I am really struggling to keep going,and i cannot cope with all the pressure i'm under,i go from one crises to another,and i am doing the most stupid things,like making wrong decisions because i dont think things through,i jump into situations and quickly regret it when its to late,i waste money,and i cant even say my recent mistake because i am so embarrassed.,i am actually furious with myself,unfortunately when one is at a low ebb,we do make so many mistakes,and we get taken advantage of.
I have been taken for a ride,talked into things,regretted much,and yet before my partner died i coped extremely well,but now i am a shadow of my former self,i am nervous,i am scared,i am afraid of upsetting anyone,and i feel everything is against me,which in fact it is.
I was obsessively house proud,but now i seem to live in a shambles, but now i cant get motivated to change it,and i am ashamed of myself.
Each day i am confronted with so much to deal with,and i cant delegate as only i am able to be responsible for personal issues.
I really dont want to be here,enough is enough,life has become untenable.
In so many ways i am extremely fortunate,but that does not help me one bit,being alone and aloneness is the hardest thing in the world.
It is now the weekend, when before there was always something on,but now i have no wish to mingle,home is my refuge.
I do think Virus19 has changed our lives so much,and it has changed us as individuals,I was always outgoing and the funster,but no more.
The life that i had is all that i had,but now that life has been torn away.