to hear that about your mom. Some people can take benzos temporarily and then ween off to help through life’s hardest moments. I’m not judging you at all, just don’t want it to be counterproductive and wanted to share my experience.
Would you say it’s making you almost nod out?
The benzos just make me feel worse it’s weird like it doesn’t make me feel calm or good like a lot of people get Xanax at first did but now nothing. Klonopin helped at first and now it’s strange how it works. I also hate taking meds any meds but I’m so tired of how my body feels
I’m actually on a beta blocker now. I’m not a doctor or anything, but my personal experience is it helps me stay level because my heart can’t beat too hard so it just keeps me from freaking out. Anxiety does affect the heart; might be worth asking your doc about if the benzos are affecting you that negatively.
different people react different ways to meds. I take a cocktail of antidepressants
and antianxiety and Klonopin at night. It enables me to work 7 days a week and I have ADHD and take generic Strattera.
Without these meds I could not function properly and work 7 days a week
It seems you are wanting to try natural remedies vs artificial ones. An approach I found helpful was looking into ways our lifestyle can affect our wellbeing. Please check for some helpful information. I hope you find this helpful. Kind regards ❤️🙏✌🏼
Hi AdamJ,
Its a long shot but I wondered if you had tried Magnesium Taurate as a supplement, and Lithium Orotate?
Both magnesium and lithium are needed in adiquate levels for the brain and nervous system to function correctly. Many people are deficient in them.
Lithium is also used for mental health disorders but at a much much higher dose than a typical suppliment (600mg + Vs 5mg for a suppliment).
Studies have shown both to be helpful in mental health conditions.
Im trying them at the moment.
Honestly I don’t think it is very safe to be switching back and forth from one benzodiazepine to another. You could accidentally shut down your respiratory system. I think you really need to speak to whoever is prescribing these and figure out the right thing for you. I wish you the best.
I’m not switching back and forth it’s been a week since I’ve taken a klonopin I decided to try a .5mg of Xanax tonight and it really didn’t do anything. And my klonopin are only .5mg I’m not abusing them…
I don't think you're abusing the benzos, I'm concerned you may not realize you shouldn't take them near the same time. The pharmacist warned me to make sure one kind was out of my system before taking another.
Sorry your mom is having such a rough time now. My husband has cancer. It's a lot to deal with.
sorry to hear that Adam. They just may not be right for you. You’re so level headed that a BP med or beta blocker may really help you to calm the physical hell that the anxiety is putting you in. And in turn calm your worries and mind where therapy will begin to help. Any luck with the cardio appt?