This is mostly a vent but I feel like this has been building up for months of being practically in isolation other than going to classes, with going to school 3 hours away from home, not getting along with my roomate, and having literally no friends like not even acquaintances, nothing.
For like a month now i’ve been slowly loosing it. like every tiny inconvenience sets me off and i can’t stop crying. Nothing seems worth doing and I don’t care about any of the things i used to love and i just feel restless like i need to go somewhere even though i have nowhere to go.
I have my boyfriend and mom who i talk to on the phone but they’re also 3 hours away and have their own lives to worry about. My boyfriend is working 3 jobs and can barely find the time to sleep and my mom is dealing with a divorce and a bunch of other stuff too. I can’t put all of my shit on them and i have no one else. And even when i do explain how i’m feeling to them they just give me the same advice to go to clubs and put myself out there to make friends which hasn’t worked once in the two years i’ve been at this school. Not to mention i can’t focus on making friends when i feel like i’m gonna have a panic attack from something as small as spilling or dropping something.
I’ve been trying to keep it together till friday because thats when i get to go home for a week of spring break but i don’t even know if i can make it that long without having a full blown nervous breakdown.
Like even now my roomate is on the phone talking super loud and i literally feel like i’m going to go crazy. Its midnight but i’m seriously about to leave my dorm and just walk like i don’t even know where. i have nowhere to go i just can’t be here right now i feel like the walls are closing in on me and i can’t breathe i feel trapped and listening to music and my typical coping methods just aren’t working anymore.
I don’t know what to do. I’m at a loss. I’m all alone two hundred miles away from any of the people who can help me and i can’t go to a hospital or anything cause thats just going to disappoint everyone and make me miss class and the anxiety of going through that whole process isn’t something i think i can even handle right now.
Does anyone have any coping mechanisms that have really helped them when they feel like they’re on the edge and nothing else has helped?