Struggling tonight. For anyone who doesn't know I have a healthy anxiety and OCD tendencies which keep me in a cycle during my panics. I am not terrified of every disease and medical issue but when things happen to me it's hard for me not to freak out. Occasional health anxiety? Is that a thing? Lol
I hate that I was doing so well for a while and then the second something happens I'm right back at my anxiety routine.
Struggling to believe doctors, family and friends. It's hard when you are so afraid, when fear is so strong it feels like you can't get out of it and no one fully understands. Like your screaming and no one hears you.
Hoping I'll be a bit more positive tomorrow, I really need to work on not seeing everything so negatively.
I feel lucky to have met some wonderful people in this community. If anyone is struggling too I'm here to chat