Help with anxiety and depression - Anxiety and Depre...

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Help with anxiety and depression

D-Mi profile image
73 Replies

I have severe anxiety and depression and struggle getting out of bed. I came here to speak with others that struggle and are willing to help me in any possible. Please reach out to me!

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D-Mi profile image
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73 Replies
kenster1 profile image

hi welcome aboard you`ve came to the right place.

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to kenster1

Thanks kenster1. Any words of wisdom for how to beat severe anxiety and depression and panic? I’ve been all over the internet and obviously there is no cure-all but I want to hear from people who actually have my same issues or beat it.

Salma2289 profile image

I am so sorry for what you are going through, people here are great, understanding and supportive. You are not alone anymore. Whatever you are in just remember it’s a temporary place and everything gonna be fine. Send you my love

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Salma2289

Thank you Salma. Have you ever gone through anything severe like this?

Salma2289 profile image
Salma2289 in reply to D-Mi

Yes I did, I suffered a lot from depression that I could hardly get out of bed. I took medication and i had been through group therapy and sessions. It took me time, but now I feel better, still sometimes I feel everything fall apart and I hardly can hold myself but I think i can deal in a better way know than the way i was before. I do attend recently group support for anxiety and depression and I felt so good, i will soon do this again it does help hearing people having the same thing.

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Salma2289

Where is group support? I would like to go but don’t know where to look. Also to find one specific for anxiety and depression.

Salma2289 profile image
Salma2289 in reply to D-Mi

There are a lot, what I attended was online through zoom but of course there are in place groups you can find in your area You can search Google with anxiety and depression support groups and you will find many results and i can send you a link that has a lot of different groups maybe will be helpful

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Salma2289

I wish there were more near me but thank you. I’m just really struggling to cope with life and everything that’s happening and it all seems too much. I lay here and hope tomorrow will somehow be miraculously better which is crazy. I need to wake up and I end up laying in bed.

Salma2289 profile image
Salma2289 in reply to D-Mi

Be easy on yourself, if you take small step each day feel grateful to yourself. Things will change and one day you will look back and see how far you go in your journey. You already take a big step and come here in this great community which means you are trying to do and be better. Be grateful for yourself and try to give it a try and search for your area and i am sure you will find some groups which will be helpful. We are always here for you and i wish you gonna be very fine

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Salma2289

Thanks Salma. I feel like nobody can possibly feel as bad as I do yet everyone says they have been there and even gotten through it. I want that to be me so bad. I’m not religious but I’m going to pray for me tonight.

GypsySoul77 profile image
GypsySoul77 in reply to D-Mi

This literally sounds like the way I have been for almost the past year. I hit rock bottom & had to stay with my parents for support and motivation & then found an intensive outpatient program for anxiety & depression and also was assigned to a therapist at the same facility in Palm Desert, CA. If you’re on medication to help with your anxiety and depression, it’s also important to make sure you’re on the right meds and dosages. Find a reputable psychiatrist to help get or adjust your meds for sure, even if it’s just until you can get into some sort of therapy as well.

Salma2289 profile image
Salma2289 in reply to D-Mi

GypsySoul77 profile image
GypsySoul77 in reply to D-Mi

I recently went to an IOP (Intensive outpatient program) for severe anxiety and depression, and I found it by calling my health insurance and finding facilities were covered & then looked up reviews on the places to get a feel for the quality of services. Try your insurance as a starting point. I wish you much luck…keep pushing for help no matter how discouraged you may feel…I would say it’s SUPER important to keep talking to people about your feelings/anxiety/depression. ☮️

Organiker profile image
Organiker in reply to D-Mi

Look on YouTube for Douglas Bloch's stuff. That should help.

samack profile image

Hi D-Mi.I can fully relate to how you feel. I cant find a support group either. Its tough. Hopefully this site will bring you some comfort.

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to samack

This site helps since there are people going through it. I just wish someone can force me to snap out of it. I have so many stressors in my life that fight or flight is like all the time. I need relief.

samack profile image
samack in reply to D-Mi

I know, I know. If only we could.

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to samack

What are you doing to work on anxiety?

samack profile image
samack in reply to D-Mi

I'm primarily in a deep depression. I have underlying trauma from childhood neglect which complicates matters. I would listen to others here as I am stumbling through rounds of therapy and meds.

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

Have you tried medication?

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

Many different kinds. Nothing really helps. Currently on 40mg Prozac and 150mg Trazadone to go to sleep. For anxiety and panic I was prescribed either Xanax which I don’t want to get addicted to and propranolol which apparently regulates blood pressure or heart rate or something like that

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

I just started Zoloft 3 weeks ago and still waiting to kick in. I take Xanax only when I really need it. I tried trazadone and makes me way to out of it the next day. I've been trying deep breathing when I start to feel anxious but it's hard. Have you tried any of that or meditation ?

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

I’ve not tried meditation. Is there a good free one to do? I liked trazadone 50mg but I eventually got more anxious so the dr said I could up it to 150mg or even more. It gets me to sleep but not stay asleep. And I think I feel tired and jittery the next day from the anxiety and depression not the drug…but who knows. I tried Zoloft but I wasn’t on it long enough since I had some side effects.

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

What about upping your prozac? The Prozac should be helping your anxiety. I use the breeth app there's some free good ones on there. It's really hard sometimes I think I'm going crazy

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

I am hesitant to up any drugs. I just recently went from 20m to 40mg of Prozac. I wish I felt better with less. I’m not sure if it’s the meds making me feel more anxious or depressed.

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

It can when increasing? I noticed that with myself

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

Have you ever tried anything for sleep? Or are you able to sleep without meds? I use trazadone but I don’t know if it is helping sleep but worsening something else. That being said I’m still not sleeping through the night. Anything help you?

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

I tried trazadone but makes me feel like crap next day? I don't sleep well

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

How does it make u feel the next day? And how many mg did u take? Do you sleep ok now or still not good? I can fall asleep for a few hours then wake up and can’t fall back asleep.

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

It's 50 mg but I'm so like out of it next day. I can't fall asleep till like 2

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

So you can’t fall asleep on trazadone until like 2am? It helps me go to sleep but then I wake up around 2-4am

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

No originally I can't but I took trazadone twice first time couldn't sleep till 1 and last night fell asleep like 11? Woke up at 330

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

Yeah it’s hard to not get a lot of sleep. I heard you need to stop worrying about not sleeping because it’s the worry about not sleeping that causes u not to sleep

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

Yes that is true , hard not to stress tho. I worry I'm never gonna get thru this

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

Me too. Ur not alone and you have me. I don’t know you but we can help each other. I’m in Arizona.

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

Thank you, I'm in Washington

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

Message me tomorrow we can continue. Sleep good I’m going to do the same. We sleep tonight

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

Thank you!! I'll message you tomorrow hope you sleep well

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

Sara I feel like I failed again 😢. I wasn’t able to get up when I wanted to and I find myself in bed again reading these forums and hoping somehow something helps me snap out of this. How are you?

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

I didn't sleep well

GypsySoul77 profile image
GypsySoul77 in reply to D-Mi

There’s an app called Buddhify; I think it’s around $5.99 (one time purchase) and it’s helped me with sleep a lot-I definitely recommend it!

GypsySoul77 profile image
GypsySoul77 in reply to D-Mi

I have the same problem with the constant fight or flight and it’s brutal. I do have to take a Rx anti anxiety medication when it gets overwhelming but breathing exercises have also helped so that I’m not constantly popping a Xanax 🙈

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to GypsySoul77

I hate thinking meds are going to make this stop since everyone says that’s not how it works. What I wish I knew if if the meds were even doing anything or if they are just making things worse. It’s tempting to just stop all meds but then I’d worry nothing is there to help me at all and that’s scary.

samack profile image
samack in reply to D-Mi

I realize, after bring treatment resistant for a long time, and finally finding meds that are decent for me, that it's not meds alone that make us feel better. I stopped expecting that. IMHO, you are better off not to stop all meds. Sometimes its all not working, and by changing one or two, it works. BTW, I use trazadone to sleep, and for me I get good sleep, sometimes with sleep interruption. However, there is a hangover effect of tiredness that is difficult to overcome when you're depressed.

qru55 profile image
qru55 in reply to D-Mi

Try the calm app for meditation, try melatonin for sleep , and to find out exactly what kind antidepressant do genetic test. I hope this helps.

alfreddy7 profile image

Hello D-Mi

Welcome. You will find a lot nice people that are here for you.

I suffer from crippling anxiety and panic attacks. But also do stay in bed all day when my anxiety is bad.

It’s been a year for me and I see myself progressing. If I can do it. You can do it also.

You are always welcome to post here and we are always here for you.

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to alfreddy7

Thank you alfreddy. I pray that one day I will get back to where I want to be. I would like that to be sooner rather than later. What are some of the steps you made towards recovery? Anything I can try tomorrow?

alfreddy7 profile image

You can be back to your self in time.

I first started with reading a book called “Self Help” by Claire Weekes.

That was my start.

I started doing light exercises and some meditation.

I don’t take medication but I do take supplements.

Such as Magnesium, Vitamin D and Omega3

I also downloaded this app called Head Space

Which has guided meditations and a few other things.

A lot of what helps me with anxiety is just let it be. Let it run its course. Little by little it will start losing strength. There will be set backs but they will make you stronger.

It’s a long journey. There is a lot of things you can try but you can choose which one is best for you.

I know is better said than done but getting out of bed is crucial.

You can start small like a walk on the yard or around the neighborhood.

Getting out there, outside. Is key.

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to alfreddy7

I have that book it's great and has helped especially with just accepting the anxiety. I wish I didn't need meds

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to Sarah0816

Hi Sarah.

Nothing wrong with taking meds.

It’s just something I don’t feel like I need.

I know they help people a lot.

And yes!! The book is great.

Acceptance is very important.

I’m still learning to accept.

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to alfreddy7

Yes everyone is different in what helps for them. I'm just trying to get thru this My anxiety makes me feel like I'm gonna lose my mind

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to Sarah0816

Yeah been there before. Feels like you’re losing it

But In fact you’re not.

Just got to stay grounded. And know that it’s normal to feel that way.

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to alfreddy7

Thank you, I'm trying it's like is this anxiety or am I going insane I hate it

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Sarah0816

I hear you. I worry and worry about everything. Stress and anxiety galore. The thought of working hard at defeating it is daunting.

Sarah0816 profile image
Sarah0816 in reply to D-Mi

I'm the same way right now. I wanna be myself again

Moonira profile image

Good morning D-Mi. I too struggle with depression and anxiety. Right now I'm out of major depression but every day must practice good self care. I know what it is to not want to get out of bed, sleep a good part of the day, wash or even brush your teeth. Right now I'm out of Major Depression thank God!! The hardest thing is to take the first step. It requires an act of will. Once you are up go to the washroom and splash cold water on your face. Then just do some gentle stretching... stretch your arms...reach for the and close your hands, gently turn your neck left to right then up and down. Try and touch your toes but come up slowly. There by now you've activated your body. Time to get dressed...doesn't matter what you wear just send a signal to yourself that you've put the bed on PAUSE. Next it's time to eat, how about a nutritious fruit of your choice, nice bowl of your favorite cereal, muffin etc...or toast with peanut butter or slice of cheese or boiled egg. It's important you keep your strength up. Try and go out for a walk...short, long, whatever it will help activate you. Try and reach out to a friend, read a paragraph in a book, newspaper, a book to change the discourse going on in the brain. Ever try coloring? I know I'm babbling but I've been where you are many times....I feel for you...please do not give up ...there is light at the end of the tunnel. The advice I gave for depression can apply to anxiety but I would add meditation, deep breathing. Sending you hugs.

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Moonira

Thank you Moonira. I find myself lying in bed right now after having been up for a bit and ate something. I have no idea how I’m going to make it to work next week and I keep telling myself it will force me to get up and go. I pray I find the willpower. My eyes keep closing right now and I don’t know if it is because I’m exhausted from not getting a lot of sleep or the depression. It’s been a constant struggle.

Moonira profile image
Moonira in reply to D-Mi

D-Mi, Hope you have a family doctor. Depression is an illness that requires treatment. If you are not well you should not return to work. I hope you have a good support system ie. Family, friends.....treat ypurself like a VIP because you are.

car103 profile image

Same boat but 100mg of Trazadon works for me. I have a psychiatrist and a therapist and I'm still stuck. Part of it is lack of purpose and lack of friends/support. If I didn't have a dog, I would be in bed all day. Thanks for speaking up. I'm following the responses.

NorwegianWood profile image

I found that walking was effective in lightening depression. This was after I read a study that showed 6 weeks of walking 30mins/day is as good or better than medication (unspecified). At the very least, it's nice to be walking and there's pride in achieving it.

If you consider it, don't wait until you feel good to walk, but commit to yourself that you will walk regardless. Write it on your fridge, tell friends, tell your social network - anything to help you be accountable to yourself.

Sunnyallday111 profile image

Hi Im the same way but I don't have any answers.

Moonira profile image

Hi again.

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Moonira


Moonira profile image

How are you?

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Moonira

I’m trying hard to hang in there

Moonira profile image
Moonira in reply to D-Mi

Hope you're doing well...hanging in, being kind and loving towards yourself. As I write this I am trying to do the same. Hugs and sending positive vibes down your way.💫👏💫🦋

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Moonira

Thank you

Madieval profile image

Dear D-Mi ,big big hugs , a listening ear and lots of kind wishes and positivity Its a strange place to be I have coped by getting help from a lot of amazing people ,my gp ,employer ,

Iapt silvercloud and cbt ,and the best of all was just talking with a lovely lady from Rethink.

I could actually plan my week around her calls,now I have to work on managing without her .They have all given me hope ,and the inspiration to know ,I have the strength to have a meaningful life.

Even though I have found it hard to take on board at times, I have saved all the amazing things I have discovered on this journey on a facebook page so I can work through some of it as and when I feel the urge.And thank you Moonira ,your kindness is much appreciated,,I would love to take some of your ideas on board .

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to Madieval

Thank you!

Madieval profile image
Madieval in reply to D-Mi

I,m at my worst first thing in the morning ,although I woke up screaming last night when the dog jumped onto the bed .I,ve never done that before,but then i lifted the blanket so he could get in and went back to sleep .

My fit bit which is a great distraction at the moment showed I slept for over seven hours ,I haven,t done that before

Moonira profile image
Moonira in reply to Madieval

Dogs are so wonderful to sleep with though!!!! Love them so much.🦋💫👏💫

mauv profile image

Hi D-Mi, I have suffered with depression mainly and some anxiety most of my life a d I am 76. I have learned I didn’t cause it, can’t control it a d can’t cure it. I sure have tried to control it in my time and not allow God to control it in his time. Every time it made me more depressed. Once the chemicals in our brain are depleted it takes time to get them back to normal again. Medication, therapy or other treatments are needed. Stress brings my depressions on. We need each other for support because we understand how emotionally debilitating this disease is. Only we can help each other. You do need a good psychologist and psychiatrist as well as a support group. Some people are blessed to have family and friends as well. I get no support from my husband but have 2 dear friends who have depression so we support each other. This is a great support group so please use us

D-Mi profile image
D-Mi in reply to mauv

Thank you

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