3 years ago I got my postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome diagnosis. I went from working full time in a new country to being bedbound and completely dependant on my mother and stepfather. The words can't express how worthless I feel. I've been dealing with panic attacks, depression and intrusive thoughts since kindergarten. I was never fully normal. Unable to keep friendships and relationships because of my trust issues. Being so insecure that I hurt other people and pushed them away. I have one friend on the other side of the world and I can't bring myself on messaging her because I'm just a ball of sickness and despair. I truly start to think I have no redeeming qualities. And what I heard in the conversation between my mom and stepdad confirmed everything I think about myself and more.
We were always close, me and mom. I confided in her even though 6 years ago she told her man that he's the number 1 in her life. I still tried to think of all the things she did for me, her care and patience with me which she needed a lot. From hurting my body in the past, chronic illness that made me say goodbye to my old self to full blown panic attacks and meltdowns. Now I have nothing. No health, no finances, no bond with people, no hope. They think I'm lazy and selfish, when I struggle to leave my bed, shower or eat. I would hit the streets but I'd die a slow painful death. It would be better to end it quickly.
She even mentioned the ways I should do it. Mother knows the best, I guess.
I don't know why I'm saying all this. My brain is shutting down. I'm sorry.