I’m in such a dark place, my daughter and her 3 children aged 5-2 and 2 months are all Covid positive I’m so scared for them, they are all unwell but not to bad how could this happen. I can’t do anything to protect them or help out. I’m sorry if I’m making this all about me but my anxiety is taking over with dark thoughts and I don’t know where to turn. Thank you for reading, I don’t know why I’ve written this really I’m just so scared
All 4 tested positive for Covid - Anxiety and Depre...
All 4 tested positive for Covid

I'm so sorry you're going through this, I know it's scary and we can feel helpless.
I'm elderly and sadly we have one of our little ones we care for every week getting tested and I hope she isn't poss., but either way, she is coughing and sick sadly. I have a compromised immune system and a breakthrough infection could kill me at this stage, so I have to keep my distance from her, and it breaks my heart because she's my little buddy.
But she understands too that I could get sick, and because I just talked to her and re-assured her that I loved her and it was just the 'bug' thingy for now, and it will pass... She understood that. It's important to communicate with kids about what's happening and that it has nothing to do with you not wanting to be with them, and that you love them very much, and that you both are taking care so you don't get sick too. Kids are smart, and they will understand.
hi sorry to hear of the family suffering with this awful illness hopefully all on the road to better health real soon.
Thank you for your kind reply, it’s very much appreciated
Just keep in touch by phone, it shows your love and concern, but doesn't put you in danger.
Cheers, Midori
I am so sorry your daughter and grandchildren are facing this illness. I would encourage you that you are not helpless. Calling your daughter and encouraging her can be helpful for you both. I’m sure she longs to hear your voice. Does she have the ability to do face to face interaction over a computer? That is a great way to stay connected. Another super fun thing to do is send a care package with all her and your grandkids favorite things. Lastly and most importantly I believe in the power of prayer. There is a God who loves us so much. He cares for you in your anxiety and also for your daughter and grandchildren in their illness. If you reach out to God I believe he will bring you comfort. Hugs and prayers to you!