" I want to be light and frolicsome. I want to be improbable, beautiful and afraid of nothing, as though I had wings." -mary oliver
I want to be free and have wings to fly - Anxiety and Depre...
I want to be free and have wings to fly

Beautiful. I want all these things too.
I don't know if I had wings, but I used to dance in my kitchen to music and sing and joke around with little kids...showed my 5 year old granddaughter how to do the hula....and now I am totally depressed and experiencing anxiety attacks that I never had before. When I feel sad , greatly disappointed, hopeless thinking I'll live alone the rest of my life (which I'm feeling lately)...is that why this is happening to me? How can I turn this off? I'm doing meditation a couple of days now, Deepak Chopra, will it really help?
I know how you feel. I wish I knew the answer for the both of us.
Dancing in the kitchen with your grandaughter, singing and joking is beautiful. You will find this joy again. Keep reminding yourself of those happier days and how you felt inside. That person is still there, you just need to coax her out. Meditation and reading positive, self help books is a good start. It isn't about turning off the dark thoughts, it is about replacing them with positive ones. Not always easy, but we must try. Sounds like you are off to a good start.