How do you grow a business when your moods keep fluctuating all the time? My business is a few months old now. I have a few clients but would love to grow them. I have been on several medications but nothing seems to work on me. I feel like quitting sometimes. My main problem is getting out to meet new prospects because most of the time I am moody and drained. Is there hope?
Self Employed and Depressed - Anxiety and Depre...
Self Employed and Depressed
Sedani sorry to hear you are going through. Depression is a difficult thing to go through. The good news is that it is curable and there are lots of ways of treating it. Have you seen a therapist? A cbt therapist can help you retrain your mind and create new positive thinking patterns. Depression comes as a result of having negative thinking patterns. One thing that helped me a lot in changing the way i think is repeating positive affirmations. I posted positive quotes on my wall, such as, "this had to have happened", "dont think. it is alright" "be nice to yourself" "its not a big deal". At first when you say these quotes it may feel untrue and unbelievable bec you are used to thinking the opposite. But once you repeat it daily you start to believe it and you feel differently. I suggest finding quotes on google that you know will help you feel better if you believed it. Then repeat thos quotes daily. For example, i struggled with beating myself up about making mistakes that seemed to me to be the end of the world. Therefore i chose the quotes its not a big deal and be nice to yourself to remind myself daily that i should be kind to myself and my mistakes are not such a big deal. Repeating positive affirmations may seem like a small thing but it has great power! Good luck!
Also music and dancing helps tons! (If you like it) and doing any hobbies that you enjoy such as swimming and painting.
Thanks a lot Rose for this response. I have seen a therapist but what I have not tried is the positive affirmations. Sorry for what you have been through, glad you are managing it well. I am determined to beat it.
Good for you! It is hard to get clients when you start. I don't know what you do but perhaps you could concentrate on something less stressful like building skills. Then you might make connections as a bonus. The local small business center is a good place to pick up skills for your business and connect with others. Of course the current rules make this more challenging. Maybe you could include a semi-mindless part time job and do a stellar job for those clients you have while you try to work this out.
Self employed is hard .. I am always hear if you want to message .
Yeap, being self-employed is not only being one's own boss but also results in great responsibility. To be self-employed is really hard, agree with you completely. Luckily there are different tools like which help greatly to run the business in a most profitable way.