I was supposed to go to Florida with my daughter and husband but decided to stay home at the last minute. I sprained my foot quite badly have to wear an air cast for several weeks. All the walking would be more than I could handle. The morning after they came home my husband told me he bought a time share. I was incredibly upset since I had no input in the decision. Also I was the last person to find out. My daughter was with him and called my son. My husband called his mother to tell her. But that wasn't what hurt the most. He also told me I need to "be present". When I asked what he meant by that he said I need to attend ALL family functions and go on vacation each summer with my in-laws. I have worked hard for a long time trying to keep myself away from toxic people and situations. I have tried to improve communication with others. Now I have basically been given an ultimatum. My family or my mental health. I have cried all week and don't know what to do. I feel lost and alone. He also said doing this may not repair relationships or make things better but he expects me to try.
No idea what to do: I was supposed to... - Anxiety and Depre...
No idea what to do

I’m so sorry 😞 lots of kindness and support ❤️🙏🫂
Tell your husband that you are his family and as such have precedence over his birth family. He seems to have forgotten that. If your in laws are toxic for you then he should be the one to stop that to protect you and not expect you just to put up with it.
He has got his priorities all wrong and I think the two of you need a calm and sensible talk about all this with just you two and no one else. He is totally out of order and if he won't or can't protect you then he can't complain when you refuse to see them. The day he married you, you and the children became his first priority.
Take a position of strength and not one of weakness. You are co-owner of this condo right? So treat them as your guests and limit their time , you'll be the one in charge of who else is there and plans made. If you weep and wail and give over to your illness you will have given up your ownership so to speak and your Mother in law may become the in charge person.Please forgive exaggerations . I see this as a fight for your place in the family. You don't want to give it up do you ?