I am going on a weekend trip and I ALWAYS get anxious when I go to this specific place to see these certain people. It doesn't make sense because they are so sweet and caring towards me. I am always nauseous and can't seem to eat anything the whole weekend i'm there, then when I don't eat I throw up due to lack of eating. Is there any coping mechanisms anyone has that could help me this weekend? It's embarrassing and I just want to get through it without looking crazy for always being anxious!! Anything would help... thank you so much in advance!!!!!!
Coping Mechanisms for Anxious girl go... - Anxiety and Depre...
Coping Mechanisms for Anxious girl going on weekend trip????

I talked to my therapist before my recent vacation, for similar reasons. We made a plan for how I was going to respond to some of the usual triggers and have a way to focus on my goals for the trip.
It was really helpful to have done this in advance! Have you talked to your therapist? (I’m sorry I can’t give you anything more useful.)
Could you be working yourself up about the trip and creating a self- fulfilling prophecy?
By this I mean you are already thinking this will happen, and if you believe it enough you can cause it to happen.
If there is no reason for it other than you expecting it; then it's worth speaking to a therapist about some desensitisation therapy.
cheers, Midori
That's a good question! I might be just working myself up because when I think about it there's not a specific reason into why I would be anxious. It's all in my head for the most part but then it starts making my whole body react which is crazy! I am not experienced enough to what "desensitisation" is so the therapy might be helpful for that. Thank you!
Go online to potentials unlimited get the relaxation download, this used to happen to me, it was very bad started to use these downloads, became more relaxed and was able to cope and then enjoy life. Ray.
sorry to hear maybe their is some stressors for feeling this way or too anxious take time out for calming situations and taking deep breaths relaxation eating habits may help sooth the nerves slow down the reactions with positive pursuits focus on the transparency or emotions strengths you're motives help transcend your reality try not to overwhelm hope you have a good day talking therapy good antidotes
I would love to know if there is any stressors for feeling this way, i'm just not sure in what they would be!! It's not like there is any particular reason in feeling the way I do, it's just nerves that are escalated. Thank you for the tips I will have to try therapy considering that isn't anything I do now!
Hi AutumnMarie, sometimes there are many small stressors and then maybe a new one tips us over the edge. It might be that the place reminds you of somewhere else that has bad memories. Or it might be that you’re worried about your boyfriend judging how you behave in front of these friends, or it’s a group of things much more subtle than that.
Here are a couple tactics I’ve been learning:
- Reframe the anxious feeling as excitement. They are the same in the body. Like, you’re so excited to see these friends. Sometimes this calms me down.
- “4 by 4” breathing or box breathing. When the feelings get strong, take a deep breath in to the count of 4, then let it out to the count of four. Repeat three more times, until you’ve done it for each side of the imaginary box. Repeat until you feel relaxed.
I hope you have fun this weekend!
Not an Otter, you seem like the sweetest person!! Thank you so much for reaching out to me here on this forum! It's his family that I get so nervous around. I don't know why considering they have always been super sweet and accepting of me and our relationship? I love these tactics and I am going to be rereading this every time I need a reminder this weekend. This is a good tip and I am so appreciative of you taking the time to reach out to me.
Can fully empathise with you autumnmarie5, do so hope your weekend goes well x