I've been extremely overwhelmed lately. Everyday feeling like I'm carrying a ton of bricks and can't move forward, just drowning in place, unable to keep my head above water. I can't do it anymore. I'm sliding back down the rabbit hole with treatment resistant depression and anxiety. All I can do for relief is sleep and that is not solving anything but I'm exhausted from running circles in my mind. Trying to figure a way out. Trying to get help. The more I try, the more problems get thrown at me. This morning I woke up and just started crying. Because I woke up. I don't want to. I don't want to be here but I know I will not act on my thoughts. It's against everything I believe. So I'm stuck here, alone, always alone with my problems, ever longer to-do list and no one to help me. I have a therapist. She doesn't know what to say at this point. She thinks I'm the strongest person she knows for fighting and surviving this long. I am strong but everyone breaks sometime. There's only so much I can take. Life is so hard and lonely and expensive and getting worse every day.
I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I'm going to lose it--my mind, my home, my dogs--all of it. And I'm in pain. Mentally, emotionally and physically. It may be happening already just so slowly that I barely notice above everything else that is distracting me. No family to turn to anymore although I dream about being with them again then wake up and realize they are no longer here. Friends have long gone. No one to walk through this last chapter of life with.
Agoraphobia rearing it's ugly head. I hardly have the courage to walk the dogs around the neighborhood anymore. So I'm trapped in a prison of my own making and I'm also holding the key but I can't find the lock. How does this end well? When doctors and therapists tell you they don't have any answers, where do you go for help? What is the point of even trying anymore? No one will even know that I am gone because no one even knows that I am here.
If someone reads this someday, I was here. I existed. I had a life. I hope my dogs find a good home.
I can't stop crying. It's just so sad. And still I'm afraid and alone.