Hello I have recently found this new community of anxiety and depression and I have been wanting to post on here but I am not sure if people here have intrusive thoughts like me or just get so obsessed with a certain thing sometimes that is disturbing and that causes bad depression and crying almost every single day. I wish I could meet everyone on here and we could all just sit around and talk! Sometimes that I am out and about with my boyfriend I see everyone else either in stores or restaurants so happy living there lives and I just wish I was like that and I didn't have this mental illness but well you never know if that person who is smiling in the outside is completely devastated in the inside. I don't know if I am the only one but sometimes I feel like just crying for some time and when I am done I feel a little better. I believe that God has a plan for me like he does for all of us here we just need to keep going and keep our faith.
I remember the first time I experienced these thoughts they were so debilitating that I had to quit my job and I felt like the whole world was coming to an end. I miss my old self I was so responsible and independent! I loved going to work and I would laugh everyday make others around me laugh I was so happy. All of that changed I no longer work I have to sleep with someone because I am scared of sleeping alone. I cry every other day waiting for this to magically go away. I remember my dad used to tell me when I lived with him for a while and I was first going through this he would see me cry and tell me just relax you have a boyfriend who supports you you are a beautiful girl with brand name things a great car what else do you want from life stop crying. These words would make everything worse of course but he didn't understand what I was going through exactly.
Anyone taking Prestiq (desvenlaxifine)?
I want to get switched to Prozac should I ? Anyone take Prozac? Suggestions
I have so much respect for people who battle with mental illness everyday it is really hard and I believe we are very strong people. I love everyone one here for being so brave and getting through each day. I am so glad I found this website.
God Bless.