Sleep tips caused by tension - Anxiety and Depre...

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Sleep tips caused by tension

Mott-o profile image
15 Replies

Does anyone have trouble sleeping? At the start of my anxiety almost a year ago at the start of 2nd wave I was tense & couldn’t sleep easily. I retired March 2020. I have tried various treatments: Zopiclone, CBT, Havening, therapy, accupuncure, meditation, affirmations. Prescribed Mirtazipine but this won’t last. Any suggestions what might help?

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Mott-o profile image
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15 Replies
ZOO7 profile image

For me I find having a bedtime routine helps a bit. I take a warm shower and read or listen to my audible book. It helps me to unwind a bit. Sometimes I drink a sleepy time tea. Nothing I found is a cure theses things help me a bit to unwind. I occasionally took a melatonin.

Mott-o profile image
Mott-o in reply to ZOO7

My accupuncturer suggested exercising daily, pouring cold water over myself before bed & drying myself vigorously. I’ve listened to a sleep app which helps. Sleep is unprectictable & broken. Coming off drugs scares me but I have to face it.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Mott-o

Hi Mott-o have you ever tried Self Hypnosis Meditation before bed?I meditate and do my breathing exercises 3 x a day. Upon awakening,

midafternoon as well as just before falling asleep.

I had a few sessions with a hypnotherapist at one time and find that very

calming and relaxing both to the mind and body. In time, you will respond

faster sometimes falling asleep before the tape is through.

Our subconscious mind absorbs whatever it hears even when we are sleeping.

It's a wonderful way to start and end your day on a positive note. :) xx

Mott-o profile image

I haven’t tried self hypnosis although I did some years ago when I suffered anxiety & binned the tape as not needed!

Did the hypnotherapist supply the tape or cd?

mschloe profile image

I'm 68 & retired. Over a year ago I injured my leg & the pain at night led to chronic insomnia to the extent that I actually once went 4 nights without sleep. My anxiety went through the roof & I had suicidal thoughts (I actually gathered everything I need to follow through), but family & friends made me fight rather than give up. I went to a sleep center & did an overnight sleep study. Trying to do the sleep restriction that my doctor wanted was like torture as I have several pain issues & need to rest my body more than 6 hours a night; he had me going to bed at midnight & getting up at 6 a.m. Trying to do the sleep restriction is actually what got my anxiety out of control. I also tried acupuncture & spent over $1,000 out of pocket. I was taking klonopin & Temazepam for sleep; both worked for a while but eventually stopped working. I eventually got off both & am now taking Busperone for anxiety & Mirtazipine in a low dose of 3.75 (I tried 7.5 & 15 but on my own broke the 7.5 in half as low doses work for insomnia & that did the trick). I'm also taking Gabapentin 600 mg. before bed. I know the drugs will eventually stop working so I went to a different sleep specialist who is also a neurologist & his approach to insomnia is alot more manageable if my insomnia returns. I'm also going to see an endrocrinologist in a couple of weeks at my request as they can do tests to see if I have a circadium rhythm disorder (I've had periods of insomnia throughout my adult life) or if my adrenal glands are being affected by a small mass on top of my kidney. Like you, I've tried meditation, muscle relaxation, deep breathing, hot showers before bed, no blue light at least an hour before bed, etc. Anyway, I think I'm determined to explore every avenue I can to see if I can change this problem. Good luck to you. If you'd like to keep in touch we can compare notes & maybe we can help each other. Happy New Year!

Mott-o profile image
Mott-o in reply to mschloe

Thanks. Keep in touch.

I understand. My anxiety got really worsened an year ago and now at my second wave i'm having night terrors, even somnambulism. Tried multiple therapists, am on medication. Nothing. It's just the tension. Espessially that i don't take it out. I stored it all in myself and it's there and espessially asleep our conscious mind can't control it and it comes out. I try to journal before sleep, to listen to mindfulness meditations, lavender, melatonin, valerian roots, and some fresh air, walks and vit D in the morning. I take sertraline and i guess it messes my serotonin - melatonin balance which is the balance awake-asleep. But this is all my psych student nonsence. Actually it's just stored tension and we should firstable find ways to calm down and second sort it out. When asleep the consious mind has lost its control and the brain tries to regulate itself. Sorry If it's distorbted, my head is really distorbted from the constant tension. But you're not alone and it does get better

Mott-o profile image
Mott-o in reply to Against_the_current

I know how you feel. Let’s keep in touch

Daveacr1959 profile image

Before getting out of bed, 2 rounds of the Wim Hof guided breathing exercises free on you tube. The 3 round one . 30-40 minutes of daily cardio exercise to tire you out. A 5 minute pure cold shower daily. Google cold shower therapy for mental health.

Mott-o profile image
Mott-o in reply to Daveacr1959

Sounds like torture. Do you practise it?

Daveacr1959 profile image

Yes, I can see where you think the cold shower is torture. But I need you to research it online. The 3 round breathing exercises are not torture, certainly try it before you get out of bed. It’s an aggressive breathing exercises but you can go at your own pace. And certainly you can go for a 30-45 minute walk? Or you tube has walking in place videos? If you don’t want to go outside. Now here is how to do the cold shower. Get a pan and set your shower for 70 degrees. I mean set the handle and catch water in a pan. Check it with a cooking thermometer. Go in for 1 minute at 70 degrees. Breathing slow and deep to relax. Just try it for a week? Then go for 2 minutes a week later. Till after a month you are at 5 minutes. Then go 2 degrees colder each week. If you have a heart condition don’t do the cold shower. Look online cold shower benefits. Then you tube it . Then look up cold shower sleep benefits. Or cold water sleep benefits online and you tube.

You have to baby step into it at our age . I’m 62 I think I saw 67 for you?

Mott-o profile image
Mott-o in reply to Daveacr1959

Yes thanks. I saw Russell Brand talking abt Wim Hof & the process. Personally I have baths so I would have to submerse gradually.

Sleep is going to be the challenge when I stop taking Mirtazipine which was a game changer from not sleeping well.

Cold shower after a warm bath did help me.

I walk first thing in the morning.

Daveacr1959 profile image
Daveacr1959 in reply to Mott-o

Isn’t not sleeping torture too? I think it is. Please go online more, and see common people who have been helped by the breathing exercises. And the cold water therapy. You tube search will turn up a lot of testimonials. I do 20-30 minutes of the breathing exercises before I get out of bed. This really calms me down. And makes me feel good. I just got out of my 45 degree swimming pool. I play 2 songs on my phone, and after the 2 songs I get out. It’s important to fully submerge your head . Cold water on the brain for a bit. Now I will go to the gym and swim laps and sit in the jacuzzi maybe sauna too. I have been doing the breathing exercises for 6 weeks and the cold water since September. I have missed a couple days when I had a cold a few weeks ago. Don’t you have a shower anymore? It’s safer to start in the shower. After a couple months go to the tub. You don’t have to be one of the ice water people. I was going in twice a day for 10-15 minutes per time. When the pool was 70-60 degrees. That’s how I feel the best. This Wim Hof method has a way to reach places, normal breathing and meditation can’t . It’s more hard core for people who need it. Most people don’t have anxiety and sleep problems. So they can use the normal gentle breathing exercises and get results. People like me who are really struggling need a harsher method. Take the cold water about2 hours before bed . The exercises swimming alone used to be enough for me, until I had to battle cancer. They had me on mitzerpine too and it helped a bit. I am in remission 2 years in February, but can’t seem to get myself back.

swordfishll profile image

Over the counter Naturol was a game changer! I only take 3 mg and it has worked better than any meds!

Mott-o profile image
Mott-o in reply to swordfishll

Thanks. Did you have anxiety & on meds?

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