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Graves’ depression and anxiety

Sweetmango85 profile image
20 Replies

I suffer from Graves’ disease hyperthyroidism and I recently learned that a major symptom of the disease is anxiety and depression. I am currently in a flare up and this is my first experience dealing with a lot of intense symptoms. More than the physical symptoms the mental health symptoms is the hardest to deal with and the most pronounced for me.

I have always been under the impression that depression was difficult levels of sadness but I learned that that’s not even the half of it. My body felt paralyzed. I couldn’t and didn’t want to get out of bed, my brain was filled with dark stormy clouds. I couldn’t take care of myself or my family. While depression consumed my body all day, anxiety took over by night with racing thoughts of death and dying. Gloom, doom and catastrophic events. This has all been so traumatic. I feel scared and uneasy and nervous most days. I’ve had bouts with anxiety and panic but nothing at this scale.

I’ve recently sought counselling and I really hope it will help. I’m also inching closer to taking meds my gp gave me a script for zoloft. My experience has been so difficult to explain to people around me because admittedly I feel crazy talking about this experience. Also, many people thing it’s just mind over matter. As in if I focus on the positive I’ll just snap out of it. If I could I would have done it seconds ago. I’ve lost interest in the things i enjoy, I’m not focused or motivated and this isn’t me.

My heart aches for people who have suffered lifelong with the depression it’s a terrible disease. I’m also really worried that this may be my new normal. Anxiety might always be here due to Graves’ but I pray I learn to cope with it and I’m able to turn it off or lower the volume.

Thank you to anyone who reads this. I just really needed to get these thoughts out.

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20 Replies

I have the opposite problem, I have hypo thyroidism, which means my body produces too little of the thyroid hormone so I get more tired and sluggish very easily. I have to take Synthroid for my thyroid, one pill in the morning. I also have a goiter in my throat. I do NOT want any surgery on my throat. I like to sing and that can affect your voice. Just look at what happened to Julie Andrews. Very sad tale there.

Sprinkle1 profile image

Been in your shoes, I am about to turn 79 next week, have suffered life long with depression, anxiety and even PTSD. Glad you are seeking help, a good therapist is invaluable and being on the right med's will work. I took Zoloft for 10 years and loved it, built up a tolerance so had to change. Do not let other people judge you, they do not understand our illness, it is not your fault, so many of us suffer, millions. Write to us here, that is why we are here, when I joined in 2019 I was a mess, I got so much love and support, now I try to help people who are suffering. Do not judge yourself, know you are ill and there is help and med's that can help you, I function because of my med's and my therapist. I have also read a lot of good self help books, you can find them in used book stores, I love Leo Busgalia, Deepak Chopra , Wayne Dyer, all of us who suffer need love and support, do not give up on yourself, You Will Recover, yes it will take time so be patient with yourself. I send you love, strength, courage and big Hugs.....

Sweetmango85 profile image
Sweetmango85 in reply toSprinkle1

Thank you so much for your kind message. Mental health is a difficult thing to navigate and it’s made more difficult when it feels like no one understands. Especially people who you are close to. Some days it can feel really hopeless. I’m sorry that you have suffered from depression as long as you have. Blessings to you as you enter your 80s.

Sprinkle1 profile image
Sprinkle1 in reply toSweetmango85

Hello, my life has been so Busy, I am swamped. Glad if my mail helped you. Yes it does tend to make us feel alone, people who do not have our illness cannot relate, that is one reason I recommend a good therapist who specializes in depression/anxiety. I have a wonderful lady, she helps keep me sane, and I am on the right med's at this time. Unfortunately, Hollywood and books have given mental illness bad portraits, we need to be accepted like we are if we have the flu, measles, etc., illnesses we treat. I am so glad to see on TV for the last 2 decades, medication advertised for mental illness. I understand the feelings you go thru, and they are Not nice. One thing I notice we generally do not look any different, people think we are functioning as normal, measles, etc, show on our face. We are ill for approx. 2 weeks and then OK again, not so with depression, it can take months, in some cases years. Mine comes and goes I hate it, it disables me. But I have made it this far despite having tried suicide twice, not recommended. Write to us, this is why this forum was started to help us who hurt in this way, there are thousands of us in here, some of us are hurting, some of us are functioning well at this time, we will offer you support, understanding, giving love and sending big hugs, we know the hell you are going thru, but believe me as a long time sufferer, it always ends. Be kind to yourself, love yourself, be your own best friend, respect the person you are. We love you.....Sprinkle ooo

Sweetmango85 profile image
Sweetmango85 in reply toSprinkle1

Thank you for your kind and supportive words.

Happyknee profile image

I too have had health issues which has brought on anxiety and depression. I feel like I’m in slow motion hard to do household task. My doctor has prescribed Zoloft and Xanax while I get use to Zoloft. So far I’m two weeks in not sure if it’s helping or not. I would give an antidepressant a try. My anxiety is bad in the morning but disappear s at about 7pm. I try to stay active excersie best I can. Even if it’s 15 minutes of light moving or yoga poses. It’s so hard I know. Talking with family helps when they tell me I have a family that needs me. Try to be good to yourself a walk helps. Take care

Sweetmango85 profile image
Sweetmango85 in reply toHappyknee

Thank you for sharing. My anxiety feels ever present and goes into overdrive in the evening and night. I wish this wasn’t a thing. My mental health has taken me from myself. I try to take walks and I pay close attention to the things I consume.

I’ve been on the fence about taking medicine for quite some time because I’m afraid of how I might feel especially when all I really want to feel is happy again. I’m also concerned about being on Zoloft long term.

I hope the meds work for you. I’d really like to hear more about your experience if anything changes. My understanding is that you should at least start to feel something after a couple of weeks. I’m just curious to know if the anxiety stops or just slows down.

Happyknee profile image
Happyknee in reply toSweetmango85

When your ready you could wean off of Zoloft. At this time I’m not sure if Zoloft is increasing my anxiety. I’ve been on it for two weeks my doctor wants me to try for 4 weeks. Small dose of 25 mg. I don’t have side effects which is good.

Sweetmango85 profile image
Sweetmango85 in reply toHappyknee

My doc said that I’d need to be on Zoloft anywhere from 6-9 months. Further, from what I’ve read you can’t simply stop the meds because it could negatively affect or worsen your mental state.

I’m starting some therapy today and I hope to get some guidance that will help me sort things out. I’ve had another sleepless night and I’m so tired of being tired.

Sprinkle1 profile image
Sprinkle1 in reply toSweetmango85

I am a life long sufferer of depression, anxiety, Dr, put me on Prozac, it was wonderful for 10 years, built up a tolerance to it, then onto Zoloft, it was great too for 10 years, then tolerance build up. Then it was onto pill roulette and the games began, had more problems, back in the hospital 3 times. I have a wonderful Dr. she put me on Cymbalta 30 mg, it helped, I read up about it I asked if we could go to 50 mg, she agreed, Jackpot, it took away my depression and anxiety, been on it over a year and a half now, and I have a wonderful therapist who is such a good help. I cannot live without prescriptions, so I try them and see what happens. Sometimes they work, sometimes they do not. Go forward without fear and try med's hopefully they will work for you. I wish you well, talk to us, we offer love and support...

13ga profile image

hi SM; and welcome to HU.

got some good news and bad news for you... but the bad news isn't terrible...

good news:

graves disease is manageable.

mental illnesses - while they are in your head - because that's where the brain is - they are also VERY real. don't let anyone tell you otherwise. the people that don't understand them - and there are WAY too many - are not the people you want to go to for help, advice, empathy, or sympathy. if that's your hope or expectation - you will be sadly disappointed. try not to set yourself up for that kind of failure. i always try to evaluate someone's stance before i get into a serious dicsussion of mental illness.

mental illnesses are treatable. and while drugs can help some people - therapy is one of the best treatments. exercise is also crucial - especially for depression!!! in fact- studies have shown that exercise is at least as effective as using the most commonly prescribed anti-depressants!!! it can be as simple as just going for a walk.

understanding people - there are plenty of those types here. probably far more than you'd ever meet in the outside world.

bad news:

no instant cure. recovering from a mental illness is often a long road, and requires work. while this isn't the answer anyone wants to hear - it's NOT hopeless. just gotta keep on working on it. it's no different than having diabetes. if you have that - you have to take at least 1 shot - every day. you have to work to keep diabetes in control. same for mental illness. it's work you will likely need to practice the rest of your life; unless someone comes up with a miracle pill... but i wouldn't hold my breath for that.

not understood - you can't just talk to anyone about mental illness like you can about graves disease. people that dont understand it - likely will never understand it. many of these people are actually suffering from a lack of empathy - and probably aren't people you would want to associate with anyway! (so that could be good news - because you'll know who NOT to hang out with! :) )

more good news - the bad news i just mentioned - isn't that bad. you have to manage your mental illness just like you must already manage your graves. everyday. 1 day at a time.

Sweetmango85 profile image
Sweetmango85 in reply to13ga

Thank you for your reply. You made a lot of points that I will consider. Just feeling really stuck right now.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply toSweetmango85

hi SM; your welcome...

i know all too well the feeling of being stuck. i'm there too - right now!

i'm feeling paralyzed, and un-motivated. i find it difficult, if not impossible to do things that i truly like doing! so you're not alone.

but i also know that mental illness is treatable. i know there's hope. so i'm trying to do all the right things. i started participating in this forum. i started participating in video support groups. i started volunteering at an animal shelter. i talk to a therapist. ALL of these things have helped me.

i know that with help, you can get past this too. there's hope for you also.

Sweetmango85 profile image
Sweetmango85 in reply to13ga

You’ve literally just summed up so much of what I’m feeling. I’m normally a really motivated, goal oriented person and despite knowing I have things I need to accomplish I just can’t get anything done. Limited sleep is also playing a factor in this.

I just started long overdue therapy. Music, reading, movies and podcasts use to offer relief but I haven’t been able to go back to them . I’m trying to motivate myself to try different methods but it’s easier said than done.

Would you be interested in direct messaging. I could use a sounding board occasionally.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply toSweetmango85

heh - yep - i've done some audiobooks, LOVE music; finding it really hard to read a book these days; done some podcasts too. found some exceptional - and yet... i'm still not moving...

sleep deprivation is def. a problem - which contributes to all other problems... that's another thing i've really tried to accommodate - so i try my best to get at least 7 hrs a night... which can be challenging on some nights! seems everything is easier said that done... and the doing is harder than ever before - simply because a lot of the 'doing' has been made far more difficult by others! (try placing a simple order online - too many sites make it far harder than it needs to be - so i rarely order anything anymore... that's hardly a good solution! :-} )

i'm always open to DM/PM... please feel free anytime!

Sprinkle1 profile image
Sprinkle1 in reply to13ga

Hello, just came across you reply 13ga, it is Great, you bring up many points to consider, I hope Sweetmango85 read them and took them to heart. As I have told her I was on Zoloft for 10 years, they were good years, until I built up a tolerance. When my Dr. first put me on Prozac then told me, I would take my med's every day if I were diabetic or had heart disease, this was no different I needed them, I loved them for 10 years til tolerance set in!!! My body needs the help I get from antidepressants so I gladly take them, even though I do not like taking pills, I accept the fact that I need them. Hope to see you on line again. Sending thanks, love and Big ooo

13ga profile image
13ga in reply toSprinkle1

hi sprinkle!

nice to see you again...

TY so much for your reply... i really appreciate it; and the timing couldn't have been better...

i've been in a darker place than usual of late... and i tend to withdraw more, so i haven't been as outgoing...

i'm barely keeping up with just a few PM's; let alone much postings...

i'm trying to pull out; but ... let's just say darker voices are making it difficult.

your thanks, love and big hugs, could not have come at a better time!!! your reply was truly one of the bright spots of my day!!!

i thank you profusly, and sooo appreciatively return them in kind!!

xxxxxxxoooooooo 💜💜💜💜

Sprinkle1 profile image
Sprinkle1 in reply to13ga

I am So glad if I could be of help to you, I hope you are winning your battle, do you take any med's? Do you have a therapist? I function because I need med's, and even though I am on a pretty good road, I still talk with a wonderful therapist who helps me when I am down, we laugh when I am up. Do not give up on yourself, love yourself, treat yourself with respect, believe in yourself you a a special person with your own set of gifts and talents. I love you and send you, love, peace and more big hugs.....xxxxxxxx oooooooo

13ga profile image
13ga in reply toSprinkle1

tx again so much, sprinkle!

i'm trying... i';m not on meds at the moment; but i do have a therapist, and participate in video group support online...

my problem w/ meds - is that they moderate emotions, so that you can function. but emotional volatility isn't my problem. i need a drug that actually treats depression directly, or increases motivation. and unfortunately, no drug exists that does either of those.

i don't know why "anti-depressive" drugs - really only treat emotional mitigation - and NOT depression. these drugs SHOULD BE called - anti-emotional-swing drugs!!!!

so that's just 1 more thing i can be pissed about... which i'm sure is just another symptom of my mood i haven't been able to do much about.


i really appreciate your love and support!!! TYVM 💜💜💜

Sprinkle1 profile image

Hello again, I had terrible insomnia, 2/3 hours of sleep, felt like I was going mad, talked w/Dr. put me on Trazadone it really works, I took 100 mg at night, it put me to sleep, had some wild and colorful dreams in the beginning, they eventually calmed down and I sleep normal, took that for about 2 years, recently I cut it back to 50 mg, I am getting the good sleep. I also use Melatonin 5 mg if I run into a problem, it works good and it is not a drug, our body's make it. Sleeping 8/9 hours is recommended for those with depression/anxiety, sometimes I sleep 10 hours. At this time I a functioning as I want to. Keep being good to yourself, love yourself, do not criticize yourself, respect yourself, know you will get well. Believe in yourself, write in a journal that always helps me. Write to 13ga seems like you can help each other, others here will attempt to help you, You are Not alone, we offer support, love and Big ooo

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