Will I ever feel normal again - Anxiety and Depre...

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Will I ever feel normal again

ADA2021 profile image
15 Replies

I was on Mirtazapine last year for 8 months. I successfully weaned off and was great until week 5. Then it all came crashing down. The anxiety and depression was bad again. My doctor wanted to try Lexapro, I only lasted two days. I was in bed with severe nausea. So I then was prescribed Buspar which I tried for a week but it didn’t even touch my anxiety. I requested to go back on Mirtazapine because it worked for me in the past. I started back at 15mgs every night. I just don’t feel like it’s working as good as it did the first time. Has anyone else tried the same antidepressant more than once and it not work the second time? I just want to feel like old self again and enjoy life but anxiety/depression pulls you back. So frustrated!!!!

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ADA2021 profile image
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15 Replies
ADA2021 profile image

Thank you for sharing!!!

hypercat54 profile image

Hi it's worth remembering that meds take up to 6 weeks to fully kick in and unless the side effects are bad it's worth persevering for that long if you can.

The golden rule to avoid coming off them too soon is to feel better for at least 6 months whilst on them then wean off very slowly to avoid brain zaps etc. I have heard of meds not helping as much the second time round but you need to give them the full 6 weeks before making any decisions.

They might need a tweak or to try another one instead.

ADA2021 profile image
ADA2021 in reply to hypercat54

Thanks for the input, I hope this medicine works as good as it did the first time. We started this particular one because when my anxiety/ depression hit last year ( which I have never had in my life and I’m 48 years old) I didn’t know or understand why this was happening to me and I completely lost my appetite on top of the anxiety. Food would literally gag me. I lost almost 40 pounds. And Mirtazapine was the only thing that gave me my appetite back and took away the anxiety. Hopefully it just needs time to get back into my system being that it’s only been a few days back on it. From being off for about 6 weeks.

Cb1963 profile image

I'm on mirtrazapine, but I take this medication for nerve damage, but this medication also prescribed as a mild sedative I believe, and works in different ways for many people, you could also ask your doctor to increase your dose if you feel they aren't working any more, because you can get used to them over a period of time, and I'm on 45mg,and I have little problems with this dose,they are a really useful if you have no adverse effects, and I find I would be crawling the walls because of my sleep patterns without them,I sometimes feel when people say they are taking tablets for depression it can paint a picture that can often take them into a different world, and these tablets are used for many other things, its so difficult trying to get a balance between the mind and the body, I'm up until stupid o clock sometimes because of ailments, and wishing a tablet could cure my nerve damage, and then I think am I normal thinking this,but I know that's there's no tablet to stop this,it's a vicious circle, and then my mind goes onto something else, boy, what a crazy head I have, but in a good way,anyway, let's hope you can get your problems sorted out, and of course I hope my little bit of information about mirtrazapine has helped, I wish you well in the future, best wishes.

Amayla profile image

I have the same situation I was on pexeva and it was great for a few years and then I decided I didn’t need it anymore and went off for seven months. Little by little my symptoms came back and now I’m on same drug again and not working this time. I am so frustrated and so full of anxiety so I know the feeling :-)

ADA2021 profile image
ADA2021 in reply to Amayla

Thanks Amayla for responding. I just wish it would work the same as it did last time. I don’t want to have to start trying different meds because some of the side effects are so awful. The anxiety hits so bad that it makes me depressed and it diminishes my appetite to zero!!!!. That is one of the scariest things to me when I can’t even force myself to eat. I just want to feel normal again whatever that is???Hang in there.

Lizziedee profile image

Hi ADA, I can totally relate!! I’m coming off Mirtazapine at the moment. I was on it about the same amount of time as you, it worked great for first few weeks and I sleep great with it but every couple of months my anxiety has come back severely. I am now down to 15mg and start a new medication next week.I was prescribed quitiapine for the constant catastrophic thoughts which has really helped. I never suffered depression until recently as my anxiety was so bad. I feel so low ive no energy or motivation, know you are never alone 😊

ADA2021 profile image
ADA2021 in reply to Lizziedee

Hey Lizziedee, it’s so true I never suffered depression or anxiety in my life until last year. It’s exhausting. It’s hard to function and work . The minute my eyes open my brain starts.., with all kinds of thoughts—“how will I feel today” , “will I be hungry today and be able to eat “ , “how bad will the anxiety be “... and so on. I try to breath, I try to talk myself out it but the thoughts don’t always go away. Are you staying on the Mirtazapine with the Quitiapine? Hope it works for you and you feel better!

Lizziedee profile image
Lizziedee in reply to ADA2021

It’s mentally and physically draining, no I’m coming off the mirtazapine next week and starting a new medication. I’m not sure if I’m staying on the quitiapine I would rather be on as little meds as possible but I need to see how I am. Has there been any major changes in your life that could have caused the anxiety to come back? I keep a diary which helps to identify my triggers. How long have you been back on the mirtazapine?

ADA2021 profile image
ADA2021 in reply to Lizziedee

So let me backtrack to how this all started. I work in the medical field. Last March I lost my sense of smell and taste for 10 days it came back and I was fine for about a week then I was plagued with a sinus infection, then an ear infection and then severe GI symptoms ( NO appetite, nausea, diarrhea that lasted almost 15 weeks) lost 40 pounds, during that time they would never test me for Covid because I never had a fever . However I had Covid antibodies test ran last May 2020 and low and behold I had positive antibodies which would indicate that I had Covid. I then started to wake up immediately anxious, heart pounding and could not sleep and still no appetite. Through that I saw every speciality under the sun trying to figure out why I could not eat. All test came back normal and all doctors would say it’s residuals from Covid. I then decided to see a psychiatrist who listened and recommended Mirtazapine. It worked wonders and I felt somewhat normal then normal. It gave me my appetite back . I stayed on it for 8 months and decided I felt good so I weaned off and stayed off for 5 weeks then BAM!!!!Anxiety at an all time high again , no appetite, and depressed. With that being said I had no triggers. I have a good life, a good job that I’ve been with almost 20 years. So no clue why this happened again. We then tried Lexapro and I have severe nausea so we stopped and tried Buspar which did nothing so now back on Mirtazapine and this is only day 4 of being back on it. I’m hoping it just needs more time to get back in my system . It is helping some but not like it did the first time. And this time I have I think what they call burning mouth syndrome which I researched stress and anxiety can cause🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. I just want to feel happy and normal.

Lizziedee profile image
Lizziedee in reply to ADA2021

When we are so anxious a day can feel like a year, I noticed the mirtazapine worked early on for me but this would only last a month or 2. I’m the same I have a good life and a great support network. We are all dealing with the pandemic which will play a part in the anxiety. We become so impatient and want/need to feel better like yesterday!! It will take some time for the mirtazapine to start working, but don’t be disheartened 4 days isn’t long although it feels like it just now. I was so upset when I had to come down my dosage it’s the thought of starting a new medication. I really hope you start to see and feel a difference really soon.

ADA2021 profile image
ADA2021 in reply to Lizziedee

I wish you the best also, and hope the new medicine works well for you with no side effects!!! Take care

Lizziedee profile image
Lizziedee in reply to ADA2021

Thank you, please keep us updated on how you are doing.

DodgeDhanda profile image

Define "normal" , ur meds don't define you , nor does the fact that others around you don't have the scope to just accept you as ur normal self.

Meds, they help us & its the only way doctors feel they can help us help them to diagnose what they truly don't know. What you need to do as do we all myself included is to pay attention to our brains & minds as well as our soul too. If something isn't right our minds & soul will set off alarm bells & we need to trust ourselves more . To the Normies we are broken & like many broken items these days we're thrown out with the trash. We didn't ask for our brain to rewire itself to make dark things like moods or self hate be our normal either . We are wired different & we are better than those who are wired " normal" .... We learn to adapt, to hide our true selves & we choose not to speak for being mocked. Where medication helps slow ur brain down a light dose is perfect for us as it allows us to think fast but calmly. Meds should only help calm you & never try to fix you either , only us & our brain can fix us by accepting who we are & adapting to our changing surroundings.

Its a constant battle that we fight until the end of time but our souls will always be the true us & its that true self we need to find & change if we choose or not if we choose not to. HOWEVER we need to accept us for who we are & then learn to change ourselves into the person we want. Throughout my life people have said I'm crazy & once I accept it I would say yes I am but that's my normal . Which it is cuz luckily I'm funny crazy & hide in humour.

In short learn exactly who you are & then change things or not but learn to accept the cards you've been dealt & put ur care & needs before anyone else's!!!! WHY CUZ UR BUDDIES WILL BE EX BUDDIES IS WHY.

FearIsALiar profile image

Trying out meds can be frustrating but patience is key! Give the meds time to work. You will be okay again!!

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