I hate how this anxiety ruins the moments I should be enjoying with my girls she is currently at a softball tournament and Iam here sitting in the bleachers with all this anxiety , negative thoughts trying not to get an anxiety attack anxiety and depression takes always so many things from you I hate it!!!!!
Anxiety : I hate how this anxiety ruins... - Anxiety and Depre...

I totally understand you as I'm the same to the point I avoid situations and events. The fact you've even made it there is a massive achievement in itself so don't be so hard on yourself. Tell your self ok anxiety so your starting...why ? Ok anxiety your making me feel this way but I'm not afraid and I know nothings going to happen. Anxiety you will not win and you will not get a hold of me right now. The more we challenge anxiety and confront it the quicker we get it under control. Our fear feeds the anxiety, increases the severity of it and prolongs it. I've noticed my episodes of heart sinking and feeling totally afraid today and something bad is going to happen have been alot lot shorter by confronting it and saying ok anxiety so your starting again but I've nothing to be anxious over and I'm not afraid. It's exhausting but we can't give up
Yes Iam trying so hard right now but everything just makes me anxious like what if I get a panic attack in front of everyone or what if I can’t be here no more and have to go I hate anxiety making me feel so powerless I try to be strong for my daughters but it just getting the best of me right now everything is making me feel anxious right now scared feeling low
I know your trying but you need to confront the anxiety and thoughts, ok anxiety you may make me have a panic attack Infront of everyone.... But what's the worst that would happen there ?? You'd have a panic attack then shortly after it would pass and nothing bad would of happened, what if anxiety got so bad you left ? What's the worst case there ? None because at least you were there. Trust me your not powerless your getting up and functioning every day fighting the same illness that left you so exhausted the day before. That love is true strength ❤️
I usually get up from sitting and start walking right now it’s just hard
I'm sorry to hear your anxiety is keeping you from enjoying things you would like to enjoy. Is there anything you do that helps with your anxiety? Is nausea one of your symptoms? I find that sucking on a Halls cherry cough drop helps with the anxious nausea. Also, don't be hard on yourself. It's not your fault you struggle with anxiety, and even if you don't 100% enjoy your time, you can at least say you were there for them!
I had someone recommend DARE: Help for anxiety and depression, by Barry Mcdonagh. He bases his program off Claire Weekes. He has lots of videos on YouTube that have been really helping. One thing they say when you’re worried about a panic attack is to remember the panic attack is only your reaction to thoughts, etc. They can’t hurt you, the panic attack won’t kill you, it’s harmless ( though doesn’t feel that way in the midst!). But highly recommend watching their videos!
Xoxo33, I remember feeling the same. Worried if I would embarrass myself byhaving an anxiety attack in public. Whether with family or not, the fear was so
ridiculously frightening, that I eventually started telling everyone that I had anxiety.
That only came to hit me in the face with comments like "oh yeah, I have anxiety too"
And yet, they were as normal as could be. They were working people, they were
family people with children and activities.
I always felt that people could see that I was different. That they could see the
anxiousness and fear in my eyes. But after a while, I realized that probably a
large percentage of people in the stores, on the street, at home raising children
are going through the same thing that I did at one time.
Anxiety is silent, it is deep within us. What we feel cannot be detected.
The more we "hate it" the more we fight it which does nothing but put us into
the "fight or flight" response.
Accepting that it is not a catastrophic issue and will pass if we allow it to is the key.
In order to get to that point, we must retrain our brain to not believe what our thoughts
are telling us. We need to find methods/solutions that can help relax the Mind/Body Connection. Meditation is great but I find that using my breathing technique can calm
down the adrenaline rush which in turn makes the anxiety symptoms never appear or
just come on faintly. This is the goal but it must be practiced each day.
We're here to help you through this anytime. xx
Thank you for sharing. Boy can I relate to you. Last Christmas my children came to visit, they both live out of the home and one of my daughters I only get to see in person a few times a year. I hated struggling with the anxiety and depression while they were here. What helped some was really working on changing me focus on off of the anxiety and depression and just trying to focus on the moment. As those negative thoughts and anxious thoughts creep in try to not focus on them and try to replace them with healthier thoughts. Through prayer and having a list of positive things available seems to help me feel better. Reminding myself this is temporary, a chemical imbalance, and I will feel better.
Also reaching out on this forum helps you know you are not alone there are others who understand your struggles and care.
These three techniques seem to help me too. I hope you get a chance to try them.
1) The 557 breathing technique is take 5 deep breaths in while thinking good thoughts about yourself like I matter, I am special, I am strong and then hold the breaths for the count of 7 focusing on those words about yourself, then let out the breath slowly for 5 seconds letting go of any anxious, self-defeating, unhealthy thoughts. I do this one to three times a sitting.
2)The gratitude journal is writing down something good every morning and night something that went well in the day, or something I appreciate about myself. Taking our focus off of the anxiety and depression and focusing on positive uplifting things really helps. What you think is what you believe. So thinking uplifting things you believe those things but the reverse is true - thinking negative self-defeating things, you will believe those.
3) Emotional Freedom Tapping - bit.ly/3AVYNiX You use pressure points to tap on those points while you repeat positive uplifting things to yourself.)
I will be praying for you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat. Hugs and God Bless
I know I feel you. I hope you feel better.
How are you doing this week? I have been praying for you. Hugs