Look outside with me at ten?
Harvest 🌝 moon tonight: Look outside... - Anxiety and Depre...
Harvest 🌝 moon tonight

It is called a harvest full moon because farmers before there were tractors with lights the farmers relied on the moon to help in harvesting crops in September before the last rain which is the end of crops.
So interesting. Also it's in pisces and is making me really emotional plus Retrograde Mercury
I hope you don’t mind…..Harvest Moon……..Neil Young
Lovely clear night, able to see stars, and the bright clear harvest moon, 👀which is unusual around me, heavy street lighting🙄
I do believe this means no 🌝 and a sci-fi movie 🍿 tbh I don’t know what a dearth maul is
Not sure if the full moon is tonight or tomorrow night, but I have seen some wierd stuff tonight. And it was a strange, tense day for me. Think I'll enjoy a scotch while I try to sort it all out...
I will have a beer and join you. It’s been a tense week for me also. My parents are driving me insane quite literally. Tomorrow I’m doing some yard work for them.

Maybe the yard work will be a way to work off some tension. A little fresh air never hurts. Anyway, cheers! 🍻
1 am outside in my pj. Here it is
Great pic. I went out too early and the moon was obscured by all the darned oak trees on my street. But I could still tell it was bright and big.
It was a beauty. Being nocturnal I knew I was going to get it
Thank goodness for your nocturnalness. I fell asleep way before 10.
Wow you sleep well. I fell asleep way before 10 but got up at 1130. Bizarre hours I keep
lol Bizarre is right. But that sounds like a judgement about your sleeping habits. Actually, whatever blows your skirt up would be a fairer statement. Unless you don’t wear skirts. I can’t say blow your pants up cuz pants these days are spray painted on.
Haha! I have a few of those pants for special occasions. But not going to get any air in there you are correct. I do wear skirts in the summer
I enjoy the quiet of the night. Well not the other night when the coyotes were stressing me out.
Many years on the night shift. I can't break it.
I’d like to go out and take a peek at the moon but it’s late at night now. I can’t see it from my window.
Beautiful. I watched it for awhile soon after it rose, bright orange.
Cheers, Midori
Starrlight, as I looked out my window last night to gaze at the Harvest Moon,
I thought of you looking at the same moon, the same stars and the same sky.
Something that makes us one in the same. xx
Yes one in the same 😊 That reminds me of a movie with mice when they were separated and both were singing 🎶 Somewhere Out There 🎵 as they looked up at the same sky.