My boyfriend just broke-up with me. I caught him cheating, but I didn't say anything. He just broke-up with me randomly today. I can't with life anymore.
I can't: My boyfriend just broke-up... - Anxiety and Depre...
I can't

Life really sucks sometimes. I had a boyfriend break up with me with the reason of he said he didn't want to hurt me. I told him he was hurting me then. Don't let someone who doesn't regard you with respect have any part of your heart. Don't give him the power. You will find someone one day that respects you and won't put you thru the pain. I know it's hard when you have no one but I once told my ex husband that I might get lonesome but I won't be hurt. You can do this! I've been there and bought the T-shirt. A wise person once told me "Never settle for less than you deserve r or want."
My favorite is.. There is no chemistry I want sparks because I did not have with my ex wife.. 🤣
Sparks are a bonus. I once had a boyfriend that I felt like the 4th of July was everyday with him. But the sparks fizzled out to a dud. It was all on my part that it was there. My ex husband was like that. When I figured out that I was the one that was feeling the "sparks", I stood back and saw the 'whole' picture, I just settled for that for a while. Then after some years, we just turned into housemates. And that wasn't because of me. I wanted the love of a lifetime, pizzazz, earth moving relationship. I wanted a best friend, generous lover, and someone that gave themselves to my wellbeing as I would to them. I think every woman and most men want that in their lives. Life is unpredictable. You gotta kick a few tires to see how steady the frame work is. Sometimes it's a winner, sometimes it's a close 3rd, sometimes it is a lemon. Just weed the garden till you find that rose.
It's good to have attraction on all levels. If someone is a caring good person sometimes the attraction comes,. It can't be forced.
yes you are right there. You can't force anyone to be what they want you to be. Sometimes just a certain look and they are what you have been looking for. But in all fairness be careful. I had a boyfriend that treated me like a queen. Everyone told me he was wrong for me. I told them they were wrong and that if he had some problem with other women then the problem was with them not him. He had me totally, Then right before we got married, there was warning bells clanging. And when I said wait a minute, he changed into this person that people warned me about. The attraction and spark and and rose colored glasses came off. I got away before my life was in danger. I later met a guy that was kind, considerate, funny, charming, good natured and I fell head over hills in love. We dated for 2 months and just when I thought my "soul-mate' was going my life partner, he died in a car crash. It was some time before I let anyone touch my heart again. I just saying, anything can happen.
Wow sorry.. The person who said no spark etc was a nice person so attractive in that way.. But not by definition outwardly.. I consider myself as do my friends and family a very good person who is also pretty.. I was definitely better looking on the outside lol.. I was very nice to him and his kids even though they ignored pretty much anyone especially playing games 🤣.. If things also go to fast sparks wise it often doesn't burn long.. When it naturally builds, it lasts a little longer.
Oh sweetie, as hard as this feels right now it truly is the best. He was not the one for you. If he could not remain loyal and loving to you … well you don’t want that. You want one but he was not able to fill those shoes.
The right one will come around. Mourn the loss, get your tears out however you need. When you are ready pull yourself back up with your chin high & shoulders back. You can face the world with a smile because you are strong and you are beautiful and you deserve better than that.
What a jerk.. You are such a beautiful amazing person.
Oh my heart hurts for you. He’s a jerk for cheating! He hurt you and yet you are taking the , I don’t know what word to use, got a brain injury and I may use something wrong. You seem to take the blame for the problem with the relationship.
I get that. I have such low self esteem I always seemed to jump from relationship or man to man to feel better. But it was only temporary.
Don’t mean to talk about myself, but I believe in sharing one’s own experiences can maybe inspire or horrify lol.
As a veteran of break ups, I prescribe some chocolate and lots of ice cream and tissues. After my 12th or 15th? “ I’ll never find anyone to love” it dawned on me that apparently that saying men are like buses, there will be another one coming along
I believe God truly wants what’s best for all of us. And when I took my hands off the throttle, things shifted. But lots of things in my life had to be changed and repaired before I could consider a relationship
I gave up on men years back. And surprisingly I ended up marrying at 50 ( we had been together for 12 years when that happened. )
To a supportive guy who isn’t perfect ( he cheated and we broke up about 5 years before we married). I got through that pain , sober, with my girlfriends, and after a weeend of acting like a loon I tried to look for the lessons, my part so that I would come out better for it.
I truly wish this had not hurt. I read a quote: the price of love is grief
I think it’s not just for those that pass, there’s a lot of things that need processing. I know I stuffed those things. I did not realize it until this post. Thank you for letting me be there in this
You deserve better....
. The most cowardly of course is by text.. Even if you talk endlessly with the person and you think everything is going well..
You are better off. I was in a 19 year marriage with an adulterer and the lies and deceit never stopped. I continued to believe things had changed, time and again, and they never did. The pain from that relationship permeated the entire family as well as every other aspect of my life. I am still trying to heal, and it is a real struggle. This man exiting your life is the best thing that could have happened. The heartbreak must be enormous for sure, but now the lies are over, and that is the best outcome. We are all thinking about you and happy for you.
Please he’s not worth it and I beg you you are so much better than him. I know you are a beautiful and talented woman and your self worth is not defined by some teenage boy who doesn’t value your emotions. Break ups are hard I know but find hobbies do what you love make friends . It takes time and it will be worth it