How Can I find my Purpose in life? - Anxiety and Depre...

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How Can I find my Purpose in life?

SurvivingEveryday profile image

I am not sure how to begin looking for my purpose in life. I know I will not be a parent, and I won't achieve a couple of the dreams that I once had. It is a reality, and I am accepting those as truths...because they are.

I am not sure what my passion is anymore, nor my purpose. I am a husband, a son, and a friend to a couple people... but I am not sure what my purpose is, or even how to find it. I am up against a wall.

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SurvivingEveryday profile image
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14 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi SurvivingEveryday, as I was browsing through YouTube yesterday (as I do everyday)I found this interesting video that I watched.

I put it aside to relay it to someone on the forum.

When I read your post today, that video came to mind.

When you have time, I think it might benefit you in thinking differently

about your situation in finding a Purpose in Life.

It's called "Change Your Life one tiny Step at a Time"

by Kurzgesagt in a Nutchell :) xx

SurvivingEveryday profile image
SurvivingEveryday in reply to Agora1

Agora1, thank you so much for recommending the video. I am going to watch it tonight (and report back!)

Thanks for thinking of me,


b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to Agora1

Agora - I watched the video and thought it was very good. Thanks for recommending. I also watched another one of their's called the"Day the Dinosaurs Died." I thought it would be about how your life could change in a minute. Actually it was more of a science tutorial, but it made me think about the fact that your life can really change in a minute or a day. This happened to me the day my husband died and the video made me realize just how big a change this really was and how devastating, just as it was for the poor dinosaurs. From that came the thought that I should try to be more gentle with myself. Thanks again for recommending. b1 x

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to b1b1b1

You're very welcome.. I will look up "Day the Dinosaurs Died".Learning can give us gratitude for what we have in the moment.

I'm sorry for your loss b1. xx

puppyplaytime profile image

I wouldn't worry about it.

Only a tiny percent of the population have a focused passion. A lot of that finding-your-passion stuff is for Type A personalities who are addicted to achievement or are on a mission. The daily reality of that life is that you have to have a high tolerance for doing the same thing all the time, and have endless patience and energy.

Of course, if you do decide to save the world, be an entrepreneur, be a champion golfer, musician, or whatever, great for you. You never know what you'll stumble into.

Blueruth profile image

This is a really great episode. Books are in the show notes. What I got is to keep an open mind and be curious. Try different things. Only a few people are lucky enough to know right away.

JLoInCali12 profile image

Hi SE! That is such a good question!

I think people can have more than one purpose in life, meaning that they can have a purpose in their professional life while at the same time having a purpose in their personal lives.

If you want a purpose related to your profession, it may be a matter of connecting what you do for work with the larger picture. For instance, a company that I worked for funded affordable housing programs. I didn't work in the group that managed those programs, but I did work with them. It gave me satisfaction that the company I worked for contributed to the greater good and that I could be a part of that process.

Some jobs/careers allow you to have direct impact to the greater good/community/society, which is also an option.

As for personal purpose, that opens a whole trove of opportunities. Yours may be related to your family or friendships - being a good husband/partner, son, friend, or neighbor.

I've found a lot of satisfaction through volunteering in the communities where I've lived. I've volunteered with a number of organizations over the years, from only a few times to nine or ten years with one organization (I started out as a volunteer and then became a member of their Board of Directors). Sometimes you find organizations that just resonate with you - their mission is important to you, you feel like you're really contributing, or you like the work you're doing while you're volunteering, etc. Right now I do some political work around health care, and before COVID I volunteered at my public library helping people with their resumes. I also help underserved youth affiliated with an educational non-profit with their resumes and job search. I didn't plan things that way years ago when I started volunteering, but that's how things have turned out - and it's more than fine with me.

I think part of finding your purpose is to think about what's important to you and try to figure out ways you can act on those values. It doesn't have to be a huge thing, just something that you can do, fits in your life and that resonates with you.

I hope you find your purpose(s) and enjoy the journey along with way.

KindredKate profile image

Hi.... I have been in that same state of mind. Not long ago. I am retired and in my 60's. I think as we grow & change our purpose can change( in small ways) as well.

What do you spend your time on? Your career? Your family? Your past times/hobbies? For there is your passion. We all make time for what matters to us most.

Your purpose is much the same as it is for any human being of ANY age.

We are here to be kind and helpful to each other. Life is tough and we are not alone in this world. We need each other to make our path easier, productive & filled with empathy.

I Live by the Golden Rule. I follow the 10 Commandments, and I think about how I can best be helpful( make a small difference) in the lives I come across everyday.

My life becomes purposeful simply by doing these few things.

I have been lost for months at a time, struggling to find my purpose. I finally realized that I still need to breathe & go on with my day, despite my questions.

For me, while I kept myself baffled, I still had to function. Look at how & who you are. I found all I need to know that way.

"Bloom where you are planted "is NOT just a trite saying. I find my purpose in growing kinder & more humane each day. Wherever I am.

Safe journey thru your life.


LilyAnnepuppy profile image

My purpose is to stay as sane as I can and help others achieve sanity. That’s what’s so great about this forum. I can practice my purpose.

I believe I’m put here to help others. Hopefully you can find your way too.

designguy profile image

I've come to the conclusion that our foremost purpose here on this earth is to learn and practice radical self-love and acceptance, thereby being able to really be able to love others and life on this earth. Then look at your skills and interests and how they can align with and help you achieve it for your self and others. Realize that life is an inside job not an external one.

Thank you to EVERYONE for sharing your thoughts, words, and experiences. I appreciate you all and value your posts! I am feeling less alone :)

Poodie profile image

Hi Surviving Everyday

I think the responses you got are wonderful. They made me feel less alone too. I think that is what joining this group does so I am glad you are here.

You will find your own way. I have some same diagnoses as you. CPSD, major Clinical Depression which rears its head still. I am a lot older then you. I tried but I could not find proper help right away. I ran into some bad therapists but I kept trying to find someone who could listen to me and understand. I started w an analyst in my late 30’s who helped me. He did not have all the answers but the relationship gave me the courage to believe in myself and keep learning about myself.

I already worked in the mental health field so I had a head start on learning but PTSD was not as recognized as it is now.

My analyst’s analyst is quoted as saying , “To help one person is to help the world.”

I think you could start w helping yourself. Find yourself another therapist your can trust. Form a relationship and work within that relationship. Therapists are not all the same.

Learn and read all you can to educate yourself about PTSD so you can apply it to your own experiences. Have faith in your own ability to understand yourself. You are an expert on your own life. Read about good therapists and helpful therapy and others experiences regarding their own therapy.

Learn to love and appreciate yourself for having the courage to have gotten this far after a very difficult start. You survived and you can grow.

I try to keep that quote in mind. Be a truly good person because each kindness or good thing you do for yourself or someone else can have an effect on many people. Kindness gets passed on.

Be open to finding friends who are good people and with whom you may have something in common.

I am on meds for depression. I will always be on them and they help.

So I did not exactly answer your question, but I hope I gave you some things to think about and some you find useful.

Take care of yourself and best wishes for continued growth, and finding a purpose so you can feel a sense of contentment and

happiness in life.

Keep posting here and let people know how you are doing. There are caring, helpful, people in this group.

Thanks for posting.

gerrerd profile image

The purpose of life is to learn all the lessons, and enjoy it ! if you have a higher purpose just relax it will find you ! Be of service to others is the main one !

Zhangliqun profile image

If you have some sort of mental illness, as I presume you do if you're in here, then God may be training you to help others like you.

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