I find the quotes help me a lot so I share them with you ! Take whatever helps you disregard what you dont agree with ! what could be simpler than that ! Ray.
Now it may be a quote but it sums up ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Now it may be a quote but it sums up my thoughts on today !

Great quote. If I may gerrerd, here is a quote that I would like to add to this post.
Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates:
Is it true?
Is it necessary?
Is it kind?”

True great reminder, sometimes we get carried away in the moment !

OI realy love this One ella - bee. If eveveryone lived by these our world would be a far better place
Thank-you for these words Roxylox. As a child I was taught to "practice the pause" when I became irritated or upset. I tell my granddaughter to always read what she posts to another on her social media at least three times before pressing reply. How would she feel is she were on the receiving end of her own post?
I do not believe in religion at all, probably brought about by me living in the 'Troubles' generation, in Northern Ireland, been that way for forty years. and intelligent enough to keep my views quiet, having to respect their 'beliefs' whether I understand them or not! I have learnt to do that from pure experience🙄😆😆 ps[another quote which will be stuck on my 'Mancave' wall!]👍👍
Based on issues that arise here sometimes I think reaching Nirvana or enlightenment should be secondary. First we should begin to practice Metta.... loving kindness to all.
Just a thought. This thought is directed at no one specific. Just something I've learned by studying Buddhism.
I agree with you Dolphin. Buddhism is something I have studied also, along with meditation and mindfulness. I believe there is a true mind/body connection and Buddhism has helped me to see this. I have a long way to go yet. Thanks for mentioning this, I sometimes wonder how much I should share or how it may be received.

I feel the same way about opening up and sharing about Buddhism. But I thought, based on yesterday's discussion of meditation, it will hopefully be ok.
I have a long way to go also. The last course I took some monks were interviewed and had still not reached Nirvana. I think the concept of Metta is a good one to share based on what's been going on here lately.
I thought I should put the meaning of Nirvana here so that anyone reading this post will understand.
Nirvana is a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven. In Hinduism and Buddhism, nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person's individual desires and suffering go away.
The concept of Metta is a good one to share, Dolphin.
Metta in Buddhism is attributed as loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence.