I’m having brain fog again and am so anxious I can’t think straight. My whole body hurts. I think my mind/body is trying to get me to drink to feel more ‘normal’ again because id use it to self-medicate. Does that make sense?
I’m so scared ... don’t know what to ... - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m so scared ... don’t know what to do but reach out

Isn’t there something you can take when people stop drinking to help with withdrawals I would call your doctor they should be able to help you through this ruff time I would think
It does make sense.
Sillysausage is a wise fellow.
The hurt comes, and it goes. We hear you meanwhile.
Hi starlight can you maybye go out for a walk to distract your self and clear your mind it helps me a little
TBH, I think it's more anxiety in general than alcohol.
This too will pass.
You got this Starrlight!
My psychiatrist gave me something but I swore it was making it all worse so I stopped taking it right off.
It helped me to keep a written record of what medicines, supplements, and other things I tried, and how I felt. That way I didn't have to trust my memory when I was doing poorly.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I'm sorry so much is hurting you today. Brain fog, anxiety, whole body hurts.
One at a time, they're bad enough.
Have you kept hydrated today? Do you think Tylenol might help the pain? If you're on the computer (or phone), does any music or video help?
I hope this all passes soon.
I took pain med and I’ve been drinking tons of water. I think I’m having panic attack after panic attack. Thank you I feel tired so maybe I can get to sleep early. I wish I wouldn’t wake up.
It's horrible to hurt so much. I understand. Sometimes wishing not to wake up the only respite we can imagine. Your children don't wish it though. Maybe that's selfish of them, but children are entitled to that. To all our best. I hope for a much better, easier tomorrow for you.
I hope you sleep well.
Thank you. I slept well. Yeah my kids need me to get better. Maybe I’m pushing things? I need healing. I’ll do all that needs to be done in time, although it’s hard for me to not jump into the probable future and guess if I will be able to do all I need to. I have to imagine it will be okay.
Hi Starrlight- I’m sorry you are feeling so bad! 😔 Thinking of you!
I think the meditation is great.
Can you do talk therapy? Talking to someone when you are depressed or anxious is so helpful. If you can’t do in person, you can do it over the phone.
Have you tried anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds? An oldie-but goodie is sinequan/doxepin. It’s not addictive, and helps with both anxiety, depression, sleep and pain (it has a Benadryl type action in it). Also, try journaling your feelings.
One other thing -do you have cable? There is this one free music channel (soundscapes) that plays zen music and has gorgeous landscapes with these uplifting quotes- I find it to be very soothing. I hope you feel better soon! ❤️
I don't want to cross any boundaries but have you looked into support groups online like AA? It's a huge organization with tons of support in this area. Maybe check with your doctor about trying meds specifically to stop cravings. There must be something like that out there. Meanwhile, glad you posted. Enjoy your meditation.
Makes total sense. I had to quit drinking. Personal choice. It has not been easy. At all. Especially with the holidays and summer season here. I use to turn to alcohol for relief. Alot. I quit for some time and then fooled myself into believing I could have one or two and it not be a problem. I convinced myself pretty good there for a while. Able to do just that. But end result, It did more harm than good. In my situation. I've observed this to be the case in most situations. ((((Starrlight)))) here if you want to vent, talk, a virtual shoulder to cry on.... You're not alone. You have my support. 💜 & what seems like alot of others here as well 🥰 you are stronger than you even know. Even if it doesn't feel that way right now. I believe in you.
Thanks so much! Good for you!
There's some really good meetings Ive found very helpful that aren't affiliated with the 12 step programs but are open to all pathways seeking recovery from pretty much anything... If youre interested.. let me know. I believe recovery is different for everyone. Been through alot of different programs myself. If I can help another struggling, I'll try. 💜
I emphasize with you. I have recently been freed from many years of a cigarette addiction. As I got more free of anxiety the cigarette addiction fell away. Alot of my body pain vanished also.. Fear causes pain.. I only found more freedom as I learned to lean on God and trust in His goodness and love for me. It is Divine Love that heals us. I didn't find God in church or religion. He is everywhere. Meditating and praying in nature is very healing, even if you can get out in the sunshine by a tree and listen to the birds. Hold onto images of how you want to be living. Expect good.😘 I will be praying for you.😍 Hugs!
Hi Tara, I completely agree about praying and knowing God is good and is here for me in every moment. I also find God present in the everyday miracles of nature! I find reading some of the psalms to be very peaceful, too, especially psalms 23 (of course), 24, 25, 27, and 41.
Starrlight, if you wanted to read those and don’t have access to a bible, you can just look them up online- they are written for times of anxiety and fear. Xo!
Hi, Starrlight. I'm also struggling very badly with depression and anxiety, and along with it the body pain and heart torture. It's a terrible feeling.
Alcohol won't help, though. Alcohol is a very strong drug, even if it is legal to buy. If weed is legal where you are, that could help, though each person responds differently in re: anxiety.
Mostly, though, I just wanted to add my voice in solidarity. Depression and anxiety are indeed awful. There is no cure, so we need to find coping strategies that won't destroy what is left of our bodies.
I hope you find the comfort you need and deserve,
Thank you! Weed doesn’t agree with me. I get paranoid. But I have discovered that magnesium helps me.
Weed can be tricky. I'm not pushing (seriously!), but if you had a sativa variety rather than an indica, anxiety is more likely. You may know that already.
And just a note - magnesium is hell on IBS/D, so if you have that skip the magnesium - you'll get more familiar with the bathroom than is reasonable.
Hi Starrlight, I'm sorry you're going through this. It sounds to me as if you need rest and to drink water. When you reach for a glass of water it is a habit that can be to the good. Calm yourself with whatever does it for you - favourite music, walking, hugging someone, reading - it all helps the brain to do something else. 🤗
Gosh, and hugging was just an afterthought! What answers we have in our subconscious. Hope you enjoyed your hugs!🤗🤗
Yes... it makes a lot of sense, but you know yourself the answer to this one... just don't drink. Listen... have you checked around online for any support groups my friend... it sure helped me to have contacts and groups... keep sharing...