Im so nervous today the doctor put in orders for me to get a stress test this coming Tuesday to test the function of my heart to make sure it’s working properly when I try an exercise and such. Because I keep getting shortness of breath randomly when exercising and my heart will race and I get random chest pain in my sternum and chest muscles. I know a lot of it this could be because I’ve been going through a lot of stress and anxiety and honestly the chest pain seems to of died down a lot for the most part i don’t feel as tense. Just so nervous to have to go walk on a treadmill and be hooked up to a whole bunch of stuff. And I feel so weird being 22 having a stress test done. Hoping everything comes back normal
Stress Test: Im so nervous today the... - Anxiety and Depre...
Stress Test
Sounds like your Dr is being very thorough. That's a good thing. Sometimes people don't get any further work ups. Just a pat on the head and goodbye " it's just anxiety.
If I'm reading correctly you have already had the test done? If so how did it go?
Will you be getting the one where you use the treadmill or the nuclear stress test where an agent is injected and tests the heart as if you are exercising? I've had both.
Treadmill. Was told it was a lot of walking
It's not too bad. You walk on the treadmill then lie on a table for I think it was an echocardiogram and ekg then you repeat it if I remember correctly. I had that one before. back surgery 6 years ago. I had the nuclear one done almost 2 years ago. Due to severe fatigue was not able to do the treadmill at that time.
You will be ok my friend. Your young yet.I'm sure your heart is fine, our brains can be very scary and trick us into feeling and thinking there is something wrong, I have been battling with mine since November last year and now I am finally able to start putting some of my fears to rest as I have been knocking one appointment out after the other, just did my first out of 5 dental appointments yesterday, I had a really strong fear of oral and head and neck cancers and had those fears put to rest yesterday when not one but two dentists confirmed there are no signs of cancer of any sort.
Keep your head up and try your best to keep a positive attitude cause I have a feeling you will be A ok my friend.
Keep us posted
Thank you!
You are welcome.I know how scary heart stuff is, I have bad heart family History on both my mom and dad's sides of our families, I have an upcoming cardiology appointment so I know how scary it can be, I recently found out that my dad's dad died of a heart attack at the age of 37 and I just turned 37 in March.
We can do this , we both will make it through these scary things and come out the other side ready to face all of life's challenges
Test is easy and can help find heart arrhythmias which can feel like a panic attack to a person with anxiety.