So this wednesday my roommates drove me mad and i paniced and went back home. I just don't feel happy here. I feel lonely. Suffocating. Bored. Scared about Sister's moods and rage. Scared of oding mom wrong. The mornings sis is sleeping, the evenings mom is. I have nobody to talk to here. I don't have a room. I'm constantly exposed to what's triggering me - mom and sis ' moods. And i'm wondering when to go back to university city. I have lessons. But i forgot my laundry in the washing mashine and i'm scared my roommates will bully me. Also i'm sick.
There's nothing interesting even on tv here and someone is always sleeping. But at my accomodation the tv is in the common room and fi someone comes irun like a cockroach.
I hope i feel so miserable because of the physical sickness. Also mom thinks i better stay home when i'm sick. But i think dad wants me to go back. As If it's not already a hard desision.