Everyday all day I just count the moments that go by that i don't have anxiety or depression like even 3 mins in a day is a win. I just want to enjoy life again, I want to know That I matter and will feel better soon. I want to be alone but I don't want to be alone, can anyone relate?
any thoughts?: Everyday all day I just... - Anxiety and Depre...
any thoughts?

Yeah for me, 2 mins in a day is a win
not sure if you have tried meditatation, this helps me a lot as does grounding techniques, when I feel out of control.
Gerrerd on this forum introduced my to Dr Wayne Dyer who has Video's on YouTube that confirm posititive thoughts, positvie affirmations, I find this extremely helpful.
I love being alone bc it feels like I don’t have to put up an act for anyone but at the same time I wish there was someone who I wouldn’t have to put on act for or hide my pain from. Someone to actually comfort, listen n really be there for me. N that just feeds the depression. It’s like everything is double edged sword when it comes to depression but maybe that’s just my depressed mindset. I noticed journaling helped. It gave me a safe space to vent n also gets the thoughts outta my head. I also just recently joined this site so maybe this will help us too.
I've just started to try meditation my rain is all over the place so it's hard... yes that said it perfectly wanting to be alone but not lonely
i can relate
i hate being alone
and i love bein alone
its like being by myself is the safest place
at the same time
its the most dangerous
vulnerable place
I know my husband and daughter love me unconditionally, I just don't want to be a burden to them so I hide a lot of what i feel around them
I love being alone! As an introvert, I need it to recharge my energy. Spending too much time around other people is draining for me (unlike my extroverted husband, who draws energy from social situations) and I need time by myself to relax and recharge. I don't want to be alone, in the sense I need my relationships, friends, family etc - I need their support, love, and companionship, but I recognize that I need time to recharge and that means alone time too. Also, as I got into my 30s I started to dislike crowds (in my early 20s I loved nightclubs and packed bars - now they trigger my anxiety and I just wanna get out!) and large groups of people. I prefer smaller, 2-3 people groups otherwise it's just stressful for me. Part of getting used to it was accepting my preferences had changed, and that it is OK to not want to be around people all of the time. One of my favorite quotes/memes right now is that one that says (somethng like) everyone tells introverts they need to talk more and get out of their comfort zone, but noone ever tells extroverts to shut up and make the zone more comfortable! Alone time is important - embrace it, and use it to recharge, so that when you do go out you have the energy and strength to enjoy yourself the way you wish you could xxx