My dog is dick: My dog, who is my best... - Anxiety and Depre...

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My dog is dick

Dancer2020 profile image
28 Replies

My dog, who is my best friend and always there for me when I'm not feeling well and especially when anxiety takes over is in the last stages of kidney failure. I'm so sad and depressed right now. Who will be there for me when she's gone? Friends don't understand anxiety. My husband basically just lives with me - doesn't want to be touched or close. I'm basicalky alone. My dog is my best friend and shows me more unconditional love than any person. Some say turn to God. Sure, you can't have a conversation or touch God. Might as well be the air. I'm so sad and pissed at the same time. All I have ever found in this life is one broken heart or disappointment after another. And it doesn't go away. Thanks for listening.

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Dancer2020 profile image
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28 Replies
notanotter profile image

Hi Dancer, I’m sorry about your dog. I just lost my cat after 13 years and I know how hard it is. Some people don’t understand, but others do. It’s just hard to lose an affectionate companion whom we have seen every day and developed a relationship with.

Lizzo30 profile image
Lizzo30 in reply to notanotter

Sorry about your faithful pal I hope he is as comfotable as he can be and that you can treasure the good times and think of them when you need cheering up

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to notanotter

Our pets can be more 'family' than real family I find!

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to Midori

So true!!

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to notanotter

I hope we get to be with them again some day.

kenster1 profile image

sorry to hear about your dog and other issues my dog not been well also just taking it day by day just now but she saved my life when everyone else vanished.just now life isn`t great god knows what I`ll do without and my Mrs have struggles mostly around my if you need a chat.

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to kenster1

Thank you. I feel the same. Who will I come home to? She's not only my family but my best friend.

Dancer2020, I am so sorry for you and your sweet boy. I know how much it hurts; I've been there. The pain doesn't go away, but it recedes over time. Your good memories can stay.

Arymretep profile image

I’m so sorry, I’ve been there a few times and it doesn’t get any better, all we can do is be there for them when they need us as they have been there for us always, love is all they need 😘

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to Arymretep

She's been my best friend through so much. She listens to me l, hangs out eith me when I don't feel well and then can be the goofiest, demanding little thing that makes me laugh. I'm so sad😪

Roxylox profile image

They are so precious and so loyal, l can imagine how your hurting, my dog is my constant companion and comfort, hugs.

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to Roxylox

They're the best.

Sorry to hear what is happening. Pets are members of the family and given unconditional love. Virtual hug from me!!

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to

Thank you. So much support here.

I just lost my 17.5 year old cat to kidney disease 😢. It’s soo hard as they really do give unconditional love unlike most humans. I had 2 cats and I didn’t plan on getting another until after the new year but my other cat was really lonely and crying a lot and just wondering about looking for her brother. I didn’t want to get another cat right now but I couldn’t see her being lonely so I got a kitten. Even though I didn’t want to get another cat, I’m glad I did.. Even though my cat still doesn’t like her, I know she eventually will and I already love her and her crazy kitten antics have really made me happy.

I’m not saying go get another dog right away but just keep an open mind. Maybe you could just foster a dog and then who knows you might just fall in love and keep it, if not, then you’ll just have to wait until it gets adopted.

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to AnxiousCanadianChic

Thank you. It is so hard.

Dancer2020 profile image

Thank you for your response. It breaks my heart to see her not feel goid and know she won't get better. She is my family and has been there for me through so many things.

Dancer2020 profile image

Thank you. They are my family,, more so than my people family.. I hope we see our fur babies again

Dancer2020 profile image

Thank you. He must love our dogs too.

TailWags profile image

Its hard. I am on my 3rd dog. My house felt so empty without a canine friend. And I may know what you mean about the loss. I often think everything I ever loved ends up leaving me behind. One way or another. I wonder how many people feel left behind? My condolances for you and your ailing dog. My heart goes out to you. I am glad to hear that you truely love and appreciate your dog. Therefore you likely gave her a good and bountiful life. Thank you.

Jay2O profile image

So sorry to hear about your poorly pet. Yes it can feel sad to have a pet or even anyone we love move on but when the time comes I hope that you can focus on what a great life you gave her. How much she was loved. See how happy she was to be in your company. Not every animal in this world receives such kindness. Be proud that you have cared so much. Perhaps one day you will take another animal into your home. Some animals need fostering. Your pain will heal with time. God bless x

We are the only ones that will ever understand anxiety and depression. I wish there was a magic pill we can take to make us normal. There is nothing i can do or say to make it better. Just don't give up, I bet you never heard that before, lol. Sorry about your dog.

fatchap69 profile image

I lost my best mate two years ago, George a brindle Staffy, he was 14 when his kidneys gave out, one of the worst days of my life second to the day I said goodbye to my mum, I didn't want another dog but my daughter couldn't stand the person I had become since losing my best pal. And behind my back she bought me Webley a Staffy french bulldog cross. It took me a while because he wasn't George and never will be and now I don't expect him to be, he is Webley. and I love the crazy little woofer to bits. What I am saying is get another dog if your feeling that low. It can and never will replace the pooch you lost but it certainly from my perspective fills that gaping great hole in your life that your four legged friend left behind when he/she walked over the rainbow bridge.

The trouble with dogs and something my mum always said and she had dogs all her life. You go to see a puppy and it steals your heart, just remember that one day it will break it.

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to fatchap69

So true. Thank you.

IHadADog profile image

Not sure I have any comfort to offer, but I can definitely relate. We had to put our 17 1/2 year old mixed-breed down 3 years ago and it was devastating. That's when I found this site and set my username to IHadADog because it seemed the most pertinent fact about me at that stage. It's SO hard. Other things were going on, too, and I couldn't even imagine things getting better at the time.It took several months trying therapies, nutrition and other things that weren't making a damn bit of difference until I finally got an appointment (after months on a waiting list) with a prescribing nurse practitioner who started me on mirtazapine, which made enough of a difference that I could imagine a better future. And since then things have gotten much, much better.

Everybody's path is different but there's more to life than our worst moments even when it's hard to believe that.

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to IHadADog

I'm also depressed. I have an appt this week to see someone. It sure is hard right now.

IHadADog profile image
IHadADog in reply to Dancer2020

Good luck and good for you for taking that step!

Dancer2020 profile image
Dancer2020 in reply to IHadADog

I appreciate your responses.

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