I meet 39 years tomorrow. 🎉
What a wild ride my 30s have been so far. Definitely not an easy journey but it’s getting more relaxed and chilled now. Finally!
I would describe my 30s as a wild, crazy, exhausting, and unpredictable time in my life.
Good new is that it feels like the ride will become smoother from now on. Another year left before the big 40!
I am grateful to be at at place now where I feel less stressed and a lot calmer. Maybe not calm enough as I am a fire sign by heart Leo - and Sagittarius rising. So double the fire! 🏹🔥🔥🦁
I am grateful to have a strong partner by my side and a deep meaningful friendship which is a good place to start. I can confidently say I am much more grounded and rooted in who I am as a woman. That wasn’t always the case as I was dealing with a lot of fears, anxiety and self-doubts but I learned not to give in too much into these negative statements anymore which really turned things around for me.
I am now focused on growing my Holistic Business and planting the seeds for a future family life and a peaceful home somewhere by the sea. I don’t have it all together all the time but what I learned from my years of studying personal development, mindfulness, and energy healing is that stress and old harmful beliefs blocked my happiness and caused most of my anxiety and problems. Stressing, worrying, and many slepless nights about people and situations I had no control over. What a waste of time to be constantly anxious and stressed out about everything and everyone 😅.
One advise I would give my younger self is to worry and stress less and to trust yourself, your path, and your purpose here on earth more deeply. Have faith that you are on the right path and that everything will work out as it should be. Having a strong faith and a loving community around me is my next goal in life and I am looking forward to see who rides the next phase of my life with me. Happy 39 years to me on earth. 🎂
Life feels strange at times but it’s the times that challenge us the most is when we actually grow. Growing up is hard. Growing pains are normal but as long as we are growing and not standing still, we are moving forward. Take baby steps and only move ahead when it feels right for you. Trust your own inner compass and rhythm.
Remember to choose your own path in life! 👣