Let's play pretend...a game…of sorts - Anxiety and Depre...

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Let's play pretend...a game…of sorts

The_Color_Blue profile image
96 Replies

The holidays can feel overwhelming for any number of reasons. Some of us are dealing with difficult family situations, some of us are navigating Christmas alone this year; all of us are facing the hardships of depression, anxiety, the pandemic, and the holiday season.

So, for a moment, let’s imagine a different reality. Let’s imagine we are real-world friends and acquaintances. In our world we live close enough to throw a holiday celebration that we can attend in person (…and in our world, covid doesn’t exist). Everyone is invited and you are welcome to bring friends (if you so choose). We will throw this celebration at my house. In this world, I also have a house that will perfectly accommodate everyone’s needs.

There are rooms devoted to socializing, others for dancing, another for a white-elephant exchange. There are rooms devoted to each of more than 20 holidays that occur between November and January. In addition, I have rooms dedicated to quiet space, where you may either watch the festivities from a distance, or simply enjoy some quiet, alone-time that enables you to just be …. still. There is no pressure to interact or participate in any one activity. It is a holiday celebration designed to suit you, provide you company if you wish, and space if you don’t. More than anything, it is a celebration held for the sole purpose of bringing you joy.

That said, I’ve already sent out (very snazzy) invites and you’ve already RSVP’d. Today is the day of the celebration. Should you choose to attend, please answer the following:

(a) I’ve asked everyone who attends to bring a dish to pass (i.e., one to set out on the buffet tables so that people can snack and sample all evening). What dish do you plan to bring?

(b) When do you arrive? Would you like to help with set-up, decorating, cooking and baking (I have my work cut out for me and a kitchen that will knock your socks off)? Or are you promptly arrive at the dedicated time (7pm)? Or maybe you like to show up late and make a grand entrance…

(c) Have you decided to dress formally or casually? Are you wearing anything in particular or holiday themed? Do you have some unique affectation?

(d) What do you do? (and remember, there are rooms with anything and everything you could want - instruments, a pool and hot tub, billiards, sitting within a gated area of therapy puppies - literally anything). How do you spend the evening? Which rooms do you visit? Which activities do you engage in? With whom do you socialize? Is there anyone you seek out specifically? What do you do/chat about?

(e) If you decide to bring a white elephant gift - I have requested that the gift be under $10 and be something silly/goofy that will make the recipient laugh. If you choose to participate, what are you bringing?

(f) What about this party have you most been looking forward to?

Let's paint ourselves a joyful picture to keep in mind and make us smile when we feel the need to escape for a bit.

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The_Color_Blue profile image
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96 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Color Blue....what an amazing post. I felt better just reading it..It was so positive an invite. A safe place to come and enjoy the holidays

with no expectations. Rooms set aside to fill all our needs in one giant place.

(love it)

I'll get back to you on what I'll bring and what I'll wear but definitely count me

in to help set up and bring something as well.

Your post fits into my daily meditation of "Virtual Reality"

A concept that if we pretend we are in a state of joy and happiness it

can go from virtual to reality. You've made that possible my friend.

Thank You and Merry Christmas! Agora1 :) xx

Salma2289 profile image
Salma2289 in reply to Agora1

Yeah it’s a great post and the same for me I felt Very better just reading it ❤️

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Salma2289

:) xx

Salma2289 profile image

First i just wanna say that when I have the notification that The_color_Blue post something I felt really excited to read, and when I started reading the post I felt very happy as if it’s really real 😂 I love the game and definitely i will come to celebrate so let’s answer,The dish that I will bring will be cinnabon rolls or cinnabon cake for I make the best cinabon on this earth 😀

Mmmmm, i think i will love to come early and help in decorating and of course cooking specially if i am gonna find a good company.

I will love to wear a black classic dress with classic black shoes and a simple silver necklace and simple silver earnings 😊

Here is the big part what i am gonna do! Oh I wanna do a lot

First I wanna start in the music room while i can listen to some classic music without speaking and just to see my life and remember good memories, then of course i will be in a room while there are the great people here, then we can laugh and discuss about several things and know each other. I will enter a dancing room where i will be a little bit crazy and just dance with some energetic songs, and honestly the most important part here and I can’t deny is to share a good time speaking specifically to a handsome, smart, kind and natural man 🙈 just to be honest, come on they are enjoyable 😂

Eating some good food but not much and share a movie night in a room with a big screen and clear voice in dark with a classic with deep message movie

Oh what would be more great than that 😇

About the gift, I didn’t understand the word white elephant! But if I will bring a gift to make the recipient laugh!! Oh it’s hard to choose cause I use yo be a deep classic person with my gifts, but let’s think mmmmmm, maybe a scary face mask . Omg it’s the hardest question honestly, it seems i am not funny at all.

And of course I look forward this wonderful party, I swear if it’s real I would forget about all my sadness and grief and everything 😂😂 I love people

It does make me smile and feel happy

Thank you so much for this wonderful imagination, i do like the post, don’t know why but for some reasons it cheer me up


The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Salma2289

An elegant beauty in a classic black dress. Stately and timeless - stopping hearts and stealing breaths wherever she goes. I think it suits you perfectly, Salma. You look gorgeous. I'm so grateful you'v'e arrived early to help! OMG, these cinnamon rolls are amazing! I will sample just this small bit (you know, the hostess always has to take a party tax). I have aprons in the corner of the kitchen should you decide to bake, but first - let's take a tour!

A white elephant gift can vary depending on the crowd, however, they are generally inexpensive. In my friend-group the gifts tend to be ridiculous (one year, I got a plastic, singing trout that I was supposed to hang on my wall **insert eye roll here**... the gifts I donated this year are just as useful - and I even hid a few glitter bombs in the mix just for entertainment). Still, I've been to other parties where they are quite practical. (Shhh... don't tell, but I think Luna brought an art set to give away. It will be fun to see who gets that gift. I love watching their face light up).

I ... did you just see a bird? No, that's crazy. Anyway, I have some friends coming to help with moving the furniture. I'll let you know when they arrive - perhaps you can give them some direction. 😉 Enjoy yourself - wander at will - and later, I will meet you on the dance floor!! Pick out some good songs for me!

Salma2289 profile image

I searched for the meaning of white elephant gift, and it seems to be a gift that will coast a lot with no useful purpose

The_Color_Blue profile image

(a) With a few friends to help me prepare, I’ve hired a caterer to augment our little pot luck. The house is abuzz with preparations and I am knee deep in cheesecake-stuffed strawberries when I look up and see Salma2289 and Agora1 peeking in the entry to the kitchen. I squeal in excitement, wipe my hands on a towel and rush toward them. I excitedly ask if I’m allowed to hug them (and assuming they say yes), I give each a big hug. I have the caterers take their dishes to arrange them on the buffet tables (but not before stealing a small taste of cinnamon roll… you know, as a “party tax”).

I show my new friends around the home and explain what needs to be done: added baking, definitely decorating, picking out songs for the rooms with dancing, picking out sheet music for the band, making sure the various therapy animals are fed and happy, etc. I also show them around the house so they know where to go to find their respite. As I leave them to their will, I head back to the kitchen to finish my strawberries.

On the walk back, I see some very good friends of mine - all of whom happen to be “handsome, smart, kind, and honest men” who have arrived to help arrange furniture. I immediately call to Salma2289 over my shoulder and tell her she will need to direct these men as to where the furniture ought to go. 😉

(b) I live here!

(c) Having always wanted to attend a formal holiday party, I am wearing a full length gown - in all winter white (so… creams and ivories). It’s simple in the front, a satin bodice with a matte skirt (evidencing a hint of pattern, but very subtle) - and sleeveless, of course. The back of the skirt, however, is decorated in (faux) winter white peacock feathers, lightly iridescent with flecks of gold. Why? I was recently inspired by the “estate” peacock who roams the property. I got feather-envy. I have on a simple necklace with a thin gold chain and a small ruby pendant. My earrings are small ruby studs, and my hair is in some fantastically elegant updo. **Le sigh**

As I pass one of the dessert tables I quickly steal another piece of cinnamon roll. With full-on hamster cheeks I catch Salma2289 looking at me quizzically. My mouth (and cheeks) still full of cinnamon roll I once again try to explain “party tax” (while also trying not to laugh or spew cinnamon roll out my nose) - before quickly hustling my feather-clad behind back to the kitchen. (Eh, what can I say, “classy” only goes so far).

(d) As I get the last of my strawberries stuffed, I make my way into other areas of the house. First, I set out to see if Boomer67 , RupertBrown , and PaintsandWorries are in attendance. I’d like to introduce myself and see how things have been going. Plus, if they have any hobbies or interests, I want to be sure to direct them (and possibly their significant others and guests) to the appropriate areas of the house.

Next, I try to find Hidden and gerrerd . I’ve gotten them small crystal ornaments that twinkle and sparkle. Since they always cast light and positivity into our community, the ornaments made metaphorical sense. Oh! and I just remembered that I wanted to show @Nothing_but_pain the aviary.

The aviary is toward the back of the house. It is shaped like an octagon and made entirely of windows. The ceiling is peaked and also made of windows - to see the full night sky alight with stars. There are various trees, branches, and nests to suit our winged friends. Just for the evening, all types of birds have been brought in to share in our soiree.

As I prepare to leave the aviary I hear commotion coming from another room. I hurriedly make my way toward the noise when I notice a very enthusiastic peacock racing through the house. This would be Percival - the inspiration for my dress. Percival is very strong minded, reasonably domesticated, peacock who has full run of the property. The outdoor property. It appears he snuck inside when guests were arriving and is enjoying the sights and feel of the great indoors. I quickly enlist Hb2003 and Hidden to help me catch and/or herd the bird outside. On the off chance you’ve never tried to catch a strong minded peacock, I can assure you, it isn’t a graceful endeavor. Running and crawling through the house, trying diligently to reason with the bird, we somehow manage to corral him into the aviary. Fortunately, he seems smitten with one of our feathered attendants - which means he’ll stay occupied and out of the rest of the house. Pleased that we’ve prevented Percival from shaking his tail feathers on the dance floor, I straighten my dress and return to the party.

Someone I haven’t yet met is walking a large komodo dragon down to the reptile sanctuary. I briefly comment on the bowtie-sporting dragon before heading into the main area of the house. While I have every intention of shaking my groove thang on the dance floor, I stroll in and out of the rooms, hoping to catch sight of people I’ve spoken to in the past; thanking Hidden for the great conversation starters, and checking in with Shnookie , Isinatra , Sillysausage234 , and Hidden to say hi and make sure they have everything they need to be comfortable.

As I pass through the foyer, I notice that someone has moved my holiday gnomes into some very strange new positions. I look around seeking to find the culprit. No guilty faces. I re-arrange these gnomes to their initial positions. As I swing through the great room, I peek in to see if I can spot WorkInProgress28 or Melancholy12 - just so I can be sure to say hi. As I complete my tour, I stop by kitchen to grab a mug of hot, spiced, apple cider. With a full mug, I excuse myself to sit in a quiet room - dark - except for the glow of the fire in the fireplace, and a few twinkly lights from the decorations. I sit in the world’s most comfortable chair (remove my apparently “peacock-chasing” heels) and curl up for a bit. I listen to the sound of crackling fire, smelling the wood, absorbing the heat from the cider, and I gaze thoughtfully out an enormous window full of still water, deep woods, and a starry night sky. For “a mug” of time, my world is still and peaceful. With an empty mug, my inner ‘thinks-she’s-Beyonce’ is urging me to the dance floor. There’s just one more stop to make before I get there…

(e) One again passing through the foyer, I notice someone has returned the gnomes to a series of suggestive positions. Briefly I look around… Aha! A culprit! I’d rather not let on that I know quite yet - so I leave the gnomes in this new, creative display and head down to watch the gift exchange in the white elephant room.

The white elephant room is rectangular - and 2 stories high. On the ground floor, in the center of the room, is an oversized coffee table that is overflowing with gifts. Around the edges of the room sit all types of furniture to accommodate any level of comfort (and of course, standing room for those who desire it). You may also sit on the second story balcony - which overlooks the center of the first floor - to observe the exchange if you’d like to watch but not participate.

As the hostess of this shindig, I contributed two white elephant gifts to the pile. In one gift bag, there is pet rock (complete with glued on googly eyes). In a spectacularly wrapped rectangular box is a framed portrait of a shirtless Vladimir Putin (because why not? Is this not standard bathroom and kitchen decor? No? Just me? Huh.).

(f) I am most looking forward to meeting all of you; that I might thank you for all the insight you’ve written; let you know how humbled I feel that you so selflessly spend time and effort seeking to ease the pain of others, even on days when you yourself are hurting; that I could could provide those who desire for space with space, and those that need a hug with a hug… and those that need a cheesecake stuffed berry, I got those too. I have been looking forward to co-creating a space where you felt joy, comfort, peace, belonging and acceptance, calm, free, hopeful, and fulfilled. Finally, before you leave our little pretend world, I hand each of you a small present, a ribbon-tied box, inside of which sits a small ornament - that it might bring back feelings of joy when the not-so-pretend world isn’t as kind.

… And I know exactly who I’m giving the gnome ornament to… Any guesses?

in reply to The_Color_Blue

Ngl this is the best thing I've ever read in my entire life. I just teleported to another world reading this. I'm out of words🤯🤯. How do you write so beautiful ? I wish I could be at least 1% like you. You're amazing, you're just awesome 🤯🤯🤯 Respect 🙌

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to

I’m happy to know the post brought you to a happy place, somewhere you might get lost for a minute or two. I’m not sure I deserve the praise, but I’m humbled by your compliment and grateful for the kind words. Thanks for reading .. and pretending for a bit… and being so willing to chase an obstinate and very entitled estate peacock through a holiday party. Your large-bird-herding skills are matched only by your uncanny ability to reason with them. Backing him into the aviary was your idea, after all… 😉

in reply to The_Color_Blue


RupertBrown profile image
RupertBrown in reply to The_Color_Blue

I am both stunned and awed by your sheer creative prowess. If you don't write professionally, you should look into it. Your writing has heart and wit, in equal measure, and is just all around well constructed. All I can say is please don't stop posting!

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to RupertBrown

Ha! I’m pretty sure you write better than I do, but I’m nevertheless grateful for the kindness. Whatever my literary talents, they do not compare to your artistic gifts. Your talents inspire genuine awe… and joy.

Thanks for swinging by to read a little make-believe.

RupertBrown profile image
RupertBrown in reply to The_Color_Blue

You can deflect compliments all you want, it doesn't change the underlying truth. You have a gift. Maybe I'm projecting here, but as someone who knows a little about squandering ability, I strongly encourage you to embrace your talent, practice your craft and see where it leads you! I'm genuinely looking forward to every word. A little make believe is anything but little. It is the stuff of dreams, and I firmly believe there is nothing more powerful.

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to RupertBrown

One of my favorite IG posts reads: "When people give me compliments I feel like a vending machine trying to accept a wrinkly dollar and it's just really frustrating for everyone involved." ... I felt that. I felt that hard. Ha.

I learned to write well - in school, in science and academics. But I've never thought of myself as a writer, at least not in the professional sense. I've certainly never thought of myself as a "good writer." So I will graciously accept your compliment and suggestion that it's worth exploring.

A smart man once told me, " A little make believe is anything but little. It is the stuff of dreams, and I firmly believe there is nothing more powerful." I wonder if that man listens to himself... Seems like he could benefit from embracing the philosophy that the mind's acceptance of possibility, contribution, value and hope might just be the world's most powerful force. 😏

Salma2289 profile image
Salma2289 in reply to The_Color_Blue

I don’t know what to say, but I have a lot to tell you. You are an amazing person, you are really so unique and I noticed that since the very first world I read for you in the community. How you come up with the idea is fantastic and the way you write is wonderful, you are a great writer and barley I would read something and touch me as your words did. I have to thank you for you made my day, since I wake up and read your reply and the amazing details and I started smiling, couldn’t reply at the time but i was just hurrying to finish all work just to come here and read again and again and feel this endless happiness. I was even remembering some of what you said and it makes me laugh even loudly through the day. It’s not about your wonderful imagination or your great way in writing. You could do more than just a funny story, you brought our community to life. I was wondering all the time if i can see or meet those great people in real or be able at least to hear their voices or to see maybe their faces, while i was reading your details about the party and the comments I could see all of them, I could even hear their voices and I could feel they deeply. You described everyone as if you had been known us for a long time in a real life. You weren’t just participating with our posts here, you went beyond our words and touched our souls.

I feel I know them all now more and even some that I didn’t even notice before. Each choices really reflect a unique character behind each one here. It was such a smart idea.

I want to tell you that you make it, yes you make that space full of peace, love, acceptance, happiness and freedom. And thanks specially that you made me feel i am free.

I am gonna read that again and again and again and i am sure each time it will bring the happiness to me and also another deep warm feelings.

You look so pretty, classy and amazing and i do love your outfit. And the color white is just so pure. The cheesecake is delicious and I think i ate too much today, but I don’t care it’s already free day. I was so lucky to help you in some of the preparation. And of course i will never forget this great favor to give me that task to help those awesome men 😂 this part, specially this part when I read i laugh like hell. It sounds you really know me , oh let’s have some fun here.

And I can’t hide that i am really curious to know who gonna be the luckiest here to take the gnome ornament, but honestly I have no guessing.

I am happy to see all those great people in real, they look gorgeous, kind, understanding and so loving even more than I imagined them.

I really love you all ❤️❤️

Well, since you've troubled to provide an aviary, who am I to pass up an invitation?

Thank you.

a) Nutriberries! Bananas, oranges, grapes, chicken! All my baby's favorite treats. Who says only people will get hungry? Our feathered friends may wish to dine also.

(b) I am quite predictable as to arrival time. Obsessive may be a more accurate word. Party's at 7? I'll be there at 6:50, hoping to sneak in more-or-less unobserved.

I'll look for a quiet little library / aviary. There'll be a few wing-back chairs, a reader or two, too immersed in their book to chat, and a magnificient scarlet macaw lording over all.

(c) Well, as it's a party, I'll dress nicely enough not to appear rude to my hostess. But when I remove my winter coat, my blouse will be -- with an eye to high-fashion you understand -- "distressed"? Yes. I think that's the proper word. Baby always makes sure my clothes meet with her approval before allowing me to leave the house.

(d) What do I do? I adjust the lamp just so. I browse the shelves, so many of them! A ladder to reach the high shelves! This book -- YES! and that one... and that one... Arms full, I carry my precious cargo to the side table. Ahhh... I sit. The Annotated Alice. SQUAWK! Yes my beauty. I did remember to bring peanuts. Little by little, the room fills with book fanciers. Bird lovers. No chit-chat though. Shhh...

(e) Of course I brought a gift for my charming hostess. We are not utterly uncouth. I hope you will enjoy this token of my esteem.

(f) What about this party have you most been looking forward to? (The footstool.)

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Nothing_but_books

Welcome, NBP!! I'm so glad you came - and just on time. Please let me take your coat, you look perfect! Bringing food for our feathered friends was an excellent idea. Frankly, since I don't know much about birds, I could use your insight.

There's an aviary on the back of the house, right next to a library. I've been excited to show you, and I think you'll really enjoy the space. It's occupied, but very quiet. Well, except for the occasional squawk. We've got some real talkers back there. I imagine they are arguing over classic literature in bird-language.

You are too kind to bring a gift. You certainly didn't need to, but that was very thoughtful. I'm simply glad you're here. Please know you are welcome anywhere in the house or on the property. And please let me know if you need anything. Let's walk to the back of the house. I'll point out a few things on the way, and I can introduce my new gift to the library.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to The_Color_Blue

May I thank you again for your kind invitation? Your home, it's lovely, and so comfortable. A perfect holiday escape. I'm not much of a party person, but I feel as if, somehow, I've seen you all before. I wish the night could never end.

Isinatra profile image

Thank you for opening the door to imagination. It’s a rare and special thing to be able to share it with other people and see into other’s imaginations. I’m saving your post to reread it again and again. I’m loving everybody’s “stories”.

A. This was a hard one. To bring a dish that can be eaten without the chance of spillage or dripping and drabbing onto the guests special clothes. Well, I couldn’t come up with one and after all this is a party where those things don’t happen. Except for a highly excited peacock that gives us a run for our money. So Im bringing a team to prepare shrimp any way a guest desires. Grilled, cocktailed, marinated, fried, steamed….just use your imagination. And the team will get to the party early to help with preparations and will stay late to tidy things up afterwards. And for people who have seafood allergies, for this one night, no one will have any allergies to anything.

B. I’ll arrive on time so our gracious hostess won’t be taken by surprise if I arrived early or worry if I arrive late.

C. Like you, I’ll be bedecked and bedazzled. Since white and feathers have already been taken and I want to give homage to you, our hostess, my gown will be of the palest blue silk, figure flattering, strapless and have the most tiny, iridescent pearls. No other jewelry. Mother always said to me….Never gild the lily. My hair will be loose and flowing. My shoes will have seed pearls and be four inch heels because there will be no sore feet in sight. Not that night.

D. What would I do? I would cruise from room to room, listening for laughter and excitement and join in. I would do everything I wouldn’t do normally, for that’s what the party is all about. But the dancing would be my priority. A little bit of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire moves to start off with to get warmed up. A transition to the flurry and excitement of Latin dancing. Then a cool down when the disco ball would drop, the lights would dim and I’d be on the dance floor with a partner in white (guess who). I’d be dipped and slowly whirled to the music of the BeeGees.

E. What was I looking forward to the most in this party? A chance to recapture feelings I haven’t had in such a long time. Your party gave me that. I can’t thank you enough, The_Color_Blue . I have to say…..this has been the best party I’ve ever been to.

I can’t wait to find out who the gnome ornament will go to! The party isn’t over until the answer is revealed!

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Isinatra

Isinatra! You're here! Omg my goodness, you are the living embodiment of a Disney princess (and frankly, you write like one too - your language is so eloquent and beautiful... but back to the party). Please let me take your wrap. Where on earth did you get this gown? You are positively stunning.

Who ... Who is behind you? Are those caterers? Did you bring... a catered, any-way-you-want shrimp station? Sweet Lord, I should have worn a looser dress. I'll never be able to try all the food I want and not split a seam! What an incredible idea. It will do me some good to have some protein - so far, I haven't been able to keep myself away from the desserts. You must try the cinnamon rolls and cupcakes when you have some time.

Come! Please let me show you around. There are a number of different rooms devoted to dancing. Each room specializes in a different type of music. I know a number of us plan to hit the dance floors later on. (I plan to hit each of the rooms at least once). You should...

.... join...


... I could have sworn I just saw a peacock run through the hall. Did you see that? No? I must be seeing things. I swear this dress is going to my head.

Anyway, let me show you the rest of the house and then I'll leave you to wander. Eeeek! I'm so excited you're here.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to The_Color_Blue

Oh, you’re the perfect hostess! So thoughtful and thank you for helping me with my wrap and the lovey compliment. My dress? It’s a very subdued Bob Mackie. Nothing but the best for the best party!

Don’t worry about your seams splitting. For tonight we don’t gain an ounce. So as the hawkers on bourbon street say…Eat, Eat, Eat! Of course, I’ll be tasting the cinnamon rolls , luna’s cupcakes and the all the goodies the other guests bring.

If your entrance hall is an indication of the rest of your house, then I am beside myself with excitement for the tour.

Yes, I glimpsed the peacock. Thank goodness it’s not your dress cutting off your oxygen. Very svelte, too,I might say. Now to the powder room for a quick spiff up before WE GET THIS PARTY STARTED! 💥

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Isinatra

Ooooooooh. Bob Mackie. Understated but unique. Modern but timeless. Personal, individual and yet somehow with a universal beauty. I think it's perfectly tailored to you, my dear.

[I legitimately felt excitement when I read: "before we get this party started" - you got me lost in my own game. That was a pretty surreal moment. Thank you. Thank you very much for that.]

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to The_Color_Blue

I had debated whether to go with the Cher” look or what I wore, but I like to leave something to the imagination 💭 (if you get where I’m going).

Party time! Pump it up! 😂

Thank You, Mon Ami.

The_Color_Blue profile image

Against_the_current , I saw you admiring the holiday gnomes in the foyer earlier ... A fan of gnomes, are we?

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to The_Color_Blue

Ah yep. Also i started typing but my sister yelled at me and i paniced and left my post unfinished

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to The_Color_Blue

It's a really good idea. I will imagine it to ease my panic attack - so i will bring chocolate chip cookies so everyone can have, also cookies are such a comfort, and a lot of chicken nuggets. I would love to make her Al tea. Knowing myself i would be late as always and dressed comfy and i would bring a gnome for the host of course. And i would talk with you and all the amazing people here for hours. And would hug the puppies and visit the pool and all the rooms and espessially If there's a room with an Inflatable castle because since i'm an adult i've been really missing them. And a fairytale room with gnomes and castles and costumes, i could make a small performamce with others who would like to. To be honest just talking with everyone and being in a loving safe atmosphere would be the best

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Against_the_current

GLONK!!! Lovely to see you! I'm so grateful you came! The choice to bring chocolate chip cookies and chicken nuggets - true classics - was brilliant. Thank you. I feel like they will remind each guest of a happy childhood moment; a perfect party addition, indeed.

Thank you for the gnome! You didn't need to bring a gift, but I will happily add him to the collection. They're just over... Hmmm. Glonk, I promise when I arranged them today they were NOT in THOSE positions. It seems we have a merry prankster who finds it amusing to re-arrange my gnomes in funny positions. Come, we will add your gnome and re-set the display.

I think you mentioned wanting to see puppies. Let me take you on a brief tour. The puppy room is just down the hall on the left. But, if you keep going you'll pass the room with the bounce house - at midnight, bubbles will be released from the ceiling and we will be bouncing in bubbles - I do hope you'll join. The room next door is the trampoline room. You might enjoy that. All the floors and walls are trampolines - so you can bounce till your heart is content. At the end of this hallway you'll find the natatorium (pool and associated water activities).

Actually, if you have time tonight, some of the entertainment for the evening cancelled. I have a small theater on the other side of library. There is a small stage, costumes, and a number of guests have performance experience. If you'd be willing or able, I'm sure we could put something together. Just let me know what I can do to help you achieve your vision! I can't wait! I'll leave you to wander, please let me know if you need anything tonight.

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to The_Color_Blue


The_Color_Blue profile image

Luna!!! It's wonderful to see you! Thank you for coming. Whatever you brought smells amazing - and those cupcakes are nothing short of a work of art. They're almost too pretty to eat... but to waste them would be silly. I'll just take this one in the corner... you know, as a party tax.

Oh my goodness! Who are your furry friends?! I'm so glad you brought them. We have some speciality playrooms in the back if they're interested, otherwise there are some puppy treats hidden in the butler's pantry on the right of the kitchen. One of the guests bakes these treats from scratch and was busy at work this morning - so I do hope you'll take advantage.

Here, let me ask some of the caterers to help us with the flowers! I can't believe you did all this. They match perfectly and look so beautiful. You really didn't need to go to all the trouble - just having you here is exactly what I was hoping for. Come! let me show you around, and I'll walk you back to the white elephant room so you can place your gift with the others.

Sillysausage234 profile image

Given the amount of untapped creative talent on this site here’s my contribution….came under budget at £7 -30 so think that equates to 9.99 cents

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Sillysausage234

Lol. I appreciate your commitment to staying within budget - to say nothing of the kind subtext. I'm glad you're here.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to The_Color_Blue


The_Color_Blue profile image

Well there’s valet service at your disposal! Looking forward to the rest!! Stoked you’re planning to join us!

I would love to come to your get-together, thank-you! ❄️

I will slip in unnoticed and find a comfy, oversized chair to sit in. If it's okay with you, I will wear my jeans, slipper socks and cozy red sweater, (it has sparkly snowflakes embroidered on it.)

Unless someone else has already offered, I will bring enough dry, red wine to share with everyone, it is my favorite holiday beverage.

I am so excited to meet everyone, this is by far the best invitation I have ever received. ❤️

I will arrive late. ❄️

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

Unfortunately Rudolph can’t come he’s just failed a lateral blow test

in reply to Sillysausage234


Oh "nose," poor Rudolph. 😢

This actually works out well for me, personally, SS. I'm allergic to animal hair and would end up sneezing the holidays away. 😄

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

I think Yule rock the slippers 😄

in reply to Sillysausage234

Well, I hope so. They are awesome, so warm! How are you silly one?

so comfy ❄️
Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

I’m good thanks ,hope you are too 🎄

in reply to Sillysausage234

I am good, happy that you are as well, SS. 🌿

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to


in reply to Sillysausage234

Merry Christmas SS. ❄️

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Sillysausage234

😂He looks surprised. I only had one!

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Isinatra

Zero hours contract too

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Sillysausage234

Why don’t I “get it”? 😳

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Isinatra

No work no pay ….Santa can’t afford sick pay

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Sillysausage234

✅ check

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Sillysausage234

Hey! He ain't sick -- who got Rudolph sloshed? Not cool. Dasher took the night off.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Nothing_but_books


Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Nothing_but_books


Best wishes and all the jazz
The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to

Dear Snowdaze, if you flip over your invitation, on the back is map of the home that outlines a series of entrances. If you use the side door, you will still have access to the entire house but you won't have to worry about the hustle and bustle of the foyer. The map will also help you locate the rooms in which you might be most comfortable.

I think your outfit sounds perfect. There is a small kitchenette in many of the quiet rooms, which can used to make tea, cocoa, coffee, etc. However, my sense is that you'll find more enjoyment in the wine fridge, located in the corner (under the counter). There is a call button in each of the rooms that will let you call an attendant if you need something.

If you're up for it, we'd love to see you. The back of the invite should detail which rooms are likely to be most crowded and which rooms are likely to have fewer guests at a time. I'm so glad you're here. Wander at will and please let me know if you need anything.

in reply to The_Color_Blue

Thank-you. I will surely wander about and if I need anything at all I will let you know. You are very kind. 💗

This sounds like a wonderful party with so many lovely guests. I’m looking forward to joining! Thanks for such a fun post The_Color_Blue . You truly are a fantastic writer!

Isinatra profile image

Lol what typo? I didn’t see a typo. Typos come and go and that one went in to cyberspace. Gone forever, blitzed out. Let’s have fun!❤️

Isinatra profile image

Lol I have to laugh! I’d know it was a typo if I saw it. I’m sorry you worried and I’m not laughing at that.

Hello Luna and deep blue would it be acceptable for me to attend this party in my 😁

Pixiepants 😂😂
The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to

I think you're asking me. Although, I feel like there is a community member named deep blue on this site also. Nevertheless, I will answer. All cat themed garments (under or otherwise) are warmly welcomed!

samack profile image

How do you do? T he peacocks in the garden are breathtaking. I am here. I am dressed in green silk and satin. My hair is half up. No, I didn't make this dress out of window curtains, the war is over. Please take this shrimp biriyani to the kitchen to keep it warm.

Greetings. How nice to meet all of you. (HUGS all around as if there were no Covid.)

Is that cello I hear ? I must go see. Why, there is YoYoMa and Itzhak Perlman. Its not even an inauguration. My goodness, Ballake Sissoko is on the kora. I must sit on this antique sofa and indulge.

CIRQUE DU SOLEIL is in the room to the left? Bring it on.

Time to dine. Its all so sumptuous. I eat like a pig but feel light as a feather. I might have even lost weight. Conversations are so interesting, let's move to the room where the fireplace is lit and snowflakes float outside the large windows.

Do you hear bands in the ballroom? Each of the handsome men who carried the furniture will take turns and ask me to dance. I won't trip over my feet. Rock, pop, Latin, Lyle Lovett and his Big Band.

Is it time already? Did I leave my heavy black boot behind? The limo is taking me home. With one of the men I danced with. Ssh, don't ask. I wonder who will find my heavy black boot. He'll see I'm back to ordinary me. Best no one finds it. The End.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to samack

Green silks and satins. Posh and ooh La La! It’s only the end until the next time.

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to samack

Samack, you look breathtaking! I've always loved that color, it reminds me of a gem stone and looks brilliant on you. YOU BROUGHT BIRYANI!?! I love this! I also have a close friend of mine from Bangladesh whose heart will stop when he see that you brought this dish. It is his absolute favorite! You may see him around here somewhere this evening.

I'm thrilled to see you know some of the entertainers. I felt so honored to meet them this evening! In fact, across the hall, Philip Glass, Helen Jane Long, Yiruma, and The Piano Guys are putting together some truly incredible collaborative compositions. If you find the time, do sit in for a bit.

Ooooh! Just so you know, this is a calorie-free household. So please feel free to indulge without worrying about the after-effects. I highly recommend the dessert table. We've got some fabulous bakers in attendance who have really outdone themselves.

Please wander at will and let me know if there's anything I can do to make you more comfortable. I understand you have a limo coming to pick you up later. The valet will notify you when it arrives so you don't have to spend time waiting. I do hope to see you out on the dance floor a bit later! Don't leave without saying goodbye!

Isinatra profile image

That’s a good thing….

Isinatra profile image


Isinatra profile image

Do I hear another yea?😂

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Isinatra

YEA! (I wanted to play too!)

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to The_Color_Blue

Lol! Always a spot for you!

samack profile image

Of course I will bid all of you adieu. Its so lovely to meet. I meant to tell you I'll just be a few minutes late in m my arrival. I will have a gift of 9.99 cold duck or box wine. "No box wine before its time. " it was dated last Tuesday. 💋

Hello there. I didn't comb through everyone's posts on here, but I just want to say I love how you write too. I am typing this on my smartphone, my computer is messed up, long story. I like to write a lot too. I have all these papers I've written and journals, but I also like to write poems and songs too. My handwriting is getting lousy though, we're all on these gadgets now, ugh!! Anyway, have a great night and I wish you a wonderful holiday season!!!🙂

Isinatra profile image

Yoo Hooooo. Where’s our hostess with the mostest? Is it time to reveal who the gnome goes to?

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Isinatra

I'm so sorry! Life got crazy and I'm under deadline. I will post the conclusion to our game tomorrow or Thursday... er... I mean...

Slowly and soundlessly (you know, because in this house there are no triggers), snacking guests notice that the table cloths covering the buffet tables (which nearly touch the floor) begin to waiver wildly. High pitched squeals resound in an otherwise tranquil dining hall. Heads swivel as party-goers exchange curious looks.

Suddenly, Hidden and Hidden exclaim in unison, "I think it's a pig!" A shared, stunned silence falls over the hall (punctuated by 4 or 5 awkward chuckles). Standing at the entrance to the dining hall, I hang my head and close my eyes. I know that sound. I know what those little clicks on the marble floor mean. I know this game.

Seconds later I open my eyes to see an overzealous piglet, unabashedly sharing his complaints, weaving in and out from underneath the dining tables. Low and behold, someone has liberated the tiny (yet adorable) beast from the room of therapy piglets and coated the small, pink rocket in vaseline.

Removing my heels (because I've already chased one animal wearing these things, I will not make that mistake twice) and positioning myself in a sprinter-esque "on your mark" stance, I immediately call out, "Hidden , Salma2289 , Against_the_current , and Agora1 - block the entrances! Isinatra , ask one of the caterers for some extra table cloths!" (this is NOT my first rodeo). Everyone else, please feel free to wait in the other room or simply back up to the edges of the room and help block the entrances. We will create a tight circle and slowly close the piglet in the center. When the piglet tries to bolt, we will throw a table cloth over it and then grab it (gently but quickly). Isinatra, if you don't mind, could you please hand one of the table cloths to me and the others - please hand out to those around the room who don't mind being on the 'front lines'."

With the table cloths dispersed, the dining hall transforms from a casual group of interlocutors to a coordinated team; unified in purpose, bound by duty, and unstoppable in their determination. In unison we begin to form our tight-knit circle. Cloths spread and at the ready, small conversations about who will throw the table cloth and who will sacrifice their body to snag the mobile breakfast sausage can be heard in the background.

I lock eyes with RupertBrown , who stands in a ready position directly across from me. A mere 12 feet away, we exchange a nod that signals an unspoken understanding. . You throw... I'll dive. As a group, we continue to close in...

**The party stills as the hostess reveals how to gracefully execute a beach-volleyball-style body dive in feather-clad formal wear***

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to The_Color_Blue

Blocking the entrance i suddenly remember that despite being terrible my parents are vets and i have experience. "May i try something? " i mumble not quite confident but still hopeful. "Come here piggy, piggy". When the pig is busy with the treats, i qickly hit it with a sedate. It calms down and starts to snore. "Quick, let's take it back before it's awake because i was really careful and gave it just a little bit. And uhm don't ask where i found pig meds. I had to deliver them to dad's customers but i forgot😅". Fortunatelly they're in use. Who's gonna take the sleeping ham back? Perhabs we should call it Hamlet 😅

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Against_the_current

A true team effort!

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to The_Color_Blue

What boundless energy and resourcefulness we can find when confronted with a slithery (ewww) noisy nuisance. In all the chaos that ensued capturing the little piggy that isn’t going to market, you had the right vision on who to take the lead. I hope you forgive me, but I might have mistaken a tapestry or two instead of your fine linen tablecloths in all the excitement. I’ll send you enough gold to cover replacement or cleaning. (So embarrassing). But now we have a new mystery. It’s a Who Dun It? Who let the piglet free? And why only one? Of course it was done in fun, yet who let the piglet run? Was it you? Or you? Or him? Or her?……Or Me? Lol! By the by…..you made a perfect swan dive. A beautiful 10.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Isinatra

And who "arranged" the garden gnomes in that unfortunate way?

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Nothing_but_books

Help me here. I must have missed the unfortunate arrangement. Sometimes gnomes only show themselves to favored people. What was amiss?

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Isinatra

The_Color_Blue's invitation:

"As I pass through the foyer, I notice that someone has moved my holiday gnomes into some very strange new positions. I look around seeking to find the culprit. No guilty faces."

Our hostess returned them to less compromising positions before we arrived.

I suspect the culprit snuck off without leaving a clue.

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Nothing_but_books

Hi NBP. I think we just have our words crossed. Ultimately, I think you and Isinatra are talking about the same thing. The difference is that one reference is to a garden gnomes (which, in folklore, are known only to reveal themselves to certain people), and the other is to the holiday gnomes I put out for the party.

You are right, I have not yet revealed who will get the gnome ornament - but that ornament references the rather precarious positions of the holiday gnomes (tomte figures) arranged in a tabletop in the foyer of the house. I did not bring garden gnomes into this little party of ours, but if you have a storyline you'd like to introduce - I will absolutely partake.

I will reveal who saw fit to reposition my holiday gnomes when I conclude the game - which I'm hoping to do tomorrow. I am NOT trying to be suspenseful, I just got slammed with work and life - and I haven't had the time to write the conclusion yet. I apologize if it seems like I fell off the world, it is not my intention to leave you hanging...

If you could just imagine me trying to catch a small, well-greased swine for a bit, I'll write out the conclusion as soon as I can. 😉

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to The_Color_Blue

You’ve been working so hard on making your party unforgettable, you indeed need some time to reenergize. Spend some time in the room designated for R & R. It’s been tidied up and the air sprayed with lavender.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Nothing_but_books

Oh! Good one! You notice everything! And another mystery, too. Who is the prankster or are there more than one? 🧐

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Isinatra

I went through a very earnest baroque phase and this is the only room of the house that I have not redone. Quite frankly, it's not so terrible you removed the old decor. Just the inspiration I needed to begin the renovation.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to The_Color_Blue

You’re very forgiving and I would love to see the new “do” of the room some day.

Salma2289 profile image
Salma2289 in reply to The_Color_Blue

It’s such a serious situation we are in, but I can’t stop myself from laughing 😂😂. Omg the high heels wasn’t the best choice me in this chase, but i am gonna take it away anyway time for madness just started still I feel a little bit worried about my black dress but the spirit of the team makes me forget about focusing on the elegance now. I am astonished by the spirit of the team and how they are all have the same purpose now, i can see their eyes have only one goal that they make their mind to make. They forgot about their own desires and dreams about the night and they all have the same compassion. Oh salma! Just concentrate it’s not a perfect time for your deep thoughts at all! You are chasing a pig and the mission should be done. Is there still some macaroni after this mess, oh I just feel i burnt some calories through this mission!

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to The_Color_Blue

The iridescent blue-green feather you allowed me to keep will remind me of this special night as long as I have memories to keep.

Isinatra profile image


Isinatra profile image

Roger that!

The_Color_Blue profile image

As the party winds down, a sense of calm befalls the house. The music has slowed, offering a soundtrack to the montage of grateful hugs, peaceful sighs, stolen glances, hands held in compassionate support, crumbled sweets tasted one last time, and locked-eye moments where volumes are spoken and souls are bared in an otherwise silent exchange.

I busy myself with small chores. collecting the table cloths (and drapes) used for swine catching and returning them to the caterers, making sure those in the pool rooms have enough towels, and providing slippers to dancers who can’t bare the thought of dress shoes another minute. As guests make their way to the door, I give a small nod to one of the catering staff. From out of the butler’s pantry, he rolls a glass bar cart topped with stacks of small, ribbon-tied boxes into the foyer. Oh good, the ornaments.

With the parting hugs, handshakes, and gracious head bows, I hand each guest one of the boxes from the cart; a token of my appreciation for stopping by and making the holiday season whole. Inside each box is a small ornament, 2-3 inches at most, representing something unique to tonight. Made of metals, resin, porcelain, glass, and crystals, they are eye-catching without being flashy.

To Hidden , a red wine glass; for Isinatra , a porcelain princess dress with swarovski crystals. To Against_the_current , a fairytale castle - a small representation of his talent, mindful power, and escape. For Sillysausage234 , an ornament in the shape of a semicolon; in the hopes he will continue to PUNctuate our conversation with his unique wit. To Nothing_but_books , a small book covered in peacock feathers, and for Hidden , a small red 1998 sunfire. Since My1998Sunfire already left to meet the valet, I send his box with her to deliver.

I find myself in a restful silence after sending samack home with a black boot ornament (complete with emerald green laces, of course). Only the faint laughs of My1998Sunfire as he chats with the valet float in the air. Two small boxes remain. Both boxes in hand, I head toward the various therapy rooms to check on the animals. The aviary is quiet. Even Percival has found a moment of rest, with barely a feather wiggle as I enter the room. Happily exhausted puppies are sleeping in what appears to be a pile of tails and paws, and the reptiles seem to be contentedly basking in the glow of the heat lamps.

As I pass through the foyer again, I pause long enough to watch My1998Sunfire and Laurier1 round the circle drive. I smile to myself as I catch the glimmer of a pink Swarovski crystal piglet ornament hanging from the rearview mirror. I make my way to the kitchen where Salma2289 is casually leaning on the kitchen island talking to a very handsome man (who I believe was her dance partner for most of the evening). I set one of the small boxes on the counter and thank them both for coming. I encourage them to take some of the remaining desserts home and I leave out a few containers should they decide to do so. I give Salma2289 a hug and make my way back to the breakfast nook where I find Hidden staring out the window watching the snow fall.

I slide into the bench across from him and slide the small ornament box across the table. He grins; a keepsake for tonight. He gently opens the box to reveal a small, metal, football ornament with silver detailing. “I want you to know I appreciate all your help tonight,” I say with a smirk. He nods and looks at me with curiosity. As I move to slide out of my seat, my arm catches on the small box, sending it crashing to the floor. The box bounces once against the marble before coming to rest on its side, lid-less, and with the football ornament laying lifelessly on the floor, cracked down the enter like an egg.

Each of us quickly bend down to pick up the ornament. “Oh! I’m so sorry,” I say, as I reach for the lid. Football-love gently lifts the ornament. “I think it’s broken,” he says. I hand him the lid to the box. “Is it?” I ask, with the hint of a smile. Football-love rolls the ornament over in his hand, inspecting the metal closely. Along the seam of the “crack,” he notices a small hinge. In fact, the crack isn’t a crack at all. He looks at me with wide eyes. “Huh. Isn’t that interesting,” I remark, unable to hide my smile, “even when we break and fall apart, we are never truly broken. I suppose it's the moments in which we feel shattered that we are offered a glimpse of the power and light within us.” I watch his eyes as he registers my words, and I move to stand. I turn and begin to walk away, leaving football-love crouched on the kitchen floor with the football ornament resting in his palm.

Behind me, I hear a small gasp and the faint sound of an exhaled chuckle. “Of course, for some of us, what we find amidst that power and light is just a hint of mischief!” I call over my shoulder. I smile again at Salma2289 and her friend as I exit the kitchen and make my way to the stairs to prepare for some much-needed sleep. Kneeling on the floor of the kitchen, football-love carefully opens the football ornament at the hinge, revealing a small holiday gnome tucked inside.

Happy holidays to all, and to all a goodnight.

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to The_Color_Blue

Thanks fo the gift, it's awesomee and woah, so beautifully written. 😍

in reply to The_Color_Blue

Oh my, this is so exquisitely written, The_Color_Blue. I felt tears welling up as I read it.

You were the perfect host and I can never thank you enough for including me. I adore my beautiful wine glass. Every time I hold it in my hands I will think of you. ❤️

in reply to The_Color_Blue

This is definitely the best party I've ever been to😍 and the ending had me in tears (the tears which snowdaze mentioned). Thank you for giving me the holiday gnome. It's very creative to hide the gnome inside the football. I'm not sure if I deserve to get the holiday gnome but I will wholeheartedly accept it. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful and unforgettable party for all of us 🙏🥳🎊😁💙

Salma2289 profile image
Salma2289 in reply to The_Color_Blue

I think i read the conclusion more than three times till now, I feel so happy that I had been in your wonderful party. It’s the best party and the warmest time I ever had. You really did a wonderful effort to give us this unique happiness that i am sure non of us will ever forget. Your are a great person and your true and real feelings reached us and hits all of us so deeply. And i wish double of the happiness you gave us will return to your kind heart.I will always remember this party and it will forever brings a big smile on my mouth.

Thanks for your special gift, it’s very meaningful to me and i will keep it in a safe place.

I will be so excited to meet you in the next party, happy to see all this wonderful people they make the time enjoyable and great.

Wish you all the happiness, peace and love ❤️

Isinatra profile image

Absolutely beautiful. The close of the party was perfect and I was lucky. I had tissues next to me when I read the end . So sweet. Thank you again. 💖

The_Color_Blue profile image
The_Color_Blue in reply to Isinatra

Oh no! I did not intend for there to be tears! I was going for happy. I'm sorry, sweet friend. Please know you made this game so much better for me and everyone else who joined in. Your creativity and contributions were incredible and they took the story to places I never could have imagined on my own. Thank you for everything.

in reply to The_Color_Blue

They were tears of hope and love, the best kind. You have made us all happy, rest assured. 🍷

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to The_Color_Blue

My alert function has had too much egg nog. I just saw your comment. As Snowdaze said so well, my tears were of happiness to see such kind thoughts for others. Yes, the best kind of tears. Not to worry.

samack profile image

Thank you for the party and the boot ornament. It turns out that sneezy one of the seven dwarfs gave me back the boot. I have allergies so we're quite compatible. Ahchoo.

Thank you so much for hosting such a fantastic party, from start to finish. I love the gift that you gave me. You truly know your guests well. I look forward to your next party.

Your writing is exceptional. I was captivated! 🌸

Sillysausage234 profile image

😄 great post!!

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