I just can't stop torturing about when to go home. Every night nightmares about it, waking up and wondering which bed and which city i'm waking up in, seeing my unimates at their homes, thinking what if my mom and sis keep their life without me, do change, miss me and act stupid because of it, make any changes at home and at their lives, Bob aging. Probably they will paint the walls in August. I'm thinking about going this week but stressing so much about it and which day to go, and coming back here at 22july because i have therapy at 23rd (my therapist is in this city and also she's having an operation so she will be back from hospital then). Then resting a wek and trying to work at the appreciantice program. But wondering whether i can do it next year (so i can go home at August) or i will be counting as graduate then. But probably i better go now or i'm gonna keep on torturing, and they will be painting the walls... Agh so much estimations in my head. Wondering when to go and whether to go or it would ruin my progress here. My results on my anxiety and depression tests(took yesterday) are lowest since 3 years because i'm here.
Can't stop thinking about when to go ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Can't stop thinking about when to go home. Even have nightmares about it

look - respectful said....been homeless 8 hard hard years..do i move here at 3am...how many moves...what route wont i be seen or run into problems.....what safe...but i dont have any info current
ur dealing with all unknowns........what seems simp;le
simplyify as best u can
some decsions u will make at that time
ur dealing with overwhellmng unknowns.....everthingt in hthe area
u must *** not.....be hard ...on yourslf .......at t5his time

Exactly it's overwhelming and complicated. I need to simplify. I'm doing a hundred calculations in my head and not getting anywhere
that may be true - however
its because u aint dumb as stone (bright)
because of that - that person sees all the potential problems (happens in medicine alllllllll the time ...the bright ones see all the omgs and the dumb as dirt ones go ...all u do i put in chest drain.... dangerously stupid)
what appears to be over thinkingt isnt- its understand fear (happens in medicine all the time) its because ...u . aint....stupid
however.....ill chew on this elephant of a situa5tion...one bite a t a time
however...i dooooo have allies now.....not all or mor critics..
people who relate ...and know......wow.....ur ...wow not in a simpl situation.........let us know how we can help even just listen
having friends or allies helps anyone (why countires make alliances )
wish i could send u a batallion of marines.....

Thanks, i think i need them. And yeah my mind is trying so hard to calculate everything, perfect moment for going, Pros and cons, everything that might go wrong... My brain is on fire
why wouldnt
it be??? it got spun up....by a real emergency....real**
(hey brig man....my brain is flying and this is like the worst trip ...do u get that? added to my situatiion man.....i m trying to tame my mind as its exhuasting me and and.....
believe me
i get it
i super sympathize....its due to emerg biochemicals and adreanline....normal 911 emerg response....
even season warriors get wound up in 911 situations (thanks brig but doesn help...how do i slow the train man)....as some said ....breahing ....findng ways to calm myself or not get pulled into scarier thinking (but dont lecture yourslef that im bad or not5 supposed to be like this)
its like being in ahouse fire..(what? im supposed to be all clam? ) however......im trying to deal with not all questions but stuff i can control and not get pulled inot endless scenarios of what if
ignore anything 5thats insulting...i dont***** mean it
that way ( i cant bear hurting people in need only bad peopele)
im sorry for ur sita5uon
so wish a helo of supplies and marines on their way....
standing by
not**** a burden
ok ....pretend and bear with me ....this scenario
grandpa and son/daughter in light plane out flying..
grandpa has stroke..incapaciting
"Tower 83 this is Bobbie...my grandfather had a stroke...need assistance ...now.....over.."
" K Bob- this is Tower 83...tell me status, ur experience. bring me up to speed"
" No flight experience....ahhh...."
" K Bob....walk ua through it....feet even on the pedals...hands and ten and two....keep her level and semi straight for now...watch the small airplane and just keep her semi level...take deep breaths and let pace ourselves and get ya home k?"
" ah sorry to be scared sir...sorry i didnt do better and sorry im thnking all over eveythwehe"
" Bob- check ur gas levels.....whats weathr like? avoid the big clouds"
" what about ohter aircraft and what should i and sorry i got scared tower..i should have done better..sorry"
" Bob- found yer gas levels? have any parachutes just in case..how ur grandpa doing? see the throttle bob? dont worry abou5 other aircraft...vector rthem away and prob send air national guard to escor u ...doing great Bob"
who wouldnt?? have doubts scared...etc...who wouldent be...
one step at a time man...marathon...pace myself
secure for tongiht?
hope stuff morale stuff ( we allllll need it hence call lines..universal NOT just u)
we all ....gain strength...voice on the other end
we all.....are that way....
channels open round the clock ....
ur not
a burden....
survive first...any means perfect or non
\u survive first...whatever....u have to do...
situational judgement..ur there....handle it best u can..
let the chips fall where they may....
Simplify it, trust yourself, go best to travel- when you want- you there. 1/3rd of the battle. Not even a battle, it a visit, remember that. Good Trip

Thanks. It really feels like a battle, like the biggest deal
I think you’ll be fine, just take your ‘alter ego’ with you. Be kind to yourself
Pastel Sheet~Alter Ego
love the alter ego man....how right arm...(on)...great advice man
Yo stuff good
The pres has a blank check.....
ring of steel and hot stuff
round our base 10000 meters min
our**** boys at Da Nang
reallllll personal personal personal not stats
real******* personal.....
Pres....has a blank check....far as were** concerned........
and we do mean
whatever ....it takes or costs
thems OUR boys......
Puffs on station ....all night....
Snafu...lol..us.....d A ville brig de moron of demoron biggo moutho lol

Thanks, good advice
Absolutely- You are worth it
(dude....u rock star......in bound dust off pilot man.....welcome the helo home man.......man.....so impressed man so im;pressed dude)
Brig,you 1 fine man
Man-- ive been holding that in since forever.....
been around the wrong ahhh.....ahhh....circles
sweated bullets about u guys man....and that aint
no s t.....
dude...........soooooooooooo glad
so glad
u made it home man..........
u soo kind to me not to laugh
dude....u a dust off man .....man........
no one
comes near
my guys.....(gals)
ill hose em and hose em they even look at ya...
Sandi out....
(wavin ma wings.....
barrel roll ya made er home.......dammmmmmmmm)
puff and i on station partner.....til ya home safe....
they dont call us ;pile driver
fer nothin...
comes near ya....whether ya need it or not...
well be watching...yer flanks and backsteps
all the way...
some say were meeeen
we say
were just
no one
comes near......our guys.....
a thousand yards
is close
u ....make sure u snuggle long and hard with that adoring wife....sure u take grreat care of her..........we want u home
with her...
Damn you 1 adept cat! Roll baby Roll, all nite long…
waves....of arcs......of
the light.......
blank ......of
the check............
10000 yards......close enough.....
til someone**** gets
the message
this aint no drill
Personal.....like TEXAS style PERSONAL.....
are coming
HOME.....any cost.....any effort
and Buffs
dont take kindly
when their boys
dont get their rest.......
and cant walkaround unbothered like........
we knws they can handle anything
still....it just doesnt sit right with us....know what i mean?
10000 yards......to start........then rolli it back....
nothing taller than 1/2 inch......just about right.....
oh ...sorry for rhe noise...
room service
at work.......catch some zzz ....
130s flyin in in AM.....
they volunteered ....u boys inspired them soo....
stacked up ......all volunteers.....
rok and roll man
Round 2.....just starting.....just getting warmed up dude....
we aint even mad yet......
A True Blue Patriot
MYYYYYYY brothers.....down there.......
sent to do a job...no one wants...
my people......MY people.....standintg in Hellos Hole
standing their ground......
most peop;le laugh their butts off
rhey aint from where i am from...
anyone else but u would tellme to get5 lost
that is exatly what was going through my mind....
tip of iceburg...should shut my mouthnot bother people
my Marines.........anyone would just laugh
Marines dont move.....or give ground.....
better shutup
semper d fiolation
de arc of the hollies of hollies
the hollies of the hollies
go ahead and laugh...
hollies of d hollies
no one touches
OUR boys our MEN.....
better shut up
tc wlcm hm hollies of hollies
WellsaidBrig, Wellsaid
apolofgies apolgies apologies
from the halls
the shores
first to
and to keep their/our h clean
they are proud and only ones
to claim
the title ......forever*
only they
dare to wear the real flag.....everyone else No comment
they the real
they dont bak up
4 nobody...
Roman Nose was a peaceful man
anyone stupid enough to come charging into camp at 7 am without an invitation...blowing some buggle ....
u get what ya deserve......
and people will switch
from x to y to protedt their loved ones.....
people should not lead or get into stuff unless they know what hy are doing...no halvies ...no stick ur toe in the water
management problems not
the players...
no art of ...no sort of...
u either in to win
or not....
to save lives...
grw up with preditors..trid everything....
mhs has zero clue..preachwes ...stuff.......
no clue...
noooo clue what they are talking about or preaching...no clue
nice counselors nice p;eo;l nice theories
office people
last twenty seconds in the real world
just fyi...fine for certain people to say...rather have an arguement than..
arguing ...with women- grounds for cops, judges orders, ruined career, no job, reputation, job dismissal, county hears ooh so u artued with a woman...
nice theory- arguing ..bring out the truth..im hurt
heres the other side...u argue- kiss ur life good bye..
guys perspective today.
not a guy
Pritchin Tainan dewin , Rawt?
awl being stupid....
duct tappped ddd biggooo mouhooo stupido...
no longer matttrs bst wishes. kindest regards..watchyer bak
thousand millin apologizzzeeeee brig to brigwhtmordeeeon...

I don't quite understand all of this but ty ig