Middle Age Woman with Depression /Anx... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Middle Age Woman with Depression /Anxiety

Zoe1960 profile image
36 Replies

Hello All,

This is my 1st time posting on a board. I am 60 years old with a seemingly very lovely life. I have a great husband, 3 great kids and 2 wonderful grandsons. I own a successful retail store and am in good health. So why am I so depressed? Is it the age thing (I have always been told I look much younger than I am)? Is it COVID related (that scares me a lot).?I have no real explanation but I am pretty sad. I feel like I have no joy. I have gone through these bouts before (when I was getting divorced) but therapy and meds helped. and I have always "snapped out of it".

I am now on 20mg Lexapro ( I had been on 10 mg for years but last year it seemed to poop out on me). I tried Hormone Replacement Therapy and that didn't do much so I asked my dr to prescribe something. She put me on Trintellix and that made my anxiety go through the roof! I requested to go back on Lexapro but at a higher dose. I've been on 20 for about 10 days and still feel pretty down. My dr also says that I should not drink alcohol with any of these drugs but I do enjoy a glass or two of wine in the evening. I do agree like my alcohol tolerance has gone way down. Does anyone agree that drinking with anti depressants counter acts them?

Is anyone in a similar situation? Last time I talked with my dr she said if this increased dose does not help she would like to add another drug to the mix (forgot the name) but I hate taking even more meds.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Zoe1960 profile image
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36 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Zoe1960 and Welcome!I am not a doctor and I do not drink however I am on Lexapro.

Whenever the dose is increased, it does take a little bit in stabilizing

to the effective dosage needed.

I wouldn't say 2 weeks. I think that's because you were off it while

being put on Trintellex for a while.

Going back to Lexapro (esp if you had success before) should help.

Your life seems in order.

Know that Alcohol can have severe effects mixed with SSRIs.

Alcohol is a depressant which can have a different effect with everyone.

But it has been known to cause depression as well as in not allowing the

Lexapro to work properly.

Please talk with your doctor regarding alcohol/Lexapro.

Keep safe. Feel better soon. :) xx

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to Agora1

Thank you for you kind words. I know I shouldn't drink wine but it is the one of the only pleasures in my day.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Zoe1960

My choice of pleasure is Chocolate Just stay safe. I care :) xx

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to Agora1

I'll be round soon, I love chocolate 🍫😋save me some 😆lol

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Cb1963

I have plenty to share :) xx

Sarah0816 profile image

Hi there, I have been on Lexapro 14 days now. Slight improvement but still having a hard time. I don't drink tho since I started them. You will get better soon

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to Sarah0816

Thank you Sarah!

Opportunity profile image

Welcome to the forum with your first post!

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to Opportunity

Thank you!

propjock profile image

Welcome, Zoe! One of the useful things I’m learning is that “should” doesn’t help with feelings. Saying you shouldn’t be depressed is like saying you shouldn’t be perspiring. And yet here we are.

“SSRI poop-out” is a thing. Zoloft pooped out on me after five years, so they switched me to Lexapro. Useless. Now I’ve been on Venlafaxine for a long time, low dose, good enough. Meds are like that.

Caffeine and alcohol, same way. “Your mileage may vary.”

I hope that you find this as good a place to help and be helped as I have.

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to propjock

Thank you. I hope you are right. I have never heard of Venlafaxine; is it a SSRI?

propjock profile image
propjock in reply to Zoe1960

SNRI, works on more than one neurotransmitter, commercial name is Effexor. I hope you are learning some useful truth here.

lisa40509 profile image

Welcome Zoe1960,

Maybe not the best advice however I do have a glass of wine or a mixed drink or 2 weekly at supper. I wait 6 hours after that to take my meds. I was feeling the same recently and thought perhaps empty nest? No worries, we can all work through this and have better days.

Warm wishes!

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to lisa40509

Thanks, Lisa. I appreciate your remarks. Again, i feel I should stop feeling like this and be thankful for all my blessings (I am!) but still feel down.

lisa40509 profile image
lisa40509 in reply to Zoe1960

Myself am Catholic and of course our generation were taught to feel guilty for everything. It’s how you feel, it doesn’t have to be logical your perception is your reality. How about both of us try to stop apologizing for what we have no control over. Instead let’s do what we can to feel better. If you ever want someone to listen please feel free to reach out!! Lisa

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to lisa40509

Thanks, Lisa.

Cb1963 profile image

Hi Zoe 1960Well please don't bite my head off , I don't think you should be drinking alcohol with your medication, I think we all can go through phases in life where we can get down or depressed, or over think things, I should really be in bed myself, but I can't sleep, but I'm not worried about anything, and I accept this, even with my anti depressant tablets I just take them and let the world go by, it's sometimes other people cause my problems, but if I can't solve them, well, I'm afraid I can't do anything more, I'm a couple of years younger than you, but no grand children, I don't have a complicated life, so maybe that's why I don't have the same complications as you, no offence meant, I'm not a selfish person, and will go out of my way to help others, but I've had a really complicated life in the past, and I have burnt the candle at both ends, perhaps try leaving the wine and see if the tablets work, and if nothing happens, well, you can say to the doctor they aren't working and enjoy your wine, best wishes.

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to Cb1963

Thanks for your reply.

Beta70 profile image

To find out the reason for your depression it maybe worth looking into personal counselling Meanwhile looking into natural remedies from Health food shops could be an option if you are concerned that drinking alcohol may affect the workings of your prescribed medication.

Lve2dance profile image

Hugs💋... It's my first go on a site as well.. Every one is awesome here. The pandemic definitely has done nothing good for mental health that's for sure. I was definitely more centered personally.. We are here to you.

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to Lve2dance

Thank you Lve2dance! Hope you have a great day!

Lve2dance profile image
Lve2dance in reply to Zoe1960

U2 Zoe xoxo

Zoe1960 profile image

Thank you. I will reach out.

Zoe1960 profile image

Hello All, I am not sure how I keep adding to my post (if this is the correct format).

I am deeply touched by all the kind responses. It is helpful to know you are not alone in these uncomfortable feelings.

I see by most responses that wine and meds are not a good combo. Because drinking wine in the evenings is a habit I've obtained a lot of my adult life, this will be tough to break. I know I can do it (I abstain for a week a few times a year just to make sure I CAN) but it will not be easy, especially because I do socialize a bit and that always includes alcohol. But, it looks as though this is the next logical step to see if the Lexapro is making a difference.

I hope you all have a peaceful and safe day. As I said earlier, it is helpful to know there are others out there that have similar struggles.


cheekalo37 profile image

Hi Zoe. I just turned 61 and understand your situation. I think you need to give the 20m Lexapro 2-3 more weeks. It does take time to adjust. I started 10m Lexapro about 2 months ago and it didn’t really make a difference until about week 4. I’m feeling much better now. Plus I’m working on my meditation, and CBT therapy. As you, I also enjoy a cocktail or a glass of wine at night. My doctor says that’s ok because im a light drinker. SSRIs and alcohol CAN become a bad combination if you overindulge. They are both depressants and manufacturers warn that SSRIs can enhance the effects of alcohol and cause drowsiness. I know many friends and family members who are ok with being on an SSRI and still able to enjoy light/moderate alcohol consumption. But everyone is different. Just keep a close eye on it and ask your doctor. If having an evening glass of wine or 2 brings you joy, then don’t deny yourself!

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to cheekalo37

Hi Cheekalo, Are you still at 10 mg Lexapro? Thank you for your encouragement!

cheekalo37 profile image
cheekalo37 in reply to Zoe1960

Yes, I'm still on 10 mg. My brother and mother are on 20m and swear by it. I've always dealt with anxiety issues, but this year it got out of hand. The Lexipro has helped me, and I don't have to change my lifestyle completely. That was important to me. But medication is only a part of it. Another big help for me is "acceptance therapy" (google "DARE"). I've also been seeing a therapist who knows CBT (cognitive behavior therapy). Plus, my faith in God has been helpful. You WILL get through this! It just takes some time. Remember that you are not alone. Many of us are dealing with similar issues. You have a good support group here! Reach out any time.

Welcome Zoe1960. I’m sorry you are feeling so down. I’d like to just suggest that sometimes it takes more than drugs to find your way. Other things go in the mix. For me. Some exercise is really important. It’s hard sometimes to want to do it but I always feel better after. You have been taking the Lexipro for a long time. That suggests there may be some things you need to address. Perhaps a therapist might be helpful. Everyone is different of course but for my own journey it’s taking medication, exercise, eating healthfully and therapy to find my way. I’m 57 by the way and aging certainly does add issues! I hope you are feeling better soon.

Daveacr1959 profile image

If you are healthy enough for exercise, you should get 45 minutes of cardio exercise daily to produce endorphins that battle your anxiety and depression. Also go on you tube and try his breathing exercises and cold water therapy, if your healthy enough for exercise and cold water. This helps me a lot . You don’t have to buy anything it’s all on you tube if you search.

Missy1948 profile image

I understand about your life being "ok" but still being depressed. I'm 73, working for a not-for-profit. Have a nice home, savings for retirement. I'm a widow, but have been seeing a nice man for the past 4 years. I'm in fairly good health. But I'm depressed. I've had depression much of my life, but the past several months have been more difficult. Some of it comes from COVID and how it has changed our lives. Also, there's a lot more intolerance and hate out there. I've been working with my psychiatrist to get my med levels right. I'm currently on Lexapro, Wellbutrin and low dose of Prozac to help with withdrawal from Cymbala. Also on Ativan for anxiety. That's a lot of meds! But what's also helping me is to be part of an online depression support group. I've also been reaching out to friends and trying do do things that are enjoyable (our local university theatre has opened up.) I have been calling friends and relatives to say hi and keep in touch. I really need that personal connection.

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to Missy1948

Thanks for your note. I appreciate your understanding and honesty. Is this the online group you were referring to?

PrincessOfGod profile image


PrincessOfGod profile image
PrincessOfGod in reply to PrincessOfGod

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, OCD, PTSD, Depression & Phobias - Your Ultimate Guide

Everything you need to know about the conditions & how to recover

I don't feel sorry for you. You have everything, and then are told not to mix antidepressants with alcohol, and you feel so entitled. Do you want the antidepressants to work or do you want to go on drinking? It sounds like you haven't had to give up too much in your life.

cbgrace1980 profile image

Thank you for sharing your struggles with us. You are definitely not alone. I'm glad you are being open and honest with your doctor. Sometimes, as you know, it takes a while to find the right balance. Here's to you standing up for yourself and what you need! If you don't think your doctor is doing a great job, you can always get a second opinion or try counseling. Hugs to you!

Zoe1960 profile image
Zoe1960 in reply to cbgrace1980

Thank you for your kind words.

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