Where is your happy place?: Where can... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Where is your happy place?

103 Replies

Where can you relax, be yourself? It may be at work, the shops, once you have dropped the children off to school, whatever.

Mine is when the house is quiet and it is just me and my Kindle or book with a nice cup of tea or glass of wine (not all of the time, honest!). We all need somewhere to relax and wind down and should appreciate every opportunity we get so, where is yours?

103 Replies
kenster1 profile image

volunteering makes me happy or being away hill walking.

in reply to kenster1

That's great. Where do you hill walk, is it local to you. I understand that there are some great walking holidays people go on. I am not so active because of a prolapsed disc and things but I used to love walking and jogging. Thank you for sharing, great to hear from you.

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to

hi yeah takes me a matter of minutes walking then I`m more or less up in the hills it`s a great escape when you need it.

in reply to kenster1

It sounds amazing. I would love that when it is not too hot and perhaps a gentle breeze lightly blowing across the hills. Do you go on walking holidays?

Isinatra profile image

My happy place is my home. I can change the environment to suit my needs. It can be quiet, loud, cool, dark, light. It’s my command post. I can leave if I get bored and do whatever. It’s always here for sanctuary. Yep, it’s me, myself and my iPad. And for that, I am grateful. (Except for those darned robo calls)! 🤖

Chipmunk7 profile image
Chipmunk7 in reply to Isinatra

Me too!!!! You said most of the things I was going to say.... :)

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Chipmunk7

It’s great we are able to do that. My home used to just be a place to hang my hat for so long out of necessity. I’ve had severe social anxiety since the day I was born. A lifetime of forcing myself to act normal. Some people in my life worry that my lifestyle isn’t healthy for me. But it’s just the opposite. I enjoy the heck out of my life, something so called normal people have a hard time understanding. We can kick back, take a deep breath and enjoy the serenity finally. Right? 😉

In my bedroom away from people. 🤣 Usually with music or wine or something similar.

It used to be shopping. Now it’s at home, studying ways to beautify my space.

in reply to LordKnowsImTrying

I really don't like shopping unless I know exactly what I need and where to get it from at the best price £.

LordKnowsImTrying profile image
LordKnowsImTrying in reply to

I like to go and look around. It helps me

Clear my mind and I get some exercise in. I’ve learned that I don’t HAVE to buy anything just because I’m in the store. So it has saved me money now.

Mrspjsmom profile image

My happy place is on the couch watching one of my favorite shows. Usually a comedy. With a cup of coffee or glass of water with ice and lemon. The dog at my feet and the cat next to me or asleep on the back of the couch. A scented candle burning on the fireplace mantle. I am safe. I am home. I am myself.

in reply to Mrspjsmom

That is a lovely answer. Thank you. Not everyone has found their special place but when they do, it will be a wow moment.

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to Mrspjsmom

Yeah buddy! I can relate! Love me a comedy and a candle

Hb2003 profile image

My happy place is at home and at school ☺️

in reply to Hb2003

That is excellent, having 2 places. When you are at home, what do you think that makes it you special place?

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Yep both bring me positive energy ☺️👍✅

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Well my brother is why home is my special place ☺️ Can’t live without him he has mild to severe autism . He is my ball of sunshine makes my day better with his silliness

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Hb2003

Sweet avatar. 😉✌️

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Isinatra

Thank you 🙏☺️ It’s cute and a little spooky because its a vampire Hijabi girl 😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Isinatra

I don’t bite though 🤣😂

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Hb2003

😂 Hiba, I Know you don’t bite! You need special teeth for that and you don’t have ‘em.

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Isinatra

Lol 😂 or maybe I can sand them to make them look like vampire teeth 🤣🤣 just kidding

in reply to Hb2003

This conversation is hard to digest. I have never set a question before but this is a lot of fun. I think having a happy place is essential for our mental health, even if it is your favourite room at home or chair.

Imaaan profile image

My happy places are :

Being in nature always.

My home where I can liven it up or make it zen depending on my mood.

Library....loosing yourself in a good book in a quiet setting does wonders

Movie theater by myself (no explanation needed)

Window shopping at stores...fashion is my passion. Anything to do with interior design brings me joy

Karaoke ( singing your heart out with friends even if you cant carry a tune)

I used to love restaurants before my stomach issues.


in reply to Imaaan

You have covered your answers well, thank you Imaaan.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Imaaan

Karaoke? You’re full of surprises!😉😁

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Isinatra

I can belt a tune too😜

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Imaaan

I gotta’ hear it! Lol

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Isinatra

You'll go deaf as my step dad says ...lol

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Imaaan


Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Imaaan

I love karaoke and I love all of it 😇

in reply to Hb2003

Me too. I did it on holiday and got everyone in the bar singing along, probably to drown out my voice. 🎼🎶🎤🎧

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to

Is there a particular song u like to saaaaaang?

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Imaaan

I love Karaoke!

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Nothing_but_books

s'il vous plait share one of your fave songs that you saaaaaaaang ?

Hidden hope you dont mind the side conversation

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Imaaan

Bien sûr que oui:


** Be careful what you ask for! This gal couldn't sing in tune to save her life. **

in reply to Nothing_but_books

I clicked the link that took me a YouTube and Frankie Valli so a little confused.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to

Just responding to Imaaan's request that I share a song I've "performed". Reminds one of the tom on the back fence when the female strolls by.

in reply to Imaaan

No, it's fine. Lots of open conversations have sub topics in them. 🙌

Roxylox profile image

Like you, mine would be when the house is quiet during the day I put on my own radio stations or music. Also some early mornings would walk my dog on the beach , again when it is quiet.


in reply to Roxylox

Yes, I can relate to that. Going for a walk is great as well. What beach do you walk on?

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to

A small beach l live near in lreland

Blueruth profile image

My yoga classes. The community is great. I always feel welcomed and I leave feeling stronger than when I walked in.

in reply to Blueruth

This is great. thank you for sharing. Can you get into and out of the lotus position. It's like tieing yourself into a knot, isn't it?

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to

Hell no. Not ever. Most of the work is about focus, alignment and acceptance. Those are just cool displays.

2sad profile image

I don't have a happy place. I want one so bad but my situation doesn't allow that.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to 2sad

Sorry you are in such a bad place. Your happy place could be to close your eyes, breathe in through your nose for 4 counts, out through your mouth for the same. Try it anytime!

in reply to 2sad

Do you have someone who you can share with about how you feel

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to 2sad

Hi 2sad. Me too. A suggestion from someone I trusted was to find one or two things that bring you some comfort, and secret them away in a spot only you know about. Even if you only visit in your mind, they are there for you.

Dolphin14 profile image

I love peaceful walks in the early morning. I go out before sunrise, when it's very dark. As I'm into my walk the sky opens up and there is the beginning of a day to start a clean slate.

Sunrise at the ocean
Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to Dolphin14

Beautiful image

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Kkimm

Thank you Kim


emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to Dolphin14

I love your photo. I leave for the beach in a couple of weeks with friends for our annual beach visit. I look forward to walking the beach at sunrise again! That is definitely one of my happy places....

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to emmi331

I hope you have a wonderful time!


in reply to emmi331

Me too, have a great time together. What beach do you go to?

emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to

Topsail Island, just off the NC coast; the south end of the island is especially peaceful!

in reply to emmi331

I really must visit the USA one day, I have never been out of the UK and I will be 52 next month.

emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to

Definitely put it on your "bucket list"!

I have been to the UK several times, and loved it.

Arniestal profile image

I wouldn't say i have a happy place, a place where im happy. Used to like being at home but now desperate to be out of it as long as possible. The cinema i go to alone, ypu can lose yourself in a movie if you are lucky, i go there all the time.

The garden first thing on a morning. When I can the Beach I love the beach SO much..

Heyyouthere33 profile image

I like to lay on the floor in my home somewhere, some place quite with my dog near by. The ground is very comforting to me

Hannahpanda27 profile image

Mine is my bed with my kids watching movies ❤

gman1961 profile image

When I'm writing poetry/ rhymes or going out running .Or just listening to music.

Kkimm profile image

My happy places are as follows:

In my garden gathering my fruit or vegetables or sitting by my pond watching the dragonflies hover over the surface on a sunny day.

Wandering on the sea shore watching the waves lap on the beach and hearing the gulls crying overhead

Lying in bed in the morning with a cuppa and a great novel I am engrossed in.

Swimming in a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains dotted with rocky islets.

On Safari in Africa or Asia with my partner spotting a tiger with her cubs cooling off in a lake or beautiful exotic birds in the dry forest.

In a group of close friends over a great meal with the wine flowing

Walking in the Welsh mountains or along rocky headlands with sandy coves either alone or with my partner

On an exotic holiday in the tropics with my daughter.

The list could go on.... God life can be amazing, that has really cheered me up thanks, brilliant idea for a post. But I know I am really lucky living in the developed world and having relative safety and freedom, unlike others all over the world including Afghanistan or even poorer members of our own society


Collage of garden photos with pond with water lilies
Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Kkimm

Kim: Beautiful pictures and I always love reading your posts. It's like reading a story:)


emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to Kkimm

Lovely garden. Kim!

Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to emmi331

Thanks very much

secrets22 profile image

My happy place is my home being surrounded by my 3 little dogs.

Hope4me1 profile image

Sitting in the shade of my backyard trees with the slight breeze in the air, reading a good book and just taking in nature and it’s wonderful sounds. Or sitting by a crackling fire at night. Or hiking in the woods or a beach trail. Many kinds of happy places for me.

Livelydively profile image

My happy places:

My bedroom, snuggling with my kids

Sitting by a camp fire

Out in nature

This is a good question. I suppose for me it’s early morning in bed with coffee and a book or just messing around on my phone. Though I am really starting to feel like more than just a few minutes on Facebook is more harmful than helpful and not relaxing. In the early morning before the demand of the day start, I feel relaxed and a little pampered by having the time to just do exactly as I want.

in reply to

I stopped using Facebook about 3 years ago because I noticed how it would draw me in and I noticed that once I'd given it up, my mental health improved, more time to do more important things with my family. I was a little reluctant to join HU because it looks similar. Great answer btw. 🤓

Mar_mar profile image

I've got a few places that aren't always set in stone. These include being home alone singing my heart out to some of my favorite songs, walking down a path surrounded by redwoods and deers, and at rave festivals where I dance the night away with other like-minded people.

Keep it up with these posts! I appreciate them a lot as they brighten my day. Thank you 💞😄

in reply to Mar_mar

Mar Mar, may I ask what state you live in, as you mentioned Redwoods.

Mar_mar profile image
Mar_mar in reply to

I live in California. I've been staying up north

in reply to Mar_mar

That’s what I figured. I live in Northern Ca too.

in reply to

What is Redwoods? I live in England and have never heard of it myself.

Mar_mar profile image
Mar_mar in reply to

Oh my!! 😱 Redwoods are one of the tallest, most largest trees known commonly in Northern California and Southern Oregon. I attached a picture of it here 😁

Redwoods. The largest, most tallest trees!
Sara_2611 profile image

My happy place is being at the stables (whichever stables Im at) & horseriding - its a bit of escapism for me (just concentrating on the horse im on) instead of everything else

in reply to Sara_2611

I have a friend who is a member of a disabled riding club. He is a wheelchair user. When on his horse, accessible isn't a phrase that he is concerned with.

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to

oh wow

emmi331 profile image

A happy place for me is a leisurely drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway with beautiful music playing while I take in the ever changing scenery and spectacular views of ancient mountains and deep valleys. It puts me in what I call "The Zone", just a very happy and peaceful place.

kathywilkes profile image

My room

Hey Bifield34. My happy place seems to be with my head slammed into /through the monitor. I'm getting closer each time I give it a shot.Three times lucky? Wanna bet? 🤫🥱 😴

Guess that last pill was a little too much for me.

in reply to Nothing_but_books

I can understand your issue. I have chronic pain/Fybromylgia and sleep apnea. Not a great combination to be fair.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to

Ouch. That's a hat trick!

Why do I laugh? What the heck is wrong with me?

I think I'm out of ways to manage all the simultaneous nasties that plague me.

Do you think anyone else gets like this?

A scene from Laurel and Hardy's The Music Box flashes in my mind. All those steps. No way that piano is going up there.

in reply to Nothing_but_books

I love that film. Now that is a happy place 🤣

Puzzled57 profile image

The shoreline on the beach. I live about 20 minutes from a beach where I walk for about 2 hours at low tide. The sound of the waves and coastal breeze get me out of my head.

I didn't realise that I would get such an amazing response from such a simple question. Thank you everyone. You are all awesome.

Down at a park close to me. In the summer the lagoon is filled with geese and ducks and I bring down bird seed and feed them. They eat right out of my hand and they know me and come running as soon as they see me (picture that, 30 geese running right towards me when I cross the bridge and they hear my voice). I’ve made it known to my family that when I die I want to be cremated and my ashes spread around that area.

happyseal profile image

I have a few ones My partner's hug 🙂Top of a mountain with a lovely sight 🤩

By the coast and beach enjoy the breeze 😜

Lazy_dog_lover profile image

I grew up going out on my parents' boat. 50 years later I still find relaxing on the boat, dipping my feet in the water, casting out a line, pretending to fish, and even an occasional cannon ball off the back platform are the best. Unfortunately, with my car accident last spring, I have gone 2 seasons, not able to go out at all. I might get in some very late season trips, but with my 7th surgery on Tuesday, cross your fingers for a speedy recovery.

Praying for you Lazy_dog_lover.

Laykonyde profile image

Well, my happy place where I can be myself is my home country since I'm foreign here 😌

in reply to Laykonyde

Hi Laykonyde. I know lots of people that don't live in the country of origin but still call their country of residence home. Where do you originate from? I was born in Bristol un the United Kingdom (England) and have never lived anywhere else. Is it because you don't feel like you fit in or have you not been made to feel welcome by your community. I imagine that you would feel lost being away from all that you know. Cultural differences but you are human, the same as everyone else. Where are you living these days?

Laykonyde profile image

Hi Bifield34,

I live in Scotland. I used to call Scotland home until a few years ago when life became really tough for me and there was no shoulders to lean. I don't really take folk for their words but actions. As the saying goes, talk is cheap.

I believe when we are suffering is when people should turn up most(myself included).

I come from Nigeria to be specific.

To be honest, some people have tried. However, what they offered wasn't what I needed. Going a walk for a chat every now and again doesn't solve the problems because after having a conversation the problems are still there.

Just have to find a way to cope. Been here for a while, would think I would be used to it but nae. lol 😆

Gonna stop ranting now. Haha

in reply to Laykonyde

Well, I don't know about your experiences but I often find talk does help. You can discuss new strategies and you know another saying, a problem shared is a problem halved. If I don't share a worry with someone else, what I find is that it can turn from a pimple to a mountain very quickly. Our perspective can alter if we have someone that is there to listen to us. Part of the reason this site exists is for exactly that reason. The amount of posts I read and the offers of support are many from complete strangers. I wish our world reflected this, would be a much happier place to live.

I bet Scotland is very different to Nigeria. How old were you when you moved to bonnie Scotland? Are you feeling at home now? I live in Bristol, England - so, the other end of the country to you. Can I pray for you Laykonde?

Laykonyde profile image

Hi Bifield34,

I had moments where talking with folk worked.

Scotland is completely different from Nigeria. Its like chalk and cheese. Scotland has a tremendous landscape though. I left home age 28. Its a long time ago. Honestly I don't feel at home perhaps be time to pack my bags and leave 😪.

Been to Manchy and London a few times.

Sure, you can pray for me. Well appreciated Bifield34.

in reply to Laykonyde

Is there any update on your situation? Just been listening to a report on Police Scotland being sexist towards women.

Laykonyde profile image
Laykonyde in reply to

Thanks for asking Bifield34,

I have been training my mind recently. People are all the same they say, all built to instinctively look out for ours alone. Ones who look out for other folk deserve massive amount of praise.

Honestly, I don't really listen to the news these days Bifield34.

I'm not very surprised about police Scotland being sextet. Naturally humans misuse their powers anyway.

Have a great day Bifield34.

LadyZen profile image

My happy place is anyplace where I can work on my book. My 2nd happy place is the pool. I love swimming.

in reply to LadyZen

That sounds like a place where your creative juices can really flow. I imagine you being near a lake, on a warm sunny day under the shade of a tree. Awesome to hear from you.

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