Have had a miserable day so far. Went to therapy, ran an errand, then came home to get layed into by my husband for spending money. I think underwear and bras are a legitimate expense. So I will be taking a nap and my lullaby will be Dennis Leary,s A**hole song. Can't wait for him to leave for work. Need the peace and quiet. I've had enough and refuse to return anything or apologize.
Oops I did it again : Have had a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Oops I did it again

Peace and quiet are a must some days. Under garments are a must everyday. Keep them and enjoy them because there is nothing nicer than new under things. They make us feel better, or at least they make me feel better.
When he leaves for work, give yourself some "me time". Breathe and bask in thefeeling of calm and peace. You did nothing wrong. Unfortunately, his antics kind of
wiped out your therapy for the moment. Don't allow him to have that kind of control
over you. xx
That wasn't exactĺy splashing out, was it!I would sometimes have to justify a purchase too though, understandable why we sometimes hide some stuff we buy.
I don’t know you at all or your financial situation so my question is why did your husband get annoyed at you for buying underwear?
Is it because you do spend money on things regularly that maybe you don’t need? Are you using spending to help make you feel better regularly?
I ask as Shopping can become an addiction. I suppose if you have the spare money to do it it might not seem like a problem. The thing is if you are doing it to cover up some other underlying feelings then it isn’t a good thing and maybe that is why your husband got mad at you.
Just a thought.
Finances aren't a problem. My husband makes a good salary and our home is paid for. I don't work and admire my husband for the hours he works. You could be on to something with the shopping. I will definitely give it some heartfelt thought. I know part of the problem is I buy poor quality clothing for myself so it wears out quickly. I buy my socks at the dollar store. Another issue is not being able to try things on. Since Covid started most of our local stores don't allow you to use the dressing rooms. It's grab, guess and return. Very time consuming and not great for my panic attacks lol The biggest problem seems to occur when my husband pays extra money on the bills and doesn't tell me he did. He gets paid bi-weekly. He works again tonight so I will have some peace and quiet to reflect. Thanks again LAAG for your input.
Does you husband think he owns all the money in the house? You need underwear. Sounds as if he might be abusive. BTW, I Love Dennis Leary's songs!
So do I!!!! And I'm keeping the underwear.
Happy to hear this Mrspjsmom. By the way, if you take care of your home and are the one who cleans, cooks, gardens, grocery shops, etc. etc. etc. then you do work, very hard. You should admire yourself for the hours you put in.

Thank you so much! Very few people notice all the work I do.. My husband has always worked third shift so things are much quieter now that my children are grown and have their own homes. There was a time I could drive to their rehearsals and activities almost on auto pilot. Concerts, marching band, jazz band, show choir, musicals, dance class, baton, school trips, tutoring, doctor/dentist appointments... Looking back now it makes my head spin. I am thoroughly enjoying taking care of myself, the dog and the cat.
You are welcome. If your husband, or anyone's husband, had to pay for someone to come in and do all that you have done over the years and put in the multiple hours that you surely did, he would need to work multiple jobs. Most women can identify with this.